HomeMy WebLinkAboutLC20-14 LKSM Design ArchitectureFIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN LAKE CREEK VILLAGE LLC AND LKSM DESIGN ARCHITECTURE THIS FIRST AMENDMENT (“First Amendment”) is effective as of ___________________, by and between LKSM Design Architecture, a Colorado architecture design firm (hereinafter “Consultant” or “Contractor”) and Lake Creek Village LLC, a Colorado limited liability company (hereinafter “LCV”). RECITALS WHEREAS, LCV and Consultant entered into an agreement dated the 12th day of November 2019, for certain Services (the “Original Agreement”); and WHEREAS, the Original Agreement contemplated that the Consultant would perform certain Services with compensation in an amount not to exceed $37,000.00; and WHEREAS, the LCV desires to have Consultant perform additional Services for additional compensation as set forth below; and WHEREAS, the term of the Original Agreement expires on the 30th day of June, 2021, and the parties desire to extend the term for an additional year. FIRST AMENDMENT NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual rights and obligations as set forth below, the parties agree as follows: 1.The Original Agreement shall be amended to include additional Services as described in Exhibit 1, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 2. The compensation for the additional Services set forth in Exhibit 1 shall not exceed $21,300.00 or a total maximum compensation under the Original Agreement and this First Amendment of $58,300.00. 3.The term of the Original Agreement is hereby extended to the 30th day of June, 2022. 4.Capitalized terms in this First Amendment will have the same meaning as in the Original Agreement. To the extent that the terms and provisions of the First Amendment conflict with, modify or supplement portions of the Original Agreement, the terms and provisions contained in this First Amendment shall govern and control the rights and obligations of the parties. 5. Except as expressly altered, modified and changed in this First Amendment, all terms and provisions of the Original Agreement shall remain in full force and effect, and are hereby ratified and confirmed in all respects as of the date hereof. DocuSign Envelope ID: 2EAAEB70-BE8B-46BF-8C8A-C0D128D64395 8/11/2020 LC20-14 2 LCV Am Term Scope Comp Final 5/14 6. This First Amendment shall be binding on the parties hereto, their heirs, executors, successors, and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this First Amendment to the Original Agreement the day and year first above written. Lake Creek Village LLC By and through Eagle County Housing and Development Authority, its sole member By: _______________________ Kathy Chandler-Henry, Chair Attest: By: _____________________________ Regina O’Brien, Clerk CONSULTANT By: _____________________________________ Print Name:______________________________ Title: ___________________________________ DocuSign Envelope ID: 2EAAEB70-BE8B-46BF-8C8A-C0D128D64395 President Leah Mayer June 9, 2020 Daniel Murray William Wright daniel.murray@eaglecounty.us william.wright@eaglecounty.us Re: Redesign & Planning of the Trash Removal System at Lake Creek Village, LLC Bill & Dan; We have completed the Phase 0 research phase of this project and have defined the buildings needed for the Redesign of the Trash Removal System. The original contract defined the scope of work as “the Phase O research phase and the process to design and prepare construction documents for 3 separate trash structures placed around the site. Traditional and basic structural and electrical engineering services are assumed.” The original scope of 3 similar and basic structures has changed to 3 different structures of varying complexity. Per our meeting in March, the structures to be designed under this project are shown in the attached documents and with the program below. The structures are currently in the design development phase. Compactor Building: A new, unheated building with concrete floor slabs and foundations, a roof & public & staff access gates. The plan dimensions will be approximately 26’-0” x 28’-0”. This building will have new driveways for separate trash hauler and public access. Electrical services for lighting, compactor & solar will be provided as defined in the future phases. Garage Building: A new, unheated, 6-bay garage building with overhead doors and a roof, approximately 20’-0” x 60’-0” plan dimensions. This building will match the existing garage buildings in style & roof form. It will have concrete floor slabs and foundations with new asphalt apron to connect to existing road. Electrical services for lighting will be provided as defined in the future phases. Large Trash Structure: A new, open-air fenced or walled structure, approximately 20’-0” x 26’-0” plan dimensions. This structure will have doors or gates for staff & hauler access with new asphalt apron to connect to existing road. Electrical services for lighting & garage door openers will be provided as defined in the future phases. PO Box 9195  Avon, CO  81620 970.376-6623  lmayer@lksmdesign.com DocuSign Envelope ID: 2EAAEB70-BE8B-46BF-8C8A-C0D128D64395 Page 2 June 9, 2020 This letter will act as a change order to the original contract. Civil engineering services (with Alpine Engineering, Inc.) have been contracted directly by Eagle County under separate contract. The tasks, assumptions, term & conditions defined in the original contract will remain unchanged unless otherwise noted below. Proposed Schedule (estimated):  Phase O completed by November 1, 2019  Schematic design completed by December 1, 2019  Design development completed by July 1, 2020  Construction Document completed by July 24, 2020  Bidding Phase completed by August 24, 2020  Schedule may be subject to change based on Client feedback  Construction to occur in the Fall of 2020  Payment is requested within 21 days of billing Proposed Fee:  Architectural/Engineering fees listed below are in addition to the original contract.  Additional Architectural & MEP Engineering fees are proposed at an hourly rate with a not to exceed amount of $11,300.  Additional Structural Engineering fees are proposed at a fixed fee of $10,000. (This fee is in addition to $5,000 included in the original contract.) Standard Hourly Rates: Designer $100 to $125 Project Architect/Engineer $120 to $140 Senior Architect/Engineer $135 to $180 Principal $155 to $215 Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about this proposal. I thank you for this opportunity. Please return a signed copy to me and let me know if you are ready to begin. Regards; Leah KS Mayer I understand and agree to the conditions in this Letter of Agreement, and authorize Leah K.S. Mayer to proceed under the conditions stated. Signature Date DocuSign Envelope ID: 2EAAEB70-BE8B-46BF-8C8A-C0D128D64395