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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/22/2021 PUBLIC HEARING
June 22, 2021
Present: Matt Scherr Chairman
Jeanne McQueeney Commissioner
Jeff Shroll County Manager
Holly Strablizky Assistant County Attorney
Kathy Scriver Deputy Clerk to the Board
Absent: Kathy Chandler-Henry Commissioner
This being a scheduled Public Hearing,the following items were presented to the Board of County
Commissioners for their consideration:
Chairman Scherr mentioned that Commissioner Chandler-Henry was away representing the county with the
Air Alliance.
Commissioner Updates
Commissioner McQueeney discussed some of the things that happened during the legislative session. She
and Commissioner Scherr would be heading to Denver this week for a retreat with the lobbying team. There were
more than 600 bills introduced. The lobbying team monitored over 90 with an incredible success rate. They
focused their attention in a few priority areas: affordable housing,health insurance,public health, fiscal reform,
transportation,natural resources,wildfire, and COVID relief.
Chairman Scherr stated that there were a lot of bills dealing with wildfire and wildfire mitigation.
Regardless of how much money was spent on mitigation these days, it was hot and dry and there was fire
everywhere. He reminded people to be careful especially as we approach the July Fourth weekend. The county
was currently in Stage One fire ban restrictions.
County Manager Updates
Jeff Shroll stated that he had no updates and would cede his time to Birch Barron for the fire update.
Consent Agenda
1. Contract Between Eagle County Government and Colorado Department of Human Services Office of Early
Childhood-Nurse Program
Danielle Magargle/Shannon Wagner,Public Health
2. 2nd and Final Collateral Release for Public Improvements-Red Bluffs Way(Frost Creek& Salt Creek PUD)
Riche Davies,Engineering
3. Memorandum of Understanding: The State of Colorado Department of Human Services and The Board of
County Commissioners for Colorado Works(CW)program and the Colorado Child Care Assistance Program
Kathleen Lyons,Human Services
4. Resolution 2021-032 Concerning Assessor Generated Petitions for Abatement and Refund of Taxes-R028072
Rhea Silverkorn,Administration
5. Resolution 2021-033 Directing the 2021 Distribution from the Alexander Allen Jr Trust to YouthPower365 for
Rhea Silverkorn,Administration
6. 10 Acre Housing Plan Agreement
Holly Strablizky,Attorney's Office
7.Approval of the Minutes for the Board of County Commissioner Meetings for March 1,March 2, and March 9,
Kathy Scriver, Clerk&Recorder's Office
8. May 2021 Payment Report
Jill Klosterman Finance
Tori Franks,Eagle County Real Estate&Development Manager,reviewed Item 6 which was the 10-acre
housing plan agreement. The agreement was a creative partnership between a developer, the county,the Housing
Authority, and Habitat for Humanity Roaring Fork. The 10-acre property was being divided into 5 lots. The
property owner would be giving the housing authority about$184,000, a payment in-lieu. The Housing Authority
has agreed to hold the funds for up to five years. When Habitat for Humanity Roaring Fork had a project in the
area,the funds would then be available to fill a funding gap for three units priced at 80%AMI or below. The
agreement between 10 Acres Holdings LLX,Habitat for Humanity,and the Eagle County Housing and
Development Authority provided the terms of the housing plan in accordance with the PUD Guide,PUD
Agreement, and Eagle County Land Use Regulations
Commissioner McQueeney moved to approve the Consent Agenda for June 21,2021,as presented.
Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners, the vote was declared
Constituent Input
Chairman Scherr opened and closed constituent input, as there was none.
Sylvan Fire Update
Birch Barron provided an update on the Sylvan fire. The fire started on Sunday afternoon, south of Leed
Reservoir, and was currently at 2,621 acres. He reviewed the current parameters of the fire and fire suppression
efforts. The primary goal was to contain the fire and direct it away from infrastructure and homes. People could
visit for information and resources.
Business Items
1. Early Head Start Quality Improvement Plan Updates
Kendra Kleinschmidt,Human Services
Executive Summary: As previously discussed with the BoCC, the Early Head Start(EHS)program is working
on a Quality Improvement Plan. I will update the Commissioners regarding the status of Quality Improvement
Plan activities,including a second incident of child abuse that took place at a contracted child care center and the
revision of four program policies. I will ask for BoCC approval of these four program policies. I will also provide
an update regarding funds received by the program from the American Rescue Plan Act.
Ms. Kleinschmidt, Eagle County Deputy Director Child,Family&Adult Services,provided an update on
the plan. She provided an overview of the Early Head Start program. The program policies were aligned with the
Head Start Program Performance Standards. These policies were reviewed and approved by the EHS Policy
Council and Eagle County Board of County Commissioners. The program offered two different types of
programs. The first was a home based program that served young children and their families as well as help
pregnant women; visits were made weekly to homes. The second program offered was called"Center Based"
where children in the program received full-time childcare services. They received an annual grant from the
office of Head Start to operate Early Head Start. In 2021,the federal award was roughly$1,000,000. Early Head
Start had received additional federal funding that came from the American Rescue Plan Act; the county received
$111,000. The funding did not require a federal match, and they had until March 2023 to spend it. At this time
they did not have a plan for the funds but the plan would be shared at a point in the future. She spoke about the
quality improvement plan and 10 of the action steps. Ms. Kleinschmidt;also reported on a second incident of
child abuse at contracted child care cener. The incident occurred in Marc of 2021. Before the board were four
policies to be added to the Quality Improvement Plan. They included; monitoring program performance, active
supervision, safety practices, and reporting, .
Commissioner McQueen.n.ey asked about the idea of installing cameras. McQueeney believed there were
many programs in the Denver area that were using similar monitoring for the safety of the children. She believed
there was a way to make this happen.
Commissioner McQueeney moved to approve the Early Head Start Quality Improvement Plan Updates.
Chairman Scherr seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners the vote was unanimous.
2. Resolution 2021-034 Approval of the 2nd Supplemental Budget 2021
Jill Klosterman, Finance
Executive Summary: This is the 2nd supplemental request to the 2021 budget. The public notice will be
completed on June 17th and the request for these additional appropriations will be made in the June 22nd public
Ms. Klosterman, Eagle County Chief Financial Officer, presented the 2nd supplemental to the 2021
adopted budget. She reviewed the list of new positions across county departments,many were temporary
positions. The numbers were close to what they had been in the past. There was an increase in revenue
projections by $3.4 million and expenses by only $3.2 million. Some of the larger requests included requests for
additional legal fees related to work by the County Attorneys' Office, and an additional Attorney position,body
cameras for the Sheriffs Office, and a Wildfire Specialist position. The request also included a vehicle for the
specialist position. She reviewed the other funding requests.
Chairman Scherr asked about the ECO Transit mobile fare equipment.
Ms. Klosterman stated that this was a program that they'd been working on for a while. The goal was to
outfit all the busses at the same time. Ms. Klosterman expected that the county budget would end the year with
$193 million dollars in the fund balance. They had budgeted to have only$171 million in the fund balances
across all funds. During the last budget adjustment, it was unknown how much state and federal grant funds
would be received. These additional federal and state grant funds put the county budget in a better than expected
Commissioner McQueeney asked Ms. Klosterman to review the federal funds and how the money would
be spent.
Ms. Klosterman stated that the American Rescue Plan Act(ARP)was almost$2 trillion dollars. Of that,
$400 billion would go to state and local governments. The county had an allocation that could be used towards
COVID recovery. The county had until the end of 2026 to spend any ARP funds It was proposed that the dollars
would be spent with the guidance of the board based on the board's priorities. The board would be provided a list
of things the money could be used for and decide where to spend the funding.
Commissioner McQueeney moved to approve the resolution approving the 2nd Supplemental Budget
Chairman Scherr seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners, the vote was unanimous.
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There being no further busi s• ,c oard,the meeting was adjourned until July 6,2021.
Attes • 4
lerk to the Board Chairman