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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/02/2021 PUBLIC HEARING
March 2, 2021
Present: Matt Scherr Chairman
Jeanne McQueeney Commissioner
Chandler-Henry Commissioner
Jeff Shroll County Manager
Beth Oliver Deputy County Attorney
Holly Strablizky Assistant County Attorney
Kathy Scriver Deputy Clerk to the Board
This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were presented to the Board of County
Commissioners for their consideration:
Commissioner Updates
Commissioner Chandler-Henry thanked all the staff and volunteers who were manning the vaccination
clinics. About 1,100 individuals went through the clinic at Battle Mountain High School on Saturday. She also
thanked all of the community members who were showing up cheerful and optimistic.
Commissioner McQueeney gave a shout out to Kelley Collier, Chief Operations Officer,and Morgan Hill,
Environmental Health Manager. for their work on the 5 Star Program.
Chairman Scherr mentioned that the teachers had been doing a remarkable job. Most of the teachers had
received their first dose of the vaccine and would soon be receiving a second dose.
County Manager Updates
Jeff Shroll stated that applications were available for the 5 Star Program and inspections would begin this
week. The county started a new program internally called"Cheers for Peers." County departments are recognized
for their work during the year. The winning department nominates another department for the next award. The first
winner of the award was the Public Health team for their work during the COVID crisis.
COVID-19 Update
Birch Barron presented the weeking COVID-19 update. He gave some disease spread updates and what the
disease level meant to the community. Eagle County was sitting at the top threshold of the"yellow" level. Moving
into the"yellow"was so important to the community. It was important to focus on social interactions in the next
few weeks. He was excited to share that there had been 18,600 vaccines given. The Johnson&Johnson vaccine
would be available this weekend on Saturday and Sunday. The state announced that as of March 1 it would be
moving into phase 1B.3 for vaccinations. He reminded people to visit the county website for phasing and available
vaccine clinics. There was still a lottery, and the priority groups would be pulled first.
Constituent Input
Chairman Scherr opened public comment.
Joanna Kerwin spoke. She expressed concern for a precedent that had been established in Eagle County
regarding only one egress for a bedroom. The Town of Avon and Eagle County approved 18 units to be built
without a window egress for a bedroom. She was concerned that all the developments coming before Eagle County
and local towns would use this as a precedent to gain higher density for their workforce housing and residential
units. She encouraged the board to require that all future developments follow the International Residential Code
regarding bedrooms.
Chairman Scherr closed public comment.
Business Items
1. Resolution 2021-013 Proclaiming One Book One Valley, A Valley-Wide Community Read,2021
Rhea Silverkorn,Administration
Executive Summary: This resolution is in support of One Book One Valley, a community read for all of Eagle
County, to encourage literacy and shared enjoyment of reading throughout the County. The book for 2021 is Lab
Girl by Hope Jahren. It is being put on by the Vail Public Library, Bookworm of Edwards, Colorado Mountain
College, Battle Mountain High School, Eagle Valley High School, & Vail Mountain School. Lori Barnes from the
Vail Public Library will present this resolution. The One Book One Valley initiative will encourage literacy and
shared enjoyment of reading throughout Eagle County.
Lori Barnes with the Library District spoke about One Book One Valley and "Lab Girl"the latest book
selected for the 2012 community read.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to approve the resolution proclaiming One Book One Valley,A
Valley-Wide Community Read, 2021.
Chairman Scherr seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.
2. The Board of County Commissioners will meet as necessary to review and take action on any issues related to
the COVID-19 Local Disaster Emergency.
Chairman Scherr stated that there was nothing to review or take action on related to COVID-19.
Work Session - Eagle County Room
1. Mental Health Funds and ECPHE Mental Health Programs
Planning File - Eagle County Room
1. Edwards RiverPark-Combined Sketch/Preliminary Plan for PUD, Zone Change, and 1041 Permit-File Nos.
Morgan Landers, Planning
DESCRIPTION: Application for a Consolidated Sketch/Preliminary Plan for a mixed-use PUD, to include
approximately 540 residential units(100 of which are currently proposed as deed restricted workforce housing)
and 56,500 square feet of commercial uses. This application includes single-family and multi-family residential,
deed restricted workforce housing,hotel, conference and retail uses, active and passive recreation, and open space
areas. Also included is a Zone Change application to rezone the Subject Parcel from Resource to PUD and a 1041
permit application for the extension of water and sewer services. The application is subject to change throughout
the review process.
Morgan Landers stated that the board was meeting for a continuation of the Edwards RiverPark
application, noting that this was the 7th hearing on the file. The last hearing was devoted to public comment
which was still open and would remain open until the board made their final decision. The applicant would be
making a presentation about additional proposed revisions to the project, and then staff was proposing to table the
application until March 9 to allow for additional public comment on the new information.
Dominic Mauriello presented a powerpoint presentation and commented on the public input. He believed
it was disappointing to receive the negativity and personal attacks they'd received during the process. He
appreciated those who had shown a level of professionalism. Following public comments,the applicant wanted
to make some additional changes to the application. Some of the concerns heard related to the amount of
commercial floor area, the amount of meeting room space, and the degree of workforce housing. The applicant
proposed a reduction in the commercial floor area from 36,500 sq. ft. to 29,000 sq. ft., about a 20%reduction.
The applicant was proposing to reduce the meeting space from 20,000 sq. ft. to 12,000 sq. ft., about a 40%
reduction. The current housing plan was one of the most aggressive and significant housing plans for a private
sector project. The project's proposed price capped units exceeded the housing guidelines adopted in 2020. The
applicant was offering language in the PUD Guide to entertain additional deed restrictions in the future. There
had been a lot of comments related to the amphitheater. Many supported the amenity, and others opposed it. The
applicant believed the amphitheater provided a huge amenity to the Edwards community, however,they were
open to eliminating it if it moved the needle for people on this project. The PUD always anticipated childcare as
a potential use and believed it was appropriate to have onsite for homeowners in the development. They added
language to the PUD Guide reinforcing their commitment to the childcare space, however,the space would not
likely be available for five years.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry asked about the commercial and meeting space that was being reduced
and if it made the hotel smaller or if it turned the structure into something else.
Mr. Mauriello stated that they were taking that square footage_out of the project.
Commissioner McQueeney asked about the amphitheater and4fait was a true public benefit or a money
making part of the hotel. She wondered who would operate the amphittiOter and if locals would be able to use it
at a reduced rate.
Mr. Mauriello stated that the space would provide a venue for the public to enjoy. It would be a place to
host events and farmers m4rkets., It t;oulgprobably be run by the Metro District or HOA.
Chairman Scherr requested from the applicant an updated list of public benefits.
Commissioner McQueeney stated that she did not consider childcare as a public benefit unless they were
working with a childcare program.
Mr. Mauriello believed there was still time to discuss childcare, design a space and discuss what the rates
might be. It was difficult to figure it out now when there was just a conceptual plan.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry asked Mr. Mauriello whether the amphitheater would be funded by the
HOA fees or Metro District.
Mr. Mauriello stated that it was part of the infrastructure of the project and would be largely funded by
the Metro District. Over time it would be turned over to the HOA.
Chairman Schen asked about the classification of the hotel rooms and if the square footage was included
in the total square footage.
Mr. Mauriello stated he believed the total square footage did not include the hotel rooms. He would
follow up with the information.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry believed it was helpful to have options for future deed restricted units.
Commissioner McQueeney requested a review of the conditions related to traffic studies being done at
different phases of development.
Nicole Mosby,Eagle County Staff Engineer, stated that the applicant would have a subdivision
improvements agreement and would need to receive CDOT access permits to build the main infrastructure. The
way the condition read was that the development application would not be approved for ground breaking unless
the traffic study showed it was under the proposed threshold.
Mr. Mauriello believed the studies wouldn't be a real issue until they got to the last 25%of the build out
of the project. As studies were performed, there would be a better understanding of the traffic reports and
whether they were accurate or not. It could mean scaling back the development in the later phases or additional
road improvements on Highway 6 to account for any changes in traffic. This would not affect the first phases in
the development such as the infrastructure, roads, wetland buffers,park space, or workforce housing.
Ms. Landers stated it would be helpful to know when the board may want to start on deliberations. She
anticipated at least two hours of public comment next week.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry suggested beginning deliberations on March 23rd.
Chairman Scher asked Beth Oliver, Eagle County Attorney, if public comment would be limited to the
Ms. Oliver stated that she didn't believe public comment needed to be limited to just the changes. Staff
just wanted to make sure there was an opportunity for the public to weigh in on the changes and give the public
time to comment.
Commissioner McQueeney moved to table the file no PDSP-9050to March 9, 2021 meeting of the Board
of County Commissioners.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
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There being no further busine• . •: .- ,rd,the meeting was adjourned until March 9,2021. .
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Clerk to the Board Chairman