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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/13/2021 PUBLIC HEARING
April 13, 2021
Present: Matt Scherr Chairman
Jeanne McQueeney Commissioner
Chandler-Henry Commissioner
Jeff Shroll County Manager
Kathy Scriver Deputy Clerk to the Board
This being a scheduled Public Hearing,the following items were presented to the Board of County
Commissioners for their consideration:
Commissioner Updates
Commissioner McQueeney expressed excitement that the Early Childhood Leadership Commission just
made a recommendation that would be picked up by the legislature and championed by the governor to create a
cabinet level new department of Early Childhood. This was a complicated issue and a cumbersome task. In 2022,
there would be money from the Tobacco Tax.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry spoke about the current water situation and drought. The snow water
equivalent was down,there was earlier snow melt, and the rivers had already peaked. There was a big concern
about severe drought this summer. She encouraged people to be careful and conserve water. She also reminded
folks that this weekend was One Book One Valley at the Vail Library, and there would be an opportunity to meet
the author.
Chairman Scherr provided a recap on the Project Runway event. The event was recorded and the 40
minute video was available for viewing at The event was a fundraiser, and people were still able to
County Manager Updates
Jeff Shroll stated that he had no updates.
COVID-19 Update
Birch Barron, Eagle County Emergency Management Director,provided a weekly COVID-19 update. The
disease spread remained high. Last week there were no hospitalizations, and this week there was one. He
recommended continuing social distancing and keeping behaviours moderated. The county was focusing on getting
people vaccinated. At this time, about 45%of the local population had been vaccinated. He explained the pause in
the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. Locally there was still a high level of confidence with the vaccine,and there
were no concerns with those who had already received the vaccine. May 27th was the target date to raise current
mandated limitations.
Consent Agenda
1. Resolution 2021-021 Concerning Assessor Generated Petitions for Abatement and Refund of Taxes -
R067477,R067475,R067474,R067473, R067472,R067470,R077446,R052738
Rhea Silverkorn,Administration
2. Agreement For The Supply Of Magnesium Chloride Between Eagle County Colorado and EnviroTech Services
Nicole Trujillo, Road&Bridge
Commissioner McQueeney moved to approve the Consent Agenda for April 13, 2021, as presented.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Constituent Input
Chairman Scherr opened and closed constituent input, as there was none.
Business Items
1. The Board of County Commissioners will meet as necessary to review and take action on any issues related to
the COV1D-19 Local Disaster Emergency.
Chairman Scherr stated that there were no issues related to COV 1 D to address.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners
and reconvene as the Eagle County Housing and Development Authority.
Commissioner McQueeney seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Eagle County Housing and Development Authority
1.Agreement for Services between Lake Creek Village LLC and Mountain Top Ventures, Inc. d/b/a SHC Nursery
& Landscape Co.
Daniel Murray, Housing
Executive Summary: We are arranging our summer maintenance company and plan to work with the same
company we utilized in 2021. They have experience with our systems and a large enough crew to keep the
grounds clean and growing. We hope to continue to seed and regrow the area and SHC is committed to doing so.
Mr. Murray presented the details of the request.
Commissioner McQueeney moved to approve the agreement for services between Lake Creek Village
LLC and Mountain Top Ventures, Inc. d/b/a SHC Nursery&Landscape Co.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.
2. Agreement for Procurement and Installation Services between Lake Creek Village LLC and Compactor
Express LLC
Daniel Murray,Housing
Executive Summary: In order to fully complete the new recycling and trash centers at Lake Creek Village,we
must order a new compactor system to be installed once the new buildings are constructed. We received three
bids for the project and went with the lowest of the Colorado based companies. The new compactor system will
be energy efficient and utilize the solar panels on the roof.
Mr. Murray stated that they had been working on this since last fall. Once approved the system would be
fully installed in June.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to approve the agreement for procurement and installation
services between Lake Creek Village LLC and Compactor Express LLC.
Commissioner McQueeney seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.
Commissioner McQueeney moved to adjourn from the Eagle County Housing Authority and reconvene
as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.
1. Electric Bus Inaugural Ride
ow Boa
There being no further busin. ' .�,;! �'oard,the meeting was adjourned until April 20, 2021.
Attest. cotoRt°�
Clerk to the Board Chairman