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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/24/19 PUBLIC HEARING
September 24, 2019
Present: Jeanne McQueeney Chairman
Kathy Chandler-Henry Commissioner
Matt Scherr Commissioner
Jeff Shroll County Manager
Beth Oliver Deputy County Attorney
Kathy Scriver Deputy Clerk to the Board
This being a scheduled Public Hearing,the following items were presented to the Board of County
Commissioners for their consideration:
Commissioner Updates
Commissioner Chandler-Henry gave a shout out to the Community Market.They had their grand opening
over the weekend. They were located at 760 Lindbergh Drive between Eagle and Gypsum.
Commissioner Scherr stated that the next free home buyer's class put on by the Valley Home Store was this
Wednesday, September 25th from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the Vail Town Council Chambers. He also reminded
everyone that today was National Voter Registration Day, and people could register to vote at He encouraged everyone to check their status as this was a mail ballot election.
Chairman McQueeney thanked the Eagle Valley Land Trust(EVLT)for their time last week touring the
open space next to Walking Mountains in Avon and talking about future projects. She also thanked the
Congressional Representatives for taking the time to listen to her group that was advocating for transit grants.Each
of the representatives made time to eat with the group and listen to their pitch on grants.The representatives
worked diligently on behalf of those they served. She believed they were responsive and eager to listen to a variety
of topics and encouraged people to make their voices heard.
County Manager Updates
Jeff Shroll stated that the composite ballot for the 2019 Eagle County Coordinated Election was available
on the Eagle County website. He also spoke about some road closures in Minturn and Glenwood Canyon due to a
Holy Cross Energy project.
Chairman McQueeney stated that this was a good reason everyone should be signed up for EC Alerts.
Consent Agenda
1. Approval of the Minutes for the Board of County Commissioner Meetings for August 13 and August 20,
Kathy Scriver, Clerk&Recorder's Office
2. Final Settlement of Contract between Eagle County and Grand River Construction for the 2019 Asphalt
Overlay Project
Nicole Trujillo,Road&Bridge
3. August 2019 Payment Report
Jill Klosterman,Finance
Commissioner Scherr moved to approve the Consent Agenda for September 24, 2019, as presented.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Constituent Input
Chairman McQueeney opened and closed constituent input, as there was none.
Business Item
1. Resolution 2019-070 Approving ZS-7559 Warner Workforce Housing Special Use Permit
Adam Palmer, Sustainable Communities
Executive Summary: Resolution to approve the ZS-7559 Warner Workforce Housing special use permit
application to convert the existing 10,000 square-foot Warner Professional Building#2 into a 35-room boarding
house and caretaker unit in the EagleVail PUD.
Adam Palmer stated that this was the final step in approving the Warner Workforce Housing Special Use
Permit file which the Board considered on August 13`h. The resolution included the conditions of approval.
Beth Oliver clarified that condition seven(7)in the resolution was based on discussions and would allow
the EagleVail Property Owners Association and the applicant to submit a plan for fencing and/or landscaping to the
Eagle County Community Development Director to determine what, if any, fencing and/or landscaping should be
installed by the applicant to satisfy the condition.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to approve the resolution approving ZS-7559 Warner Workforce
Housing Special Use Permit.
Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Work Session(s) - Eagle County Room
1. Eagle River Watershed Council Annual Update
2. 2019 Fair and Rodeo Debriefing
3. Fencing for the Freedom Park Pond and Dog Area and ECO Bus Stop Access
Event - Horn Ranch Trail
1. Ribbon Cutting for Pedestrian Bridge at Mott's Landing
There b-ing no further business bef• 41' ' .•. 'e meeting was adjourned until October 8, 2019.
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