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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/08/19 PUBLIC HEARING October 8, 2019 Present: Jeanne McQueeney Chairman Kathy Chandler-Henry Commissioner Matt Scherr Commissioner Jeff Shroll County Manager Brian Treu County Attorney Regina O'Brien Clerk to the Board Kathy Scriver Deputy Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing,the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: Commissioner Updates Commissioner Chandler-Henry stated that she recently attended Mountain Towns 2030, a meeting in Utah to talk about climate change and actions that could be taken to protect the earth and the future. It was a very encouraging conference because in addition to all the information about the emissions and warming trend,there was a lot of information shared as to what could be done. In Eagle County there was a strong agricultural community working on soil health, a way to sink carbon back into the earth from the atmosphere and a transit department that was considering electric buses.The County had a partnership with Holy Cross Electric. Commissioner Scherr believed the Mountain Towns 2030 was both sobering and thrilling. He reminded everyone that October 15th was free Collage Application Day in Colorado. This meant that for 32 public colleges in Colorado and a number of private institutions would not charge fees for their applications. Chairman McQueeney also stated that the Mountain Towns 2030 conference was amazing. The thrilling part for her was seeing Dr. Jane Goodall. The conference was educational, and it was fascinating to watch 20 adults mesmerized by cow pies. County Manager Updates Jeff Scholl provided some election updates. The County Notice and State Blue Books should have been received by voters. The Eagle County ballots would be mailed on Tuesday, October 15. Commissioner Scherr added that there was an organization called"Count me In Colorado"that would be in town this coming Monday helping people understand the issues on the ballot. He encouraged people to keep an eye on social media for updates. Fair & Rodeo Tough Enough to Wear Pink Executive Summary: During the Fair and Rodeo's Friday night rodeo performance we have the Tough Enough to Wear Pink program which is National program to raise awareness for breast cancer.We donate a portion of our rodeo admissions and collected funds during Friday's event to donate to Shaw Regional Cancer Center.This year's donation is $3,133.78. Tanya Dahlseid,Fairgrounds Coordinator introduced Stacy Toyama,Vice President and Christine Albertson, Community Outreach and Events Manager/Vail Health/Shaw Cancer Center. 1 10/08/2019 Ms. Toyama thanked the commissioners for the County's years of support for this programming. The donations made a difference. Commissioner Chandler-Henry thanked the Shaw Center for all they did for everyone in the community. She gave a shout out to the Fair&Rodeo Advisory Council for making this happen every year. Consent Agenda 1. Certificate Dissolving Eagle County Housing Authority established in 1981 Beth Oliver,Attorney's Office 2. First Amendment to Agreement for Nurse Home Visiting Program Jennie Wahrer,Public Health 3. Approval of the Minutes for the Board of County Commissioner Meetings for August 27, September 3, and September 10,2019 Kathy Scriver, Clerk&Recorder's Office 4. Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority Encroachment Easement Holly Strablizky, Attorney's Office 5. Resolution 2019-071 Approval Of An Amendment To The Frost And Salt Creek Planned Unit Development PDA-7394 Kris Valdez, Community Development 6. Resolution 2019-072 Approving An Amendment To The Final Plat For The Frost And Salt Creek Planned Unit Development AFP-7392 Kris Valdez, Community Development 7. Resolution 2019-073 Approving An Amendment To The Official Zone District Map Of Eagle County For The Brush Creek Valley Ranch And Open Space File No.ZC-7393 Kris Valdez, Community Development Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to approve the Consent Agenda for October, 8,2019 as presented. Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Constituent Input Chairman McQueeney opened and closed constituent input, as there was none. Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners and re-convene as the Eagle County Housing and Development Authority. Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Eagle County Housing and Development Authority 1. Ratification of Rent Schedule for Low Rent Housing at Riverview Apartments Daniel Murray, Housing Executive Summary: Every 5 years per HUD requirements, we are required to conduct a Rent Comparability Study to determining our HUD Assistance Payments for the Section 8 property at Riverview Apartments in 2 10/08/2019 EagleVail. After review,the rents were increased significantly. The new rents will be more in line with Eagle County's market rental rates. The new rates will increase our monthly revenue by$27,304 and our annual revenue by$327,648. These new rates will not affect the residents as they will still pay up to 30%of their income as designed by the program. The new revenue will enable management to perform capital improvements to the property such as upgrading kitchens in 2020. Mr. Murray stated that HUD required the County to conduct a rent comparability study to determine what would be paid by HUD for the market rents at Riverview Apartments on the top of the 30%subsidy that the residents pay. Commissioner Chandler-Henry asked about what qualified one to get into the apartments. Mr. Murray stated that rents were based off income and deductions. Commissioner Scherr moved to approve the Ratification of Rent Schedule for Low Rent Housing at Riverview Apartments. Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Housing and Development Authority and re-convene as the Eagle County Liquor License Authority. Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Eagle County Liquor Licensing Authority 1. Resolution 2019-074 Establishing Beaver Creek Village Entertainment District Regina O'Brien, Clerk&Recorder Executive Summary: The purpose of the resolution is to exercise Eagle County's local opinion to allow common consumption areas within appropriate areas of unincorporated Eagle County. Ms. O'Brien stated that in the summer of 2019 the Clerk's Office was approached by the Beaver Creek Resort Company with a request to create an Entertainment District which would allow the for an application to be submitted by a promotional association for the creation of a common consumption area within the District. The Beaver Creek Resort Company believed that this would allow its guests to move around the village freely,without fear of crossing liquor boundaries and enhance the guest experience. She explained that that the area was not comparable to Las Vegas. If approved the resolution would create an Entertainment District and establish the geographical boundaries for the district. The resolution also established the rules and regulations that would govern the district as well as requirements for the application. Chairman McQueeney expressed her appreciation for all the work that everyone had done preparing the rules,their implementation and application process. Chairman McQueeney opened public comment. Jen Brown,Managing Director of the Beaver Creek Resort Company spoke. She thanked the county staff for their time and dedication in drafting the language to put forth this resolution. He also acknowledged and thanked the efforts of Senator Donovan and Reprehensive Roberts. Without them championing this cause for them and effecting the legislative change,this wouldn't be possible. She believed that the Beaver Creek Resort Company was perfectly suited to host an Entertainment District. Their guests were mostly families and came to Beaver Creek to congregate and spend time together. The village core creates a workable boundary. They had a dedicated public safety staff and the Resort Company was responsible for the governance of the community. They had a tremendous partnership with their merchants and restaurants in the community. They looked forward to addressing the how this would be administered during the application process. Kevin Shields,Beaver Creek area restaurant manager spoke. He believed the restaurant owners in Beaver Creek were committed to making this work,to be responsible, act appropriately to,better the community. He believed that this moving forward would do a great service to the resort industry. 3 10/08/2019 Mike Friery representing Toscanini Restaurant spoke. He echoed everything said about the efforts that had gone into this. He believed that this was a wonderful opportunity. Chairman McQueeney closed public comment. Commissioner Chandler-Henry wondered if there had been any opposition expressed in Beaver Creek. Ms. O'Brien stated that her office had not been contacted by anyone in opposition. During the application process,there would be public notice given and the public would have a chance to weigh in at that time. Commissioner Scherr moved to approve the Resolution Establishing Beaver Creek Village Entertainment District. Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Liquor License Authority and re- convene as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Work Session - Eagle County Room 1. Urban Land Institute's Technical Advisory Panel-West Edwards 2. Initial Presentation and Discussion of the 2020 Eagle County Budget Regional Transit Director Candidate Meet & Greet - Holy Cross pGIE� There being no further busi Board,the meeting was adjourned until October 15, 2019. 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