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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/01/2021 PUBLIC HEARING
March 1, 2021
Present: Matt Scherr Chairman
Jeanne McQueeney Commissioner
Chandler-Henry Commissioner
Beth Oliver Deputy County Attorney
Holly Strablizky Assistant County Attorney
Kathy Scriver Deputy Clerk to the Board
This being a scheduled Public Hearing,the following items were presented to the Board of County
Commissioners for their consideration:
Executive Session - Holy Cross
1. Legal advice concerning ZS-9014 TNT Botanicals, Gypsum Creek Marijuana Cultivation- Holly Strablizky
Planning File - Eagle County Room
1. Planning File: ZS-9014, Gypsum Creek Marijuana Cultivation/TNT Botanicals
Tez,Hawkins, Planning
Executive Summary:
The Applicant seeks approval for a Special Use Permit to allow for the expansion of an existing outdoor marijuana
cultivation facility from 2 acres to 40 acres. The expansion also includes adding a 5,000 sqft. Marijuana infused
product(MIP) extraction facility, a 3,500 MIP storage structure, two barn structures, and thirty shipping containers
to the property. To view and download all staff reports and attachments in addition to application materials.
Commissioner McQueeney thanked the applicant for the invitation to visit the site. She missed the site
visit because she was in quarantine due to exposure. She had visited the site on other occasions and understood
the orientation of where the file was located.
Tez Hawkins,Eagle County Staff Planner, stated that there had been discussions with the Gypsum Fire
Protection District(GFPD)regarding fire protection.
Justin Kirkland, Gypsum Fire Chief, spoke. He stated that he'd been working on the project for a couple
of years now. There were three components they considered based on the adopted fire code: access for
responders,water, and suppression systems. The challenge was the ruralness and the access to the upper bench.
There was some water on the lower bench,but code required that the water be within 500 ft. Access to the upper
bench of the property was challenging due to the width of the road and curves. Because it was a marijuana
grow/processing facility, it required a fire suppression system with sprinklers. In addition if the facility was
declared an F1 occupancy, it would have to have suppression. Without building plans,it was difficult to
understand what exactly was needed. There were a lot of variance needs based on all three components. But
until the applicant could provide actual building plans, it was difficult to move forward.
Taylor Ryan,Eagle County Staff Engineer, concurred with Chief Kirkland's overview. He believed the
variances needed could impact the roadway standards as well.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry asked Chief Kirkland if the current status was that the GFPD was waiting
for information from the applicant on the building plans and any approval for any variances to the fire
suppression systems.
Chief Kirkland stated that if there were going to be buildings and/or structures proposed,more
information would be required. They weren't as concerned about the agriculture part.
Mr. Hawkins reviewed the final report by Colorado Code Consulting that identified the existing and
proposed buildings as F 1 s(industrial buildings)and the operations as low hazard. With regards to access,the
report discussed the bridge located internally on the property and that it must be maintained to support the loads
of a fire truck,have adequate width, and have a turnaround. The report had concerns with the foundation of the
shipping containers related to moisture,drainage, and solid support. High winds were also a concern at the high
elevation,requiring tie downs. The Eagle County Building Resolution adopted in 2016 required that industrial
buildings have plumbing fixtures,bathrooms,portable water, and an onsite wastewater treatment system or a
public wastewater treatment system.
Vance Gabossi,Eagle County Building Official, stated that in July of 2016 the resolution was adopted.
He reviewed the electrical issue that had come up. He requested that corrections be made for the safety of the job
Commissioner Chandler-Henry asked about the pellet stove on the upper bench and whether it had been
Mr. Gabossi stated that the pellet stove had not been permitted.
Chris Green with Ago Studios stated that he wanted to focus on Chief Kirklands comments to the GFPD
reviewing all the issues in relation to a building permit application. Since the applicant hadn't been approved for
the special use,they hadn't designed the buildings on the upper bench.
Commissioner McQueeney wondered why the board would consider a special use permit when the
current permit was out of compliance.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry stated that it was not unusual for the board to help an applicant come into
conformity through a special use permit renewal or new special use permit process,but she was not seeing any
movement by the applicant to come into conformance with any of the non-conforming items from the first special
use permit. The applicant had, in fact, stated that they did not agree with six of the nine conditions. At this time,
the application was not one that could be approved.
Commissioner McQueeney agreed with Commissioner Chandler-Henry's comments, and at this time, she
was not in favor of approving this application without the nine conditions being met.
Chairman Scherr stated that he'd only be comfortable approving the file with all the conditions
recommended by staff. The other option would be to deny the file.
Holly Strablizky,Assistant County Attorney, spoke. She reminded the board that there may be public
comment before they moved forward into deliberations.
Morgan Beryl, Eagle County Community Development Director, stated that when staff found out that the
existing special use permit was not being complied with appropriately,they had a few meetings with the applicant
to discuss the issues. One of the concerns that the applicant had at that time was a major loss of crop. In order
for them to come into compliance immediately, it would have required them to remove the shipping containers
and other unpermitted improvements that they had made. Staff was sensitive to the idea of them losing their main
revenue stream. It was at that time that an updated special use permit was suggested;the definitions of industrial
and processing were discussed and a code consultant was brought on to ensure that the building resolution was
appropriate. If the special use permit was denied at this time,the county would be required to engage in
enforcement actions,requiring removal of many of the structures.
Commissioner McQueeney asked about the ramifications of a denial.
Ms. Strablizky stated that if there was a denial the applicant would not be able to reapply for one year.
She believed another option would be to table the file for more information, at the applicant's request.
Commissioner McQueeney asked Chief Kirkland about the life-safety issues. She believed this was a
good crop but had concerns around safety and the people working in the buildings.
Chief Kirkland stated that the challenge came when there were structures requiring a different strategy.
The area was a canyon area where fires could grow quickly.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry wondered if it was possible to bring the operation into compliance.
Chris Green stated that the applicant was committed to and prepared to engineer onsite waste treatment
systems. They had potable water and the rights to it. There were multiple options on the lower bench. What was
sited in the application was buying water rights to offset water use for potable water on the lower bench. The
operational nature of this business was incredibly dynamic.
Commissioner McQueemey questioned what it would take to come into compliance on the first special
use permit and if it could happen in a timely fashion.
Mr. Green stated that on behalf of the applicant,they had done some electrical work,work on egress, and
were working to address the issues with the containers and wind. The 90-day requirement was hard to do in light
of where they were with the existing buildings and trying to come up with an alternative to the fire sprinkler
Ms. Strablizky reminded the board that the special use permit was being considered. She expressed
concern that the board was focusing on the compliance issues.
Commissioner McQueeney expressed concern that the applicant was requesting that most of the 10
proposed conditions be removed. She wasn't confident they would follow through without the conditions when
they were already out of compliance on the first permit.
Ms. Beryl stated that if the county were to launch their enforcement action, all of the structures would
need to be removed and the pole barn use would need to change. The reason they were working with the
applicant to fix the issues through the special use permit was because their operation necessitated the changes.
Staff worked with the applicant to develop the conditions,and the 90-day requirement for building permits was
reasonable as the applicant had a significant amount of time to work through many of the issues over the past
many months.
Sarah Baker, attorney for the applicant, spoke. She stated that the applicant had addressed many of the
issues. She would prefer to see many of the conditions deleted as they were conditions that attempted to enforce
rules that other agencies oversee. The suggestion in deleting them was more about having one jurisdiction as the
authority and not a question of whether or not they were compiling. If the board was struggling with that,then
they would accept them if it came down to approval and denial. Condition number 9(nine)was dependent on the
building permit and the applicant was unable to get the permit until they got through this process. The 90 days
was simply something they couldn't comply with, and extension request was likely. The applicant was bumping
up against timing and would like the ability to expand the cultivation operation up to 10 acres this spring. They
don't know how long it's going to take to work through the fire suppression issues. The applicant was doing their
best to come into compliance.
Commissioner McQueeney reviewed the conditions and asked Ms. Baker about Conditions 1 (one) and
Ms. Baker stated that Condition 1 (one)brought the county into a design review function and was
Commissioner McQueeney believed the condition achieved the standard of compatibility. She asked that
staff weigh in.
Ms. Strablizky stated that Condition 1 (one)addressed a voluntary representation in the application. The
applicant mentioned in the application that they would build the lower bench buildings in line with the rural
character of the neighborhood. As a result, staff put a condition of approval that addressed that voluntary
representation. She believed that the design characteristics were straightforward. She did not agree with the dual
master argument. In order to meet the county's standards found in section 5-250,the requirements needed to be
met, and if they were not in compliance with the standards, there needed to be a way to identify the
Ms. Beryl stated that Condition 1 (one) insured conformance with the comprehensive plan.
Ms. Baker stated that Condition 10 (ten)was a condition requested by the applicant to address a
secondary road that was not previously included. The applicant had no issues with that one.
Commissioner McQueeney asked staff to talk about the intention of the 90 days. She was comfortable
with the language in the condition because when she read it,there was some flexibility.
Ms. Beryl stated that they had worked with the applicant over an extended period of time. Staff had the
ability to accept building permits while there was still a special use permit in process,however,there was some
risk to the applicant if the permit was not approved. Staff would accept the building permit applications and
review them,withholding approval until the special use permit was approved. Staff felt that the 90 says was
incredibly reasonable considering the length of time they'd been in conversation with the applicant. A sentence
was added to allow flexibility if there were justifiable reasons that the extension was warranted.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry expressed concern that there had been no progress with Gypsum Fire as
the file currently did meet the driveway standards and could not be served adequately by the local fire protection
district. She asked if there was any reason that the building permits could not have been submitted to Gypsum
Fire for review prior to this point.
Ms. Beryl stated that it was her understanding that the applicant did engage a fire protection engineer.
She believed that issues like this could get resolved quickly with the fire district once the requirements were made
Chief Kirkland stated that the county standards were more strict than the fire code. The challenge was
that a lot of things were speculative.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry asked if there was an agreement from the applicant that the buildings fell
under the F 1 industrial building category.
Mr. Green stated that the fire suppression system was problematic under the F1 building category. It was
possible to get the egress, electrical, and mechanical in a short amount of time. The permitting of the onsite waste
treatment systems and fire sprinkler systems got more complicated.
Rob Trotter,property owner and applicant, spoke. The only issue he had was that the fire sprinklers
could go off accidentally and financially destroy them. He would like the opportunity to work with Chief
Kirkland because he believed there were some common sense requirements, and they could find a solution.
Ms. Baker stated that the issue was the spring planting within the next couple months. The applicant
would like the ability to plant this spring.
Chairman Scherr stated that he was proud of the operation and what was being done,but the concern was
whether there would ever be compliance.
Ms. Baker understood the concerns and the process had been a learning experience. Given the
investment that the Trotter's had, the county had great leverage.
Mr. Trotter stated that they hoped to get plants in the ground to increase revenue. While they had plants
in the ground they would submit a building permit application. He expected to have everything done by
September 1st.. He believed there had been open dialog between himself and the Gypsum Fire Protection
District. He believed he could comply with the fire department without a sprinkler system.
Chairman Scherr opened public comment.
Christina De Havilland,Manager at the TNT Botanical facility, spoke. She stated that she had been
working for the Trotters for the last year. She spoke about last year's fires and how Mr. Trotter actively
responded. She believed if there was a sprinkler system installed, the damage caused by a malfunction could be
costly. She was proud to work for the Trotters.
Commissioner Chandler Henry moved to go into Executive Session for the purpose of receiving legal
advice on planning file ZS-9014, Gypsum Creek Marijuana Cultivation/TNT Botanicals which was appropriate
topic for discussion pursuant to CRS 24-6-402(4)(b)and(e)Colorado Revised Statutes.
Commissioner McQueeney seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
At the close of the discussion,it was moved, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn from
Executive Session and re-convene as the Board of County Commissioners.
Chairman Scherr closed public comment.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry stated that she was excited about the business concept in Eagle County
and wanted to see the business move forward in a profitable manner. She reviewed the eight standards of
approval. The proposed conditions were intended to mitigate any non compliance issues. The standard she was
most uncomfortable with was adequate public facilities (standard six). If the board were to approve the file,
there would be a business operating that was out of compliance with life safety issues,that did not meet the
requirements of the Gypsum Fire Protection District,that had employees working onsite at a processing facility,
and that did not have a plan in place for getting a fire truck to the facility if something were to happen in the
winter. She understood the concerns with the sprinkler system,but she believed those concerns could be
mitigated and/or met with alternative plans for suppression. She suggested that the applicant go back and come
up with a plan with Gypsum Fire for the life safety issues.As presented now, she could not vote in favor of the
Commissioner McQueeney stated that she appreciated staff's work on the file. She would be willing to
table the file at the request of the applicant.
Chairman Scherr supported Commissioner Chandler-Henry's comments. The county's first job was life
safety. The non-compliance issues were a concern. He asked if the applicant wished to table the file and move
Sarah Baker believed they received some good feedback. The special use permit was a matter of survival
to this business. She stated that the applicant would like to request a tabling of the application. They were still
hopeful they could achieve a spring planting so they requested a short tabling period..
Commissioner McQueeney moved to table file no. ZS-9014, Gypsum Creek Marijuana Cultivation/TNT
Botanicals to March 16,2021.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
There being no further busir-s .� oard,the meeting was adjourned until March 2, 2021.
Cie to the Board Chairman