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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/26/2021 PUBLIC HEARING January 26, 2021 Present: Kathy Chandler-Henry Chairman Matt Scherr Commissioner Jeanne McQueeney Commissioner Jeff Shroll County Manager-Attended Remotely Kathy Scriver Deputy Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing,the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: Commissioner Updates Commissioner McQueeney gave a shout out to the Early Headstart Policy Council. This was a group of parents who were nominated by the Early Head Start Program to represent the program. All through COVID they had been responsive to the family and children's needs to keep the program running. Commissioner Chandler-Henry spoke about the recent Colorado River Conservation District meeting. The reports on hydrology were not good. The 2020 water year was the driest on record. She also thanked all the folks working so hard on the vaccine clinics. She thanked all the community volunteers, doctors,nurses,veterinarians, and public health staff Chairman Scherr mentioned that one of his kids was subject to quarantine based on contact at the schools. He believed the schools had done a remarkable job at keeping schools open. County Manager Updates Jeff Schroll remarked about the School District's protocol. He thanked everyone involved in getting the grant money out to struggling businesses. COVID-19 Update Birch Barron,Emergency Management Director,presented a COVID update. He stated that across the country and in Colorado there had been a decline in disease spread. There were 779 cases reported in the last two weeks due to the responsiveness of the community. At this time,there were only five residents hospitalized, however,there were three more deaths reported due to COVID. It was incredibly important to stay vigilant. The positive news was that Eagle County had administered over 8,000 vaccine doses. It had been all hands on deck, and the clinics had been largely run by county staff and volunteers. It was important to stay within the parameters and play within the boundaries to continue receiving vaccines. There were still a lot of high risk groups out there, but there was an end in sight. Commissioner Chandler-Henry believed it was important for everyone to know it was the county's goal to get everyone vaccinated. The county was just limited by the number of vaccines it received. 1 01/26/2021 Commissioner McQueeney spoke about the national news and the reports on the vaccine scarcity. Residents should refer to the local news for vaccine information. The vaccines were coming and the county was focusing on the highest risk individuals at this time. Chairman Scherr explained that the priority level didn't change. High risk people would still be first in line. Mr. Barron stated that it was important to have a system in place. There was a waiting list, and at the end of each vaccination clinic,there were no vaccines being discarded. He asked people not to show up at the clinics without an appointment. Consent Agenda No Items on the Consent Agenda Constituent Input Chairman Scherr opened and closed constituent input, as there was none. Business Items 1. Resolution 2021-007 Proclaiming January as Mentoring Month in Eagle County Rhea Silverkorn,Administration Executive Summary: January is National Mentoring Month and we have several great mentoring organizations in the county. These include Buddy Mentors(my organization),YouthPower365, SOS Outreach, and the Cycle Effect, among others. Commissioner McQueeney moved to approve the resolution proclaiming January as Mentoring Month in Eagle County. Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 2. Colorado Department of Transportation;Eagle County Signature Sheet for Highway Users Tax Fund for Mileage Revenue Nicole Trujillo,Road&Bridge Executive Summary: Each year, counties, towns and cities must submit to the Colorado Department of Transportation(CDOT),a certification indicating any changes in total road mileage, system designation, surface type and roadway condition data. The data submitted in the annual certification report is forwarded to the State Treasurer and is one of the factors used to allocate and distribute Highway Users Tax Fund(HUTF)revenue to the governing entities. 2 01/26/2021 Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to approve the Colorado Department of Transportation; Eagle County Signature Sheet for Highway Users Tax Fund for Mileage Revenue. Commissioner McQueeny seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 3. The Board of County Commissioners will meet as necessary to review and take action on any issues related to the COVID-19 Local Disaster Emergency. Chairman Scherr stated that there were no items to take action on or issues to address related to COVID-19. Work Session - Eagle County Room 1. Front Country Ranger Program Update Discussion Items - Eagle County Room 1. Airport Update 2. Eagle County Housing and Development Authority Board with the Advisory Committee bi-annual meeting 3. CSU Extension Update and Community Needs Assessment There being no further business b a oard,the meeting was adjourned until February 2, 2021. Q. Gya Attestii,--' _ c't OR MP Clerk to the Board Chairma 3 01/26/2021