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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/12/2021 PUBLIC HEARING January 12, 2021 Present: Kathy Chandler-Henry Chairman Matt Scherr Commissioner Jeanne McQueeney Commissioner Jeff Shroll County Manager Kathy Scriver Deputy Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: Elected Officials Swearing In Judge Dunkelman,Eagle County District Court Judge, spoke. He thanked Chairmina Chandler-Henry and Commissioner Scherr for their dedication to public service and congratulated them on their successful election. Commissioner Updates Commissioner McQueeney expressed her discouragement about the events last Wednesday at the State Capitol. She believed that no one should be frightened going to work or hide under their desk. She thought about these types of events and wondered if anything could have been seen in its coming. She believed it was important to focus on kindness and stability. Commissioner Scherr spoke about the event at the Capital and the importance of his position when it came to representing the community. He believed that letting certain things go without questioning them to further polarize a situation and alienate people was,to some degree, a mistake. There were people in positions of power and authority that should have stood up and said something in a constructive way. The board recently drafted a letter which was sent to Representative Boebert with a hopeful note suggesting change and trying to work together and moving forward in a positive way. Chairman Chandler-Henry recognized all the elected officials that were present for the swearing in. She and Commissioner Scherr swore an oath to uphold the constitution of the United States and the constitution and the laws of the State of Colorado. After the horrifying event of last week,the oath felt stronger than ever. County Manager Updates Jeff Shroll spoke about the diversity in the county organization. He appreciated the work of all of the elected officials and appreciated their transparency and stability. He expressed fatigue by the recent event at the Capital and believed it was inexcusable and was brought on by a lack of leadership and fatigue. The county was working extremely hard to get the county to a good place. If anyone had concerns or complaints,he encouraged them to reach out to the commissioners,and the commissioners would personally respond. 1 1/12/2021 COVID-19 Update Birch Barron started out by stating that there was some positive news. The pandemic was still spiking, and the cases were still rising. In Colorado there had been a decline,but following the holidays,there was a rise in cases. In Colorado there were 60-70 deaths per day. The medical partners were doing everything possible. He encouraged people to continue social distancing and wearing masks and to hang on just a little longer. It was important that people didn't give up. The good news was that business and the workforce was eligible to receive assistance and funds were now available. The vaccines were limited and the first priority was moving into phase one. People 70 and over were now eligible to receive the vaccine. There was currently no timeline for the next phase but that phase would prioritize the front line potential workers, such as public works,teachers,and grocery store workers. He reminded everyone that information and resources could be found on He assured people that vaccines were not being thrown away. There was a system in place to make sure that no vaccines were wasted. Consent Agenda 1. Town of Eagle Bull Run Pasture Quit Claim Deed for Capitol Street Beth Oliver,Attorney's Office 2. Seventh Amendment to Intergovernmental Agreement for Bus Storage& Service at the I-70 Regional Transportation Operations Facility Tanya Allen, ECO Transit 3. Eighth Amendment to Agreement Between Eagle County and Correctional Healthcare Companies Jessie Porter, Sheriff's Office 4. Resolution 2021-002 Concerning Hearings on Assessor Generated Petitions for Abatement and Refund of Taxes-R013980, R011745,R066594,R056196,R040893,R014754 Rhea Silverkorn,Administration Commissioner McQueeney moved to approve the Consent Agenda for January 12,2021,as presented. Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Constituent Input Chairman Chandler-Henry opened and closed constituent input, as there was none. Business Items 1.Resolution 2021-003 approving the 2021 Annual Appointments Resolution Rhea Silverkorn,Administration Executive Summary: This resolution appoints and designates the Commissioners and other County employees to specific boards and certain necessary administrative appointments for 2021. 2 1/12/2021 Ms. Silverkorn stated that the resolution appointed Commissioner Scherr as the Chair,Commissioner McQueeney as Vice Chair, and Kathy Chandler-Henry as Commissioner. She stated that the resolution also outlined the other positions that the Commissioners would oversee. Commissioner Scherr thanked Chairman Chandler-Henry for being so helpful. He thanked her for leading everyone through this chaotic year. He presented her with a gift of appreciation. Commissioner McQueeney expressed her thanks and appreciation for Chairman Chandler-Henry's eloquence in her response to the constituents in such a kind manner. Commissioner Scherr moved to approve the 2021 Annual Appointments Resolution. Commissioner McQueeney seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 2. Resolution 2021-004 Approving 2021 Board of Commissioner Meeting Days, County Holidays,Office Hours and Payroll Schedule Rhea Silverkorn,Administration Executive Summary: This resolution establishes regular public meeting days for the Eagle County Board of Commissioners for fiscal year 2021, days and office hours for county offices to transact county business for fiscal year 2021, designated legal holidays for fiscal year 2021 and establishes the bi-weekly payroll schedule for 2021. Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to approve the resolution approving the 2021 Board of Commissioner Meetings Days, County Holidays, Office Hours and Payroll Schedule. Commissioner McQueeney seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 3. 2021 Legislative Policy Statement Abby Dallmann,Administration Executive Summary: On an annual basis, the Board of County Commissioners publishes a legislative policy statement in advance of the upcoming State of Colorado and federal legislative sessions. The legislative policy statement outlines positions across a variety of policy areas, including affordable housing, climate change, transportation, healthcare, mental health, early childhood education,broadband, and others. During the legislative session, the BoCC may take a formal position on a piece of legislation based on the broad principles outlined in this document. Ms. Dallmann stated that this was an annual document that was published. It covered policy and legislative priorities. Commissioner McQueeney moved to approve the 2021 Legislative Policy Statement. Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Y4, 4. The Board of County Commissioners will meet as necessary to rev *and take action on any issues related to the COVID-19 Local Disaster Emergency. Chairman Scherr stated that there was nothing related to COVID-19 to address or to take action on. 3 1/12/2021 Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners and reconvene as the Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation. Commissioner McQueeney seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation 1. First Amendment to the Agreement Between Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation and High Mountain Taxi David Reid,Airport Executive Summary: This Amendment extends the agreement with High Mountain Taxi one year from the original term,to provide on-site taxi service within the airport's terminal facility. The updates in this amendment include; 1. Restructuring of fees to eliminate'trip charges', and replace with a percentage of airport gross sales, and 2. Associate an enplanement variable to the Minimum Annual Guarantee figure paid by the vendor to ECAT, due to the uncertainty of COVID and its impacts on the airline industry. Mr. Reid presented the amendments, and he indicated that the two amendments were similar. The amendments extended the agreements for one year. Commissioner McQueeney moved to approve the First Amendment to the Agreement Between Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation and High Mountain Taxi. Jill Klosterman seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 2. First Amendment to the Agreement Between Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation and Colorado Mountain Express David Reid,Airport Executive Summary: This Amendment extends the agreement with Colorado Mountain Express for one year,to provide car/limo services within the terminal. The amendment bases this season's fees on a percentage of airport sales, instead of trip charges utilized in previous years. Additionally, the amendment retains the Minimum Annual Guarantee amount from previous agreement, adding a variable percentage of this winter's enplanements as compared to previous three years for an adjustment. Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to approve the First Amendment to the Agreement Between Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation and Colorado Mountain Express. Jeff Shroll seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner McQueeney moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation and reconven as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner McQueeney seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. EAGLE co There being no further busine` d,the meeting was adjourned until January 19, 2021. .co oo toRN Attest: lerk to the Board Chairman 4 1/12/2021