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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/29/2021 PUBLIC HEARING June 29, 2021 Present: Matt Scherr Chairman Jeanne McQueeney Commissioner Chandler-Henry Commissioner Jeff Shroll County Manager Holly Strablizky Assistant County Attorney Kathy Scriver Deputy Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing,the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: Commissioner Updates Commissioner McQueeney gave a shout out to Jesse Masten,Eagle County Solid Waste&Recycling Manager, and his crew for their work on the"Hard to Recycle"event in the Town of Basalt last weekend. Commissioner Chandler-Henry gave a shout out to CDOT for getting I-70 through Glenwood Canyon open after a major mudslide. She also gave a shout out to Eagle County Road&Bridge for flagging on Cottonwood Pass and for providing safe passage for local residents. Chairman Scherr spoke about the upcoming Fourth of July weekend and the Stage 2 fire restrictions. He reminded people that the ground was incredibly dry and asked that everyone obey the restrictions. County Manager Updates Jeff Schroll spoke about the state track meet. There were three new state records set for the team. Hats off to the kids who stuck with the team even after school ended. Consent Agenda 1. Approval of Agreement between Eagle County and Vail Valley Mountain Trails Alliance(VVMTA) Pertaining to the Great Outdoors Colorado(GOCO)Grant for the Trail Conservation Crew Katherine King,Open Space 2. Resolution 2021-035 Authorizing Entering into the GOCO Grant Agreement for the Resilient Communities Grant Katherine King, Open Space 3. Resolution 2021-036 of Approval for Planning File: ZS-9014, Gypsum Creek Marijuana Cultivation TNT Botanicals dba PotZero Tez Hawkins,Planning 1 06/29/2021 4. Contract between Eagle County Public Health and Colorado Department of Public Health&Environment regarding Emergency Preparedness and Response Danielle Magargle/Jackie Hammel,Public Health&Environment 5. Memorandum of Understanding amongst the Colorado Department of Transportation(CDOT), Clear Creek County,Eagle County, and Town of Winter Park for CDOT's Connected Colorado Project Ranya Allen,ECO Transit 6. Resolution 2021-037 Concerning Assessor Generated Abatement and Refund of Taxes-R042881 Rhea Silverkorn,Administration Commissioner McQueeney moved to approve the Consent Agenda for June 29,2021,as presented. Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Constituent Input Chairman Scherr opened constituent input. Joanne Rock,Eagle resident, spoke. She talked about her experience living in the Eagle Villa Apartments. She talked about some of the issues in the apartment complex and suspected illegal activities. Upon some research, she discovered that the ownership had changed and asked that the county look into the issues as the property owner needed to be held accountable for maintaining the property. The property was one of the few affordable housing properties in the area. Chairman Scherr closed constituent input. Business Items 1. Brush Creek Valley Ranch and Open Space 2021 Management Plan Supplement Peter Suneson Executive Summary: Eagle County purchased a 131-acre inholding to the Brush Creek Valley Ranch and Open Space on July 22,2020. The Property protects outstanding wildlife habitat, critical Brush Creek riparian corridor, and the ranching heritage of the Brush Creek Valley while providing opportunities for dispersed recreation. Upon closing,Eagle County granted a conservation easement to Eagle Valley Land Trust(EVLT)to ensure its conservation values are protected in perpetuity. The Property is being incorporated into the management of Brush Creek Valley Ranch and Open Space with this management plan update. Katherine King, Open Space Director and Phillip Kirkman, Open Space Specialist presented. Ms. King reviewed the amendment that would incorporate the Ridgway Property,purchased in July of 2020, into the Brush Creek Valley Ranch management plan. Mr. Kirkman stated that the acquisition cost totaled $2.306 million.. The management plan addressed management issues, goals, future uses, actions, and priorities. The Open Space Committee reviewed the plan. There was also notification in the Vail Daily and comments on the plan could be made via Google form which had been available. The plan considered habitat management, agricultural uses, and public access. Seasonal closures matched the existing wildlife closures at Brush Creek Valley Ranch and Open Space(BCVROS)which were December 1 through June 30. The uses for the cabin, shop, and barn on the properties were yet to be determined. 2 06/29/2021 Ms. King stated that there was still a section of privately owned Ridgway land. Mr. Kirkman stated that it was determined that the community trail would remain on Brush Creek Valley Ranch property and, at this time,would not cross the Ridgway property. Commissioner Chandler-Henry asked if the Ridgeway property would undergo a name change. Ms. King stated that there may be a name change in the future. Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to approve the Brush Creek Valley Ranch and Open Space 2021 Management Plan Supplement. Commissioner McQueeney seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. Planning File - Eagle County Room 1. 89 Elk Track Ct,AFP-9151-2021 Michael Sylvester, Planning Executive Summary: This application is to adjust the building envelope through reductions to the south-east corner and north-west side by a combined 1,254 square feet. Those 1,254 square feet would then primarily be added to the north-east corner of the building envelope, as well as a small 34.55 square foot addition to the east side of the envelope. This adjustment would result in no net change in the square footage of the building envelope. Mr. Sylvester presented the file. Beaver Creek Design Review Board required that written approval from all adjacent property owners within 75 feet of the property be received or a public hearing process was required. The applicant wished to amend the building envelope. The change would not change the square footage of the building envelope. The request was found to be in conformance with all the standards. Stephanie Lord-Johnson,representative for the applicant, spoke. She explained the reason for the amendment was primarily with the grades of the site. In the first 30 ft. of the lot, there was a 32% slope. The objective was to stretch out the building envelope along the contours. She:-stated that the applicant had the application in front of the Beaver Creek Design Review Board(BCDRB)'four times and had responded to comments from previous representatives fob Lot 1 &Lot 6. They had added significant landscaping and were trying very diligently to work with the neighbors; The applicants were still open to working with the adjacent neighbors through the BCDRB process. Commissioner Scherr asked about the plat note recommendation. Holly Strablizky, Assistant Eagle County Attorney, stated that she did not believe a landscaping plan note was appropriate for Eagle County's jurisdiction. Chairman Scherr opened public comment. Kerry Wallace spoke on behalf of the owners of Lots 1 & 6 Elk Track. The amendment would move the building envelope closer to Lots 1 & 6. The concern was that the basis for meeting the criteria under the Eagle County Land Use Regulations was only met by the design. The design could not be approved until there was a building envelope modification. She believed the lot modification should not be approved without the design being set. There were concerns about the potential for changes in the future. She believed it was appropriate to place a condition on the final plat amendment in the event the project wasn't developed in the way it was being proposed. Chairman Scherr closed public comment. Commissioner McQueeney wondered if there was a way to communicate with the BCDRB what was expected of them in terms of upholding their requirements as opposed to implementing plat notes. 3 06/29/2021 Ms. Strablizky stated that the applicant had gone through a number of steps with the BCDRB and had explained that they would comply with the landscape requirements that the BCDRB was requesting of them. As far as requiring compliance with that,the BCDRB would be required to enforce what they had approved. Commissioner Chandler-Henry did not believe a plat note was appropriate. Ms. Strablizky stated that it sounded like the applicant had listened to the neighbors and additional landscaping was occurring. The county did not have a standard that required it. Commissioner McQueeney stated that she believed that the standards had been met. Commissioner Chandler-Henry concurred that the standards had been met and she supported the staff's recommendations. Chairman Scherr stated that he was prepared to vote. Commissioner McQueeney moved to approve the 89 Elk Track Court,Eagle County File No. AFP-9151-2021,because the application met the standards for approval of an amended final plant. Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Work Sessions - Eagle County Room I. Labor Market update 2. Eagle Valley Behavioral Health's Community Mental Health Center Application Update 3. Presentation of Unincorporated Eagle County Broadband Study • s-ro.ofFG i. There being no further busin{, "*4`, •ard,the meeting was adjourned until July 6,2021. 0 c n 2 Attest: _ ii O4,ADO `-�f `//'�� Clerk to the Board Chairman 4 06/29/2021