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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/06/2021 PUBLIC HEARING July 6, 2021 Present: Jeanne McQueeney Chairman Pro-Tern Chandler-Henry Commissioner Kelley Collier Chief Operations Officer Brian Treu County Attorney Beth Oliver Deputy County Attorney Holly Strablizky Assistant County Attorney Kathy Scriver Deputy Clerk to the Board Absent: Matt Scherr Chairman This being a scheduled Public Hearing,the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: Chairman Pro-Tern McQueeney stated that Chairman Scherr was at the Governor's mansion viewing a bill signing related to climate which was a priority area for the county. Commissioner Updates Commissioner Chandler-Henry reminded everyone that the Eagle County Fair&Rodeo kicked off July 21st. There were some 4-H activities happening before then, including the 4-H fashion review and livestock shows. There was still time to enter any of the open class divisions. The schedule could be found online at Chairman Pro-Tern McQueeney spoke about the celebration last week for the staff of Eagle County to put a cap on COVID. The county has emerged from COVID and although there was a COVID variance still out there,the county was at a 76%vaccination rate. She encouraged people to look forward with some optimism. County Manager Updates Kelley Collier stated that last Friday the county received news from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health that the Public Health and Environment team had received a two year grant for$3 million dollars. They were the only government in the state of Colorado to receive the award. She also mentioned the Eagle County Road and Bridge team. Every time I-70 closed through Glenwood Canyon,the team went up to Cottonwood Pass to man both sides of the pass as well as flagging on Blue Hill. The team worked tirelessly throughout the holiday weekend. Consent Agenda 1. First Amendment to Agreement Between Eagle County and Walking Mountains Science Center Regarding Climate Action Collaborative Funding John Gitchell, Sustainable Communities 1 07/06/2021 2. CDOT-Eagle County 2021 CRRSAA Subaward Agreement PO#491002621 for ECO Transit Operating Assistance Funding Jared Barnes,ECO Transit Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to approve the Consent Agenda for July 6,2021, as presented. Chairman Pro-Tem McQueeney seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners the vote was declared unanimous. Constituent Input Chairman Pro-Tern McQueeney opened constituent input. Joanne Rock spoke about the housing crisis and stated that she was currently doing some heavy analysis of suggestions to be presented to the board related to the housing issues. There were some good ideas and some ideas that needed further analysis. She had some ideas about resources and how money could be leveraged. Chairman Pro-Tern McQueeney closed constituent Input. Business Items 1. Resolution 2021-038 Appointing 2021 CBOE Hearing Officers Christina Hooper,Attorney's Office Executive Summary: The County Board of Equalization will begin assessment appeal hearings in early July, and will end by August 5. Eagle County hires independent referees to sit in on hearings on the BoCC's behalf. The 2021 hearing officers are: Mark Bergman, Willem van der Hoeven,Jeb Marsh and Paul Wible. Rhea Silverkorn, Eagle County Executive Coordinator, stated that the county was moving into the appeal hearing phase, and as such the resolution appointed the hearing officers for the 2021 year. Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to approve the resolution appointing 2021 CBOS Hearings Officers Chairman Pro-Tern McQueeney seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners,the vote was declared unanimous. 2. Resolution 2021-039 Mental Health Advisory Committee Appointments Resolution Heath Harmon,Public Health&Environment Executive Summary: Extending appointments for three Mental Health Advisory Committee members for another 3-year term. Heath Harmon, Eagle County Public Health & Environment Director, explained the purpose of the committee. The group met quarterly to provide strategic direction and help make recommendations in terms of how revenues would be used to support the behavioral health needs of the community. He commended Kim Goodrich for her work to help organize this advisory committee. Currently, everyone on the committee wanted to continue. 2 07/06/2021 Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to approve the resolution appointing the Mental Health Advisory Committee. Chairman Pro-Tem McQuceney seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners,the vote was declared unanimous. Work Session - Eagle County Room 1. Presentation of the 2020 Eagle County Audit Planning File - Eagle County Room 1. Crown Mountain Park Restrooms, LR-9155-2021 • Michael Sylvester, Planning Description: This application is for the design review of a combined restroom/shade structure in Crown Mountain Park. The applicant is Crown Mountain Park and Recreation District, and the PUD Guide for Crown Mountain Park requires that the applicant receive approval from the County through a design review process,prior to the issuance of any building permits. The proposed structure is a 1,200 sqft restroom/shade structure,to be constructed out of steel shipping containers, and located in the northwest section of the park. Michael Sylvester,Eagle County Staff Planner,presented the file. The Crown Mountain Park PUD guide required that the applicant obtain final design review approval from the BoCC prior to receiving a building permit from the county. The park was 124 acres of open space,trails, and recreational facilities located in El Jebel. The property was owned by the county and operated and maintained by Crown Mountain Park&Recreation District. The restroom and shade structure would be 1200 sq. ft, made of three 40 ft. shipping containers welded together. Based on staff's review and analysis of the application against the standards, staff recommended approval. The Roaring Fork Valley Regional Planning Commission considered the application on June 16, 2021 and recommended approval. Ty Ryan, Eagle County Staff Engineer, reviewed the design review standards, site location,access, and parking. Staff determined that the proposal met the standards, and the facility would not require any additional parking. Mr. Sylvester reviewed the standards and indicated that restrooms were a permitted use. The PUD guide required the use of"dark sky"fixtures which was included in the lighting plan. There was no new landscaping proposed. The only referral comments were from the Roaring Fork Fire Rescue Authority related to standard fire code requirements such as the need for fire extengutures, illuminated exit signage, and high visibility addressing. On July 1st,one public comment was received from Doug Crawford of Carbondale who expressed support for the proposed restrooms and acknowledged the need for more trees and shade structures; he believed the structures should be constructed with quality materials. Rebecca Wagner with the Crown Mountain District spoke. She stated that they had seen an increase in park use over the last year and the board pushed for restrooms in this budget cycle. Restrooms, shade, and water fountains were the three top priorities. All four of the proposed restrooms would be ADA accessible and located in an area that was heavily used. The reasons they chose shipping containers was for their durability and the design fit within the current structures. 3 07/06/2021 Commissioner Chandler-Henry asked if the restrooms would be open year round and if they would be insulated. Ms. Wagner stated that the bathrooms would be insulated and could be used year around. Commissioner Chandler-Henry asked if solar was being considered for the future. Ms. Wagner stated that there wasn't a lot of space on the structure for solar panels, but they would be considering it on the property. Chairman McQueeney Pro-Tem wondered why the design review standards would be considered by the board and incorporated into the PUD. Beth Oliver,Deputy Eagle County County Attorney,explained that the board at the time wanted to include a specific process in the PUD guide to ensure that as each of the facilities were constructed,the design would be reviewed and approved by.the Planning Commission and the board. The county owned the property and the Crown Mountain District was only leasing the property, so the county wanted some control over how things were going to look and how they'd be constructed. Chairman Pro-Tern McQueeny opened and closed public comment, as there was none. Commissioner Chandler-Henry believed the proposal met the standards and concurred with staff's findings. Chairman Pro-Tern McQueeney concurred with Commissioner Chanler-Henry's comments. Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to approve File No. LR-00-11-2020, incorporating staff's findings, because the application met the standards for approval of a site specific plan review under PUD Guide. Chairman Pro-Tem McQueeney seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. 2. Cordillera Valley Club Planned Unit Development Final Plat PDF-9123 Tez Hawkins,Planning Description: Wind Rose Properties requests approval of the Cordillera Valley Club Planned Unit Development Filing No. 10 Final Plat. The Final Plat allows for the development of nine single-family lots on PUD Tract R, also known as the Clubhouse Tract. The Clubhouse Tract is located at 101 Legends Drive. The total development area is 7.463 acres and subdivides the Clubhouse Tract from one parcel into 15 parcels including the nine lots proposed for single-family development. Mr. Hawkins,Eagle County Staff Planner,presented the application and the standards for approval. The property was surrounded by single family residential and golf courses. The application was noticed in the newspaper,mailed to adjacent property owners, and a notification sign was noticed on the property. As of July 6, 2021,no public comment had been received. There were seven standards of approval for the PUD Amendment. Mr. Hawkins indicated that the proposal met all of the standards for approval. An"Ability to Serve" letter from the Eagle River Water& Sanitation District had been received. Taylor Ryan, Eagle County Staff Engineer, stated that the driveways met the standards, and the existing roads were adequate. The utility service lines and drainage system also met the standards. Chairman Pro-Tem McQueeney opened and closed public comment, as there was none. Commissioner Chander-Henry moved to approve the proposed Cordillera Valley Club PUD Filing No. 10 Final Plat, Eagle County File NO. PDF-9123-2020. Chairman Pro-Tem McQueeny seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 4 07/06/2021 Commissioner Headshots/Photos - Eagle County Building OE EAGie There being no further busine : l - :a rd,the meeting was adjourned until July 13,2021. t Attest: cb,OR A00 lerk to the Board Chairman 5 07/06/2021