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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/09/2021 PUBLIC HEARING
February 9, 2021
Present: Matt Scherr Chairman
Jeanne McQueeney Commissioner
Kathy Chandler-Henry Commissioner
Jeff Shroll County Manager
Holly Strablizky Assistant County Attorney
Kathy Scriver Deputy Clerk to the Board
This being a scheduled Public Hearing,the following items were presented to the Board of County
Commissioners for their consideration:
Commissioner Updates
Commissioner Chandler-Henry spoke about the events of last week and acknowledged that it had been a
rough week in Eagle County with the deaths of Seth,Adam, and Andy as well as Johnny in East Vail. There was
also an injury of a spouse of our county employees, Tanya. The tragedies were testing everyone's resilience. She
encouraged everyone to watch the last weekly wrap up as it spoke for all of us.
Commissioner McQueeney stated that there were some nice profiles in the Colorado Sun newspaper of all
the gentlemen who passed. She also spoke about a flyer in everyone's property tax bill about trying to complete the
Eagle Valley Trail. The Trails Committee was beginning an initiative to finish the last few miles of the trail which
would involve some fundraising. Additional information could be found at
Chairman Scherr spoke about the Walking Mountain Sustainable Film Series at the Riverwalk Theater. It
featured an inspiring movie called"The Need to Grow"about sustainable agriculture.
County Manager Updates
Jeff Shroll stated that Birch Barron,Eric Lovgren,Josh Stowell,Josh's son, and Jeff visited San Juan
County to meet with the emergency response team as well as the county commissioners and town council members.
It was meaningful to share stories. He thanked Morgan Landers for preparing a memorial poster that was shared
with the group.
Commissioner McQueeney reminded everyone that the Search and Rescue was a non-profit organization if
people wanted to make a donation.
COVID-19 Update
Birch Barron,Director of Emergency Management, stated that the county was currently in the"orange"
stage and was getting closer to the"yellow"stage. There had been a decline in COVID cases in the last couple of
weeks. It was important to make sure to keep the numbers down so businesses could become more comfortable.
There was still a high level of disease. There was an uptick in younger people. There were still a lot of high risk
people not eligible for vaccines yet and still a limited number of vaccines available. He reminded people not to just
show up at the clinics. He stated that face coverings had been effective and were still important. The vaccine was
effective but the overall effectiveness was unknown.
Consent Agenda
1. Approval of the Minutes for the Board of County Commissioner Meetings for September 1, September 8,
September 15, September 22,2020
Kathy Scriver, Clerks &Recorder's Office
2. EGE AIP-60/61 Construct De-Ice Pad,Final Settlement with Interstate Highway Construction, Inc.
Josh Miller,Project Management
Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to approve the Consent Agenda for February 9,2021, as presented.
Commissioner McQueeney seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Constituent Input
Chairman Scherr opened and closed constituent input, as there was none.
Business Items
l. Glassier Open Space Management Plan
Katherine King, Open Space
Executive Summary: Pitkin County Open Space and Trails and Eagle County Open Space jointly funded the
acquisition of Glassier Open Space near El Jebel. Per an adopted 1GA, Pitkin Co takes the lead on managing the
property, and Eagle County holds the conservation easement on it.Pitkin recently took the lead on updating the
Management Plan for the property, and is requesting Eagle County review and sign off on the plan.
Ms. King presented the update to the Glasier Open Space Management Plan. Both Pitkin and Eagle
County purchased the 282 acre property near Emma. Pitkin County owned the property, and Eagle County jointly
funded the purchase of the property in 2013 and 201.4. Eagle County held the conservation easement on it. The
easement required that the management plan for the property be updated every five years.
Jessie Young, Pitkin County Open Space Outreach, shared a map of the property. There had been bike,
hiking, and equestrian trails added. Parking had been provided as well. Fishing access was available to the
public, and a new head gate was added to improve irrigation on the agricultural part of the property.
Gary Tennenbaum,Director of Pitkin County's Open Space and Trails, spoke. He stated that some of the
options entailed a historic restoration grant process.
Ms. Young stated that the Glassier house had not been used since 2009, and the hope was to restore the
home and to have someone live on the property. The property could be leased around the farmstead until a
decision could be made. The plan did include adding more trails. There was a new equestrian/hiking trail to
connect to Nancy's Path. The rest of the changes were minor. There were no changes proposed for
parking/access,rules and regulations, or fishing access. The property was not open to dogs or for commercial
uses. Some of the local nonprofits held events on the property.
Mr. Tennenbaum stated that the property had been popular. Some of the parking issues had been
addressed. There were a lot of volunteers involved in creating the trails.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry appreciated the update and enjoyed seeing the pictures. She questioned
the usage and if it was a potential issue in the future.
Mr. Tennenbaum stated that there had been an increase in usage,but the parking lots had been able to
handle the use. They did hire an additional ranger and would update the board on that. He believed that due to
COVID the use would continue to increase.
Commissioner McQueeney expressed excitement for the collaboration.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry asked about soil carbon sequestration and if any projects to monitor how
the soil was working in the agricultural areas was being done.
Liza Mitchell, Open Space&Trails Title: Natural Resource Planner&Ecologist stated that that
information was included in the agricultural and biodiversity partnership. They wished to explore the possibility
of compost or other soil amendments. This was a priority in choosing the right lessee.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry thanked the team for their work on the plan.
Ms. King added that the Open Space Advisory Cot irnittee reviewed the plan and supported the
partnership and approved the plan.
Commissioner McQueeney moved to approve the Glassier Open Space Management Plan.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.
2. The Board of County Commissioners will meet as necessary to review and take action on any issues related to
the COVID-19 Local Disaster Emergency.
Chairman Scherr stated that there was nothing to address related to COVID-19
Work Session - Eagle County Room
1. Open Space Policy and Resolution Updates
Planning File - Eagle County Room
1. Edwards RiverPark-Combined Sketch/Preliminary Plan,Zone Change, and 1041 Permit-
Morgan Landers,Planning
Description: Application for a Consolidated Sketch/Preliminary Plan for a mixed-use PUD,to include
approximately 540 residential units(100 of which are currently proposed as deed restricted workforce housing) and
56,500 square feet of commercial uses. This application includes single-family and multi-family residential, deed
restricted workforce housing,hotel, conference and retail uses, active and passive recreation, and open space areas.
Also included is a Zone Change application to rezone the Subject Parcel from Resource to PUD and a 1041 permit
application for the extension of water and sewer services. The application is subject to change throughout the
review process.
Morgan Landers stated that the applicant requested some additional time to allow them to address some of
the comments received via public comment. There would be public comment accepted in the February 23 meeting.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to table file nos. PDSP-9050/ZC-9029/1041-9030,Edwards
RiverPark-Combined Sketch/Preliminary Plan,Zone Change, and 1041 Permit until February 16, 2021.
Mc Queeney seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
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There being no further business fe o. the meeting was adjourned until February 16,2021.
lerk to the Board Chairman