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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/09/19 PUBLIC HEARING
April 9, 2019
Present: Jeanne McQueeney Chairman
Kathy Chandler-Henry Commissioner
Matt Scherr Commissioner
Jeff Shroll County Manager
Holly Strablizky Assistant County Attorney
Kathy Scriver Deputy Clerk to the Board
This being a scheduled Public Hearing,the following items were presented to the Board of County
Commissioners for their consideration:
Commissioner Updates
Commissioner Scherr spoke about a couple things happening around the community. Tomorrow evening
was the next home buyer's class put on by the Home Store in the El Jebel community center. On Thursday,the
Literacy Project was putting on an adult Spelling Bee at the Eagle Vail Pavilion. He also reminded everyone that
the Highway Clean-up was scheduled for April 27th
Commissioner Chandler-Henry thanked everyone involved in facilitating the Family Leadership Training
Institute this year. The program provided a wide range of projects that improved the community. She also invited
anyone to join in for the last ski/ride with the elected officials this Friday, April 12th in Vail.
Chairman McQueeney thanked the some of the partners in the Roaring Fork Valley for what they did for
their community and Eagle County. She also thanked the more than 100 people that showed up with her for jury
duty yesterday. She was not selected to be on the jury but she appreciated the process and believed the procedure
was interesting in trying to seek a fair and impartial jury. She encouraged everyone not to ignore the summons
when they were received and thanked everyone who followed through.
County Manager Updates
Jeff Shroll spoke offered a heartfelt thank you to the community for the mental health initiative and
partnership with Vail Health. He believed this was just the beginning. He'd been in the valley for a quarter of a
century and this was one of the most meaningful things that he'd seen happen in the valley on a collaborative
approach to tackle a problem that had touched everyone one in some way. He was proud of the community and
proud to be part of an amazing innovative solution.
Consent Agenda
1. Agreement for the Supply of Magnesium Chloride between Eagle County and Envirotech Services
Nicole Tujillo, Road&Bridge
2. Minor B Subdivision 20 Gleneagle Court
Sean Hanagan, Planning
Commissioner Scherr moved to approve the Consent Agenda for April 09, 2019, as presented.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Constituent Input
Chairman McQueeney opened constituent input.
Joanne Rock shared her thoughts on the Basalt Fire mitigation getting the local boy scouts and girl scouts
to assist with fire prevention and mitigation work.
Chairman McQueeney closed constituent input.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners
and re-convene as the Eagle County Housing and Development Authority.
Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Eagle County Housing and Development Authority
1. Resolution 2019-018 Ratifying the Contract to Purchase 120 Wildcat in Edwards CO 81632
Tori Franks, Housing
Executive Summary: Eagle County Housing and Development Authority shall ratify the contract to purchase 120
Wildcat, a single family home in Miller Ranch, which went through the Public Trustee foreclosure process in 2012.
Kim Bell Williams presented the request. The home went into foreclosure and was purchased by JP
Morgan Chase at the foreclosure sale. The Housing Authority happily purchased the property for$380,000.00 and
hopes to have a quick turnaround so it can be put it back on the market with the deed restrictions.
Commissioner Scherr moved to approve the resolution ratifying the contract to purchase 120 Wildcat in
Edwards CO 81632.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Housing Authority and re-convene
as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners.
Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Business Items
1. Resolution 2019-019 in the Matter of Supporting the 2020 Census
Rhea Silverkon,Administration
Executive Summary: The Board of County Commissioners is authorized to enable legislation to plan for and
regulate the use and development of land in the unincorporated territory in Eagle County for the purpose of
promoting the health, safety, convenience, order, prosperity, and welfare of the present and future inhabitants of the
The Board recognizes that an accurate census count is vital to our community and residents' well-being by helping
planners determine where to locate schools, day care centers, roads and public transportation, hospitals and other
facilities, and achieving an accurate and complete count of the nation's growing and changing population.
The Board finds and determines that the support of the Census 2020 is necessary and designed for the purpose of
promoting the health, safety, convenience, order, prosperity and welfare of the present and future inhabitants of
Eagle County and are consistent with the County's goals, policies and plans, including the Eagle County Strategic
Plan and the Comprehensive Land Use Plan.
Therefore,the Board will support the goals and ideals for the 2020 Census and disseminate 2020 Census
information to encourage those in our community to participate and support census takers as they help our
community complete an accurate count.
Kris Valdez presented the resolution. She explained the requirements and benefits of the census. This year
would be the first year one could respond to the census online. The census was a critical part of planning as it
impacted infrastructure, comprehensive plans, sub comprehensive plans, area community plans and without those
numbers it was difficult to determine where the community was headed. The census was also offering local job
Chairman Chandler-Henry added that the census also affected the funding for some of the human services
programs, food assistance, water allocations, and grant applications.
Commissioner Scherr moved to approve the resolution in the matter of supporting the 2020 Census.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
2. 2019 Eagle County Wildfire Annual Operating Plan
Jessie Porter, Sheriff's Office
Executive Summary: The purpose of this Annual Operating Plan (AOP) is to set forth standard operating
procedures, agreed upon procedures, and responsibilities to implement cooperative wildfire protection on all lands
within Eagle County.This Annual Wildfire Operating Plan for Control and Extinguishment of Wildland Fires
("Operating Plan") is made and entered into by and between the Eagle County Sheriffs Office,the Colorado
Division of Fire Prevention and Control, the U.S. Forest Service, and the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. All
Participants agree to coordinate their wildland fire protection activities as outlined herein. It is understood by the
Participants to this agreement that any resources ordered for a purpose other than wildland area fire management
through this Plan are the financial responsibility of the ordering agency.
Undersheriff Mike McWilliams with the Eagle County Sheriffs Office explained that the plan was an
agreement between the County Sheriff and the Division of Fire Prevention and Control that spelled out how the
county would operate during the fire season. The plan was about the same as last year due to the federal holiday.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry thanked the Sheriffs Office and other jurisdictions for their coordination.
Commissioner Scherr moved to approve the 2019 Eagle County Wildfire Annual Operating Plan.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
3. Resolution 2019-020 Designating April 7-13, 2019 as National Crime Victims' Rights Week in Eagle
Deena Ezzell, Sheriff's Office
Executive Summary: Victims of crime in Eagle County deserve support and recognition. The BoCC recognizes
this and are signing a Resolution declaring April 7-13, 2019 as Crime Victims' Rights Week in Eagle County.
Undersherriff, Mike McWilliams thanked the board of county commissioners for their support of the
Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to approve the resolution designating April 7-13, 2019 as National
Crime Victims' Week in Eagle County.
Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
4. Resolution 2019-021 Designating April 2019 as the Month of the Young Child and Child Abuse
Prevention Month in Eagle County
Leigh Carson-Hernandez, Human Services
Executive Summary: Resolution designating April 2019 as Child Abuse Prevention month and Month of the
Young Child to highlight the importance of positive environments and interactions between parents, caregivers and
young children in the community
Leigh Carson-Hernandez thanked the board for their support and recognizing April as Child Abuse
Prevention month and Month of the Young Child.
Commissioner McQueeney moved to approve the resolution designating April 2019 as the Month of the
Young Child and Child Abuse Prevention Month in Eagle County.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Work Session
1. Forest Service Update
There b'' g no further business before ' �
«" ^ meeting was
until April 16, 2019.
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