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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/15/2021 PUBLIC HEARING June 15, 2021 Present: Matt Scherr Chairman Jeanne McQueeney Commissioner Chandler-Henry Commissioner Jeff Shroll County Manager Beth Oliver Deputy County Attorney Kathy Scriver Deputy Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing,the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: Commissioner Updates Commissioner Chandler-Henry gave a shout out to the Town of Vail for their successful GoPro Mountain Games and the Vail Valley Foundation for their partnership and collaboration with Eagle County to move an uncertain event forward. Commissioner McQueeney highlighted the creation of an Early Childhood Department at the state level. The Early Childhood Leadership Commission was asking for volunteers to be on a transition committee. She encouraged anyone with an interest in Early Childhood to step up and make their voices heard. Chairman Scherr spoke about the Vail Symposium programming. They were continuing virtually. The events were free, however donations were welcome. County Manager Updates Jeff Shroll thanked Commissioner Scherr for participating in the celebration of life for Adam Palmer at the park over the weekend. He also thanked Josh Stowell for his time putting video footage together. Wildfire Forecast & Post-Fire Mitigation Update - Birch Barron Birch Barron reviewed the 120 day Large Fire Potential Outlook. June was expected to be dry and extreme fires were possible. June and July were above high risk. Eagle County was continuing in the drought phase and this contributed to fire fuel. The Sheriff's Office was already having discussions related to fire restrictions. People could go to for information and fire restrictions. He spoke about the post Lake Christine fire debris flows and risk of runoff to the Town of Basalt and El Jebel. Weather alerts were available at in the Roaring Fork Valley. 1 06/15/2021 Consent Agenda 1. Contract between the Colorado Department of Public Health&Environment Division of Environmental Health and Sustainability and Eagle County Public Health and Environment-Task Order Contract Danielle Magargle/Morgan Hill,Public Health&Environment 2. Amendment to the Agreement Between the Colorado Department of Public Health&Environment and Eagle County Public Health and Environment to provide Core Public Health Services Danielle Margarle/Heath Harmon,Public Health&Environment 3. Approval of the Minutes for the Board of County Commissioner Meetings for February 2, February 9, February 16, and February 23,2021 Kathy Scriver, Clerk&Recorder's Office Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to approve the Consent Agenda for June 15,2021, as presented. Commissioner McQueeney seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Constituent Input Chairman Scherr opened and closed constituent input, as there was none. Planning Commission Interviews - Holy Cross Room 1. Catherine Maas RFVRPC(virtual) 2. Claire Noble ECPC (in person) 3. JR Spung RFVRPC (virtual) 4. Karen Barch RFVRPC(virtual) 5. Bob Andre RFVRPC (virtual) 6. Steve Rittvo RFVRPC(virtual) Planning File - Eagle County Room 1. Planning File-PDA-9124-2020 Cordillera Valley Club Planned Unit Development Amendment Tez Hawkins,Planning Executive Summary: The application is for an amendment to the Cordillera Valley Club Planned Unit Development. The purpose of the amendment is to transfer density,within the PUD, from existing residential planning area tracts to the Clubhouse Tract. If approved,the applicant will seek approval for a final plat with the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners to develop nine single-family homes in the Clubhouse Tract. Mr. Hawkin,Eagle County Associate Planner presented the proposal. The applicant was requesting an amendment to the PUD to transfer 18 units of unused density to a planning area designated as Tract RI. Nine units were proposed for development. A pool,pool house, and tennis courts would be demolished. The private 2 06/15/2021 amenities would be reconstructed. The subject property was just over 7.4 acres. The water was provided by the Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority(UERWA)and wastewater facilities were provided by the Eagle River Water& Sanitation District(ERWSD). As of May 25, 2021,no public comment had been received. Fifteen referral agencies received the file, and ERWSD/UERWA provided comments related to future water use within the PUD. The Property Owners Association(POA)was not in support of the amendment until an agreement was finalized for the proposed development of the Clubhouse Tract. The applicant addressed the private agreement,and a letter of support from the POA was included. The Cordillera Valley Club Metro District comments were related to construction phasing of the Clubhouse Tract development,construction parking,future snow removal and security. The Edwards Metro District defaulted its comments to the Cordillera Valley Metro District. The Eagle Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval with new and revised conditions. Mr. Hawkins reviewed the standards and indicated that the proposal met the standard for approval with conditions. Taylor Ryan,Eagle County Staff Engineer, stated that the staff determined since this was an existing development that it was adequately served by fire protection. The driveway access met the applicable standards. He reviewed the improvement standards and indicated that the existing infrastructure addressed most items for the infill development. Irrigation and water for outdoor use was provided from the golf course irrigation. Mr. Hawkins stated that the PUD had all the infrastructure except water and wastewater. The amendment did not increase the number of allowed units. All development was expected to happen in a single phase. There were five recommended conditions of approval by the ECPC and two staff recommended conditions. Rick Hermes, Resort Concepts,reiterated that the proposed homes would be placed on a parcel that was already zoned for single family homes. Commissioner Chandler-Henry stated that her only concern was water. Mr. Ryan believed there had been ongoing discussions between the water district. Mike Henritz with Windrbse Prope`ties,was confident that they would receive an ability-to-serve letter once the PUD Amendment was approved. Chairman Scherr opened public comment. James Myers, adjacent property owner, stated that he had sat on the board and been a club member for 14 years. He was in favor of clubhouse remodel but in opposition to the density,transfer, and approval of the PUD amendment. The development would cause numerous negative impacts on the adjacent community. Since 1972 he'd lived in four Colorado Resort Communities. A large percentage of homes in CVC were second homes and many homes sat vacant. He believed the project was an unnecessary use of energy and natural resources. There was no overwhelming need for these residences to be built. Greg Perkins spoke. He was legal counsel for the Cordillera Valley Club Property Owners. He assured the board that there were numerous community meetings held. There was a lot of public input heard and acted on by the CVC board. Although Mr. Meyers sat on the board,he was speaking as a member of the community and not on behalf of the board. Beth Oliver,Deputy County Attorney stated that with the provision of the letter from the POA consenting to the PUD Amendment,the standard for unified ownership and control had been met. If there were other issues relating to voting requirements, etc. was a private issue between the POA and the individual property owners. Chairman Scherr stated that his understanding was that the density didn't change and wouldn't trigger any housing considerations. Mr. Hawkins confirmed that the comment was correct. Commissioner McQueeney asked about the concerns raised by Mr. Myers related to noise and traffic. She asked about the units being moved and the nine being turned over to the POA. Mr. Hermes stated that the remaining nine units were going to stay on Tract R1A(the Clubhouse Tract). They wanted to put them somewhere just so they were noted. There was no reason for them to be developed in the future. In the past there were units placed in various parcels throughout the development,and as time went on, they weren't accurately tracked. This PUD amendment would correct the existing PUD. Commissioner McQueeney stated that she still wasn't clear on why the units were being moved. 3 06/15/2021 Mr. Hermes explained that they were relocating them in an area that already had a designated use for single family and also had a use for condominiums. They wanted to be consistent. The units were never platted and over time they had a certain amount of density per zone and in some cases used more than they were supposed to. They worked with staff to determine what was remaining and what needed to be corrected. Commissioner Chandler-Henry stated that since this was an existing PUD, the application was a project that was already approved. The only real concern was with the water. She believed the file met the standards. Commissioner McQueeney stated that the application raised concerns for her due to water. The water being used was overused. The seventeen standards had been met and she appreciated the clean up. Chairman Scherr stated that he also had a concern with water but believed the file met the approval standards. Commissioner McQueeney moved to approve the file no. PDA 9124-2020, Cordillera Valley Club Planned Unit Development Amendment with conditions. Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded the approval. The vote was declared unanimous. sot.Off. There being no further busi s oard,the meeting was adjourned until June 22,2021. 0 n c ' 0 2 N. Attest: 0� oQ_ Clerk to the Board Chairman 4 06/15/2021