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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/16/19 PUBLIC HEARING
July 16, 2019
Present: Jeanne McQueeney Chairman
Matt Scherr Commissioner
Kelley Collier Deputy County Manager
Brian Treu County Attorney
Kathy Scriver Deputy Clerk to the Board
Absent: Kathy Chandler-Henry Commissioner
This being a scheduled Public Hearing,the following items were presented to the Board of County
Commissioners for their consideration:
Commissioner Updates
Commissioner Scherr reminded everyone about the Star Dancing Gala benefiting YouthPower365. Former
county employee, Chris Lindley would be dancing.
Chairman McQueeney stated that Commissioner Chandler-Henry was out of the state with the National
Association of Counties conference. She reminded everyone that the Eagle County Fair and Rodeo would begin
next week. She encouraged everyone to join in the fun. At the end of the week,the commissioners would be
laying groundwork for the legislative process for next year.
County Manager Updates
Kelley Collier stated that the kick-off of Fair and Rodeo week would begin with the 4-H fashion review at
the Brush Creek Pavilion at 7 pm tonight. She also reminded everyone that Gypsum Daze was this weekend.
Details about the lineup of events could be found on the Town of Gypsum's website.
Constituent Input
Chairman McQueeney opened and closed constituent input, as there was none.
Business Item
1. Resolution 2019-046 Approving the Format for Intergovernmental Agreements Concerning the 2019
Election and Authorizing Clerk and Recorder to Execute Agreements
Regina O'Brien, Clerk&Recorder
Executive Summary: The Clerk and Recorder serves as the Designated Election Official for the November 5, 2019
Coordinated Election. The Clerk must enter into an intergovernmental agreement(IGA) with a political
subdivision wishing to participate iwthe Coordinated Election. The Resolution approves the format of the 2019
Coordinated Election IGA and authorizes the Clerk to sign the agreement after approval and execution by a
participating political subdivision.
Regina O'Brien, Eagle County Clerk & Recorder, spoke. The agreement would be signed with all the
entities that would be participating in the upcoming November 5, 2019 coordinated election. She explained the
details of the process and deadlines for participation. The document outlined the cost sharing and responsibilities.
Commissioner Scherr moved to approve the resolution approving the format for intergovernmental
agreements concerning the 2019 Election and authorizing Clerk and Recorder to execute agreements.
Chairman McQueeney seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners,the vote was declared
Commissioner Scherr moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners and re-
convene as the Eagle County Board of Equalization.
Chairman McQueeney seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared
County Board of Equalization
1. Resolution 2019-047 Regarding Petitions to the Eagle County Board of Equalization
Rhea Silverkorn, Administration
Executive Summary: Taxpayers who chose to appeal Eagle County Assessor's 2019 valuation (identified on the
list of CBOE appeals attached hereto as Exhibit"A") were set for hearing before the Board of County
Commissioners of Eagle County, organized and convened as the County Board of Equalization for the purposes of
adjusting, equalizing, raising or lowering the valuation for assessment of real and personal property within this
county, fixed and made by the County Assessor for the year 2019. The Board appointed independent Referees to
conduct hearings and to make findings and submit recommendations to the County Board of Equalization for its
final action, based upon testimony and evidence presented by the Petitioners and the Assessor's representatives with
regard to said petitions.The Referees have recommended adjustments of value or no adjustment of value or the
parties have stipulated to a value with respect to those petitions identified. The signatures of the Board are
requested upon consideration and approval of the recommendations of the referees.
Bryan Treu stated that this was the first round of hearing officer recommendations.
Commissioner Scherr moved to approve the regarding petitions to the Eagle County Board of
Chairman McQueeney seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared
Commissioner Scherr moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Board of County Board of Equalization and
re-convene as the Eagle County Housing and Development Authority.
Chairman McQueeney seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared
Eagle County Housing and Development Authority
1. Agreement for Procurement and Installation Services between Lake Creek Village LLC and RA Nelson
Daniel Murray, Housing
Executive Summary: In partnership with Eagle Valley Outdoor Movement, Lake Creek Village is working on
phase 2 of their landscape redesign. In this stage LCV will install six outdoor exercise stations, a large play
structure and a large canopy shelter for picnics. Go Outdoors Colorado worked with Walking Mountains Science
Center on a grant that helped form the Eagle Valley Outdoor Movement which provides funding to areas in need
that assist in bringing outdoor opportunities to families. Some of this grant funding has been offered to Lake Creek
Village Apartments as long as we worked together with EVOM to come up with ideas that would satisfy what
GOCO was looking for. Our next phase offers many different options to get children and families outside in order
to live a healthier lifestyle. The overall project comes to an estimated $215,000 and Lake Creek Village is
fortunate enough to receive $40,000 from EVOM to assist in the funding of this project.
Bill Wright explained the details of the agreement. He looked forward to getting the project completed
before school began.
Commissioner Scherr moved to approve the agreement for procurement and installation services between
Lake Creek Village LLC and RA Nelson LLC.
Chairman McQueeney seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared
Commissioner Scherr moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Housing and Development Authority and re-
convene as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners.
Chairman McQueeney seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners,the vote was declared
There being no further busineso % ' d,the meeting was adjourned until July 23, 2019.
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