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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/23/19 PUBLIC HEARING April 23, 2019 Present: Jeanne McQueeney Chairman Kathy Chandler-Henry Commissioner Matt Scherr Commissioner Angelo Fernandez Deputy County Manager Bryan Treu County Attorney Kathy Scriver Deputy Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing,the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: Commissioner Updates Commissioner Chandler-Henry talked about Earth Day and that it began in 1970. The annual Earth Day Poster Contest organized by the Eagle County Environmental Health Department would be held later this afternoon. She read a poem and an admonition for politicians by Wendell Berry, both in honor of Earth Day. Commissioner Scherr reminded everyone that this weekend, Saturday, April 27th, was the annual highway clean up that the Eagle River Watershed Council organized every year. Chairman McQueeney expressed appreciation to Governor Polis for visiting last Friday to recognize the accomplishments of Vail Health. She also thanked some community members, county department heads, staff and commissioners who visited the Dahlia Mental Health Center in Denver.There was a lot of good information to absorb, and she looked forward to debriefing and discussing what could be created in Eagle County. County Manager Updates Angelo Fernandez, Deputy County Manager, stated that ECO Transit was providing free transit service this week. There was no charge April 22—28th. He also mentioned that interviews were being held for the next aviation director. Consent Agenda 1. Intergovernmental Agreement Between Eagle County and Town of Basalt for Lake Christine Fire Emergency Watershed Projects Dana Erpelding, Public Health&Environment/Emergency Management 2. Early Head Start 2019 Cost of Living Adjustment Letter Kendra Kleinschmidt,Human Services 3. Resolution 2019-023 Concerning Taxpayer Generated Abatement Petitions Rhea Silverkorn,Administration 4. 2892 Territory Trail-Amended Final Plat 8062 Ellie Caryl, on behalf of Morgan Beryl, Community Development Director 5. Bass Loop Road, Two Rivers Village-Amended Final Plat 7977 1 04/23/2019 Ellie Caryl, on behalf of Morgan Beryl, Community Development Director Commissioner Scherr moved to approve the Consent Agenda for April 23, 2019, as presented. Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Constituent Input Chairman McQueeney opened constituent input. Joanne Rock shared a couple of books she was reading related to condition of the economy. Chairman McQueeney closed constituent input. Business Items 1. Resolution 2019-024 Annual Property Tax Write Off Teak Simonton, Treasurer Executive Summary: Each year there are certain property tax accounts that are deemed uncollectible for various valid reasons. This resolution provides an authorized mechanism for our office to write off these taxes. Ms. Simonton stated that a majority of the write offs were personal property on businesses that were no longer in business, on personal property, and on mobile homes that were destroyed. She explained the collection process,the deadlines, and the importance of updating your mailing addresses. Her office makes substantial efforts to try to contact people to help them pay their taxes on time. Chairman Chandler-Henry moved to approve the resolution concerning annual property tax write off. Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 2. Resolution 2019-025 Designating April as Parkinson's Awareness Month in Eagle County Carly Rietmann, Public Health Department Executive Summary: Parkinson's disease is a chronic, progressive neurological disease and is the second most common neurodegenerative disease in the United States. Every year, about 60,000 Americans are diagnosed with Parkinson's. There are millions of Americans who are caregivers, family members and friends greatly impacted by Parkinson's disease. Increased research, education and community support services are needed to find more effective treatments and to provide access to quality care to those living with the disease today. Today, the Board will proclaim April as Parkinson's Awareness Month. Ms. Rietmann with Healthy Aging spoke about the local chapter of the Parkinson Association of the Rockies Support Group(PAR) and introduced Rick Schwartz, Co-Founder of Power Punch Parkinson's. Mr. Schwartz thanked the board for supporting the resolution. The group was a positive force for those dealing with Parkinson's. Jodi Brown, Executive Director of PAR, spoke. Proclamations such as this across the state helped to raise awareness, funding, and provide more programs and services for those living with Parkinson's. Ms. Rietmann stated that anyone interested in the program could contact her. 2 04/23/2019 Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to approve the resolution designating April as Parkinson's Awareness Month in Eagle County. Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 3. Resolution 2019-026 Designating April 21-29, 2019 as Earth Awareness Week Ray Merry, Environmental Health Executive Summary: April 22, 2019 marks the 49th Earth Day to create awareness and commemorate efforts to protect the natural environment. The BOCC has historically recognized the week in which Earth Day falls as Earth Awareness Week. This resolution continues this tradition to recognize the week of April 21 -27, 2019 as Earth Awareness Week. Ray Merry, Environmental Health Director, spoke about the beauty of Eagle County and the actions that the county took to minimize its impacts. There would be free bus rides all week and a highway clean up. Chairman McQueeney moved to approve the resolution designating April 21-29 as Earth Awareness Week. Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 4. Resolution 2019-027 Concerning 100%Renewable Energy Adam Palmer, Sustainable Communities Executive Summary: This resolution commemorates Eagle County's support of 100%renewable energy sources for electric power supply for Eagle County operations and the community. Mr. Palmer expressed excitement for the partnerships and efforts. The resolution had taken a lot of work. He introduced Mike Steiner, Key Accounts Specialist with Holy Cross Energy. Mr. Steiner thanked Eagle County for being such a leader and for supporting the initiatives. His role was to engage large commercial entities, municipalities, and towns. Some of the other committed organizations were Eagle River Water and Sanitation District, Town of Snowmass, Basalt, and Carbondale. Mr. Palmer highlighted three components of the resolutions: 1) a commitment to solar power, 2) encouraging ways to reduce fossil fuel usage, and 3) encouraging policies for the larger communities to shift towards renewable energy. Commissioner Scherr moved to approve the resolution concerning renewable energy. Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 5. Red Mountain Ranch, Filing 4, Lot 9 -Amended Final Plat 9020 Ellie Caryl, on behalf of Morgan Beryl, Community Development Director Executive Summary: The purpose of this amended final plat is to amend an existing building envelope on Lot 9 in the Red Mountain Ranch Subdivision, located east of Eagle south of Highway 6. The development is also referred to as Canyonwoods.The proposed Lot 9 building envelope amendment is shown on the attached plat.The Applicant proposes to amend the shape of the building envelope to accommodate a u-shaped house design and extra garage space to store a recreational vehicle under cover. The size of the proposed amended building envelope will remain at the current 7,093 square feet. The parcel is 2.01 acres. The proposed envelope revision would decrease the existing front setback by 17 feet, the west setback by 17 feet and the east setback by 2 feet, while still meeting required setbacks. The proposed revised setbacks are detailed further below in comparison to the PUD guide. 3 04/23/2019 Ms. Caryl stated that the applicant requested a tabling to June 25, 2019 to allow the applicant and Red Mountain Ranch HOA some additional time to resolve outstanding issues between the two parties. Chairman McQueeney moved to table the Amended Final Plat 9020 - Red Mountain Ranch, Filing 4, Lot to June 25, 2019. Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners and re-convene as the Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation. Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation 1. Agreement for Procurement of Equipment and Installation Services between Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation and Five Star Airport Alliance, Inc. Andy Solsvig,Airport Brian Treu, County Attorney stated that the agreement to provide for baggage system components at the airport, not to exceed$273,845. Commissioner Scherr moved to approve the agreement for procurement of equipment and installation services between Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation and Five Star Airport Alliance, Inc. Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation and re- convene as the Eagle County Housing and Development Authority. Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Eagle County Housing and Development Authority 1. Agreement for Services between Lake Creek Village LLC and Ceres Design and Arborscape LLC d/b/a Ceres Landcare Daniel Murray, Housing Executive Summary: Each summer, Lake Creek Village Apartments enters into an agreement with a landscaping company to maintain the grounds and sprinkler system. The grounds are professionally cleaned, fertilized, aerated and maintained. This agreement allows our maintenance team to continue to focus on property and building maintenance issues providing better service to our residents. Mr. Murray, Portfolio Manager, stated that on May 1 1`h in conjunction with the Eagle Watershed Council, Vail Honeywagon, Eagle Valley Land Trust, Lake Creek workers and residents would be holding a cleanup day followed by a lunch. The agreement was for landscaping. Housing had worked with Ceres the last two years. This year they went out and got three bids and based on everything,they decided to stick with Ceres.The agreement was $45,550, a bit more than last year. Commissioner Scherr moved to approve the agreement for services between Lake Creek Village LLC and Ceres Design and Arborscape LLC d/b/a Ceres Landcare. Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 4 04/23/2019 Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Housing and Development Authority and re-convene as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Discussion Item - Holy Cross Room 1. Appointments Resolution Discussion Rhea Silverkon,Administration ., °''� , , .44 Executive Summary: With Matt Scherr joining Eagle#C.aunty.Goyernment as a new Commissioner,we need to update our annual appointments resolution.Today is a converslrt ontr:eviewing the original 2019 resolution and what needs to be updated before it goes to the Board for signature: Special Event - Eagle County Room 1. Earth Day Poster Contest Rhea Silverkorn Executive Summary: This year marks the 29th Annual Earth Day Poster contest for 4th graders, started by the Environmental Health team back in 1990. Each year the poster contest engages local students in art and environmental action, and helps to raise community awareness of actions we can all take to protect the environment. This year's theme is "Actively Green to Protect Species."The primary cause of animal extinction is habitat loss from tree removal, smaller space, human infrastructure, pollution, etc.This Earth Day let's think about the importance of species diversity and what we can do as individuals and as a community to be as thoughtful as possible as we change the face of the Earth. For more information visit Five schools participated and the top three posters from each school were selected as finalists. RED HILL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Layla Medina Jackson Davis Michelle Collar VAIL CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Tenley Brasington Jaxon Hansen Abigail Bruning JUNE CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Charlie Siemer Alondra Rodarte Angela Acosta EDWARDS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Brielle Dale Tye Bumpas Jessica Mier HOMESTAKE PEAK ELEMENTARY Luke Campanale 5 04/23/2019 Zaria Homer Eden Campos There being no further business befo U ,` - . e meeting was adjourned until April 30, 2019. l_v Attest: i-u-C�t�+yv a��kU K--� . r a.t.lR Q..L.V Clerk to the Board �ii20'Y C rman til -e, - - adv,` 6 04/23/2019