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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/17/19 PUBLIC HEARING
September 17, 2019
Present: Kathy Chandler-Henry Chairman Pro-Tern
Matt Scherr Commissioner
Jeff Shroll County Manager
Beth Oliver Deputy County Attorney
Kathy Scriver Deputy Clerk to the Board
Absent: Jeanne McQueeney Chairman
This being a scheduled Public Hearing,the following items were presented to the Board of County
Commissioners for their consideration:
Commissioner Updates
Commissioner Scherr stated that the next home buyer's class would be held in Avon on Wednesday,
September 19th. The class was put on by the Valley Home Store. Also,this Wednesday there was a workshop on
owning an electric car at Walking Mountains in Avon.
Chandler-Henry stated that there was a great water seminar put on by the Colorado River Water
Conservation District being held in Grand Junction on Wednesday, September 18th. This was an annual water
event, and the title this year was: "Uncertainty: Count on it,Feast or Famine on the Colorado River."
County Manager Updates
Jeff Shroll announced that there would be an Avon Community Party at Nottingham Park this Thursday,
Friday,and Saturday. He also spoke about the explosives training exercise he took part in recently. He expressed
appreciation for the training that the various law enforcement agencies engaged in; they took the training and their
operations seriously. Special thanks to Chief Gregg Daly for allowing him to be a part of the action.
Consent Agenda
1. Vacation of Easement for Access to an Instrument Landing Device
Taylor Ryan, Engineering Department
Commissioner Scherr moved to approve the Consent Agenda for September 17,2019,as presented.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners,the vote was
declared unanimous.
Constituent Input
Chairman McQueeney opened and closed constituent input, as there was none.
Business Item(s)
1. Resolution 2019-068 Designating Sept 17-23 Constitution Week in Eagle County
Rhea Silverkorn, Administration
Executive Summary: Constitution Week is the commemoration of America's most important document. It is
celebrated annually during the week of September 17-23. Leesa Sherman-Hochmuth is Regent of the 10th
Mountain Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution and will be here to present this resolution.
The aims of the Constitution Week celebration are to:
• Emphasize citizens'responsibilities for protecting and defending the Constitution.
• Inform people that the Constitution is the basis for America's great heritage and the foundation for our way
of life.
• Encourage the study of the historical events which led to the framing of the Constitution in September
Leesa Sherman-Hochmuth thanked the Eagle County Commissioners for reading the proclamation. She
asked that everyone reflect on the noble intent of the determined Americans at the Constitutional Convention in
Philadelphia back in 1787. Her group was non-profit and non-political. They were a women's service organization
that supported patriotism, education, and historic preservation.
Commissioner Scherr moved to approve the resolution Designation September 17-23 Constitution Week in
Eagle County.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners,the vote was
declared unanimous.
2. Resolution 2019-069 Designating September 2019 as Mental Health Awareness Month
Kim Goodrich,Mental Health Coordinator,Public Health and Environment
Executive Summary: Mental health is essential to everyone's overall health and well-being; and mental illnesses
are real and prevalent in this nation. All Americans experience times of difficulty and stress in their lives and
should feel comfortable in seeking help and support to manage these times. Eagle County has committed to
supporting prevention, early identification, and early intervention as effective ways to reduce the burden of mental
illnesses and other chronic conditions. With effective treatment, all individuals with mental illnesses—even serious
mental illnesses -can make progress toward recovery and lead full, productive lives. Each business, school,
governmental agency,healthcare provider,public and private organization and citizen has a responsibility to
promote mental health and well-being for all.
Kim Goodrich recognized Agnes Harakal for organizing the parade to call attention to mental health
Agnes Harakal stated that the parade began three years ago. She thanked all the organizations that had
participated over the years.
Henry McQueeney, Assistant Principal from Eagle Valley Middle School, introduced the Student Council
members and the"No Place for hate"inembers.
Sheriff Van Beek stated that it was exciting to see this event grow. It was great to partner with kids and
other groups. The county was making great strides forward.
Molly Fiore with SpeakUp— ReachOut spoke about all the collaboration happening. All the groups were
coining together as a community to live a vision. She was honored to be part of making a difference in the
Michelle Muething from the Hope Center spoke. She was proud to be part of the movement taking place
in the community.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry recognized Ms. Harakal for her and her family's work to remove the stigma
around mental health.
Chris Lindley recognized Glen and John, Ms. Harakal's son and husband. This community was working as
a community not seen anywhere else. The county was taking a risk to push forward to tax on a substance that was
detrimental to the youth and to the community to raise money for a needed opportunity. He thanked the Board for
taking the same bold move with nicotine.
Michelle Hartel-Stecher, Executive Director of the Eagle River Youth Coalition spoke. Her organization
was honored to help be a part of this solution in Eagle County. She was especially touched to see all the young
people participate. She believed the community had come a long way,but based on the data,there was still a ways
to go.
Commissioner Scherr believed that the community was remarkable providing programs and organizations
that could address the problem. It was up to everyone in the community to embrace people who have challenges.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to approve Designating September 2019 as Mental Health
Awareness Month.
Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners,the vote was declared
Work Session - Eagle County Room
1. Presentation of the 2018 Eagle County Audited Financial Statements
Manager Update - Holy Cross Room
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There being no further busine ,: ^ i o:rd,the meeting was adjourned until September 24,2019.
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