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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/02/19 PUBLIC HEARING
April 2, 2019
Present: Jeanne McQueeney Chairman
Kathy Chandler-Henry Commissioner
Matt Scherr Commissioner
Jeff Shroll County Manager
Beth Oliver Deputy County Attorney
Kathy Scriver Deputy Clerk to the Board
This being a scheduled Public Hearing,the following items were presented to the Board of County
Commissioners for their consideration:
Commissioner Updates
Commissioner Chandler-Henry spoke about the Colorado Outdoor Recreation Economy Act that combined
outdoor protection bills. The Continental Divide Wilderness bill spanned Eagle County and Summit County. The
bill protected wildlife habitat and wildlife migration corridors. The Camp Hale National Historic Landscape Act
protected Camp Hale and took care of some of the clean-up. The bills were receiving support and she was excited
to see them move forward.
Commissioner Scherr stated that the US Forest Service and Vail Valley Mountain Trails Alliance teamed
together to create a Vail Ambassador program and were currently accepting applications. He reminded everyone
that the Eagle River Watershed Council would be having their highway clean up on April 27th this year. This
weekend, Thursday thru Saturday, was the Battle Mountain High School Players production of Legally Blond.
Chairman McQueeney gave a shout to a couple of local folks that went down to the bill signing for the
nicotine and tobacco bill, HB-1033. She thanked Lilly Reynolds and Scott Prince for their support of the bill and
leading the way on keeping tobacco products out of the hands of youth. There were also a couple affordable
housing bills being introduced next week and the board would continue tracking these bills and providing updates.
County Manager Updates
Jeff Shroll stated that the Small Business Development Center was now located in this building downstairs
for those looking for services. He also mentioned that Eagle Valley High School would be hosting a track meet this
Consent Agenda
1. Memorandum of Understanding Between Eagle County and CDOT for Truck Parking at the Fairgrounds
Kevin Sharkey, ECO Trails
2. Agreement for the Delivery of Gravel Between Eagle County and Ewing Trucking and Construction, LLC
Nicole Trujillo, Road&Bridge
3. Approval of the Minutes of the Board of County Commissioner Meetings for February 19, February 26,
and March 5, 2019
Kathy Scriver, Clerk&Recorder's Office
Commissioner Chandler Henry moved to approve the Consent Agenda for April 2, 2019, as presented.
Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Constituent Input
Chairman McQueeney opened constituent input.
Joanne Rock spoke about a meeting on the cemetery land use on Thursday night. Some had some ideas
about land use that she would be presenting at the cemetery meeting. She made some suggestions regarding food
stamps and health care.
Liz Sterling, Family Leadership Institute graduate spoke. Her project was called"Lighted Pathways"and
included lighted integration for the Edwards area near Miller Ranch Road. She hoped the board would support her
Beth Riley, a facilitator for the Family Leadership Institute training spoke. She lived in Miller Ranch
which was right along the corridor where the lighting was proposed. She was excited about the design and hoped to
build partnerships that would help fund the project to completion.
Glenda Wentworth spoke. This was the seventh year of the Family Leadership training program. There
were 19 participants this year, and each participant was required to complete a community project. She thanked the
board for their support.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry thanked everyone for being in attendance and believed these types of
programs were important and strengthened our community.
Business Items
1. 2019 Eagle County Wildfire Annual Operating Plan
Jessie Porter, Sheriff's Office
Executive Summary: The purpose of this Annual Operating Plan(AOP) is to set forth standard operating
procedures, agreed upon procedures, and responsibilities to implement cooperative wildfire protection on all lands
within Eagle County. This Annual Wildfire Operating Plan for Control and Extinguishment of Wildland Fires
("Operating Plan") is made and entered into by and between the Eagle County Sheriff's Office, the Colorado
Division of Fire Prevention and Control,the U.S. Forest Service, and the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. All
Participants agree to coordinate their wildland fire protection activities as outlined herein. It is understood by the
Participants to this agreement that any resources ordered for a purpose other than wildland area fire management
through this Plan are the financial responsibility of the ordering agency.
This item would be put on the next agenda.
2. Resolution 2019-017 Concerning an Appointment to the E911 Telephone Service Authority Board
Christina Hooper,Attorney's Office
Executive Summary: This Resolution reappoints Tom Denboske and Matt Fuller to the E911 Telephone Service
Authority Board for an additional two year term.
Christina Hooper explained that the resolution appointed new board members to the 911 board. The board
was made up by an IGA between the county and all the municipalities and emergency service providers throughout
the county to fund 911 services, software, equipment, and personnel.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry appreciated the work by the community volunteers.
Commissioner Scherr moved to approve the resolution concerning an appointment to the E911 Telephone
Service Authority Board.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Work Session — El Jebel
1. Economic Development Update from the Basalt Chamber
2. Mid Valley Trails Update
Planning Files— El Jebel
1. Tabling of McCauley Subdivision - SE-9003
Chris Cerimele, Planning
Executive Summary: The request in front of the Board today is to table this hearing to a new date of April 16. The
file is to legalize a lot that was created after the County adopted subdivision regulations
Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to table file no. SE-9003, McCauley Subdivision until April 16.
Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
2. Tabling of El Jebel School Site Exemption SE-7792
Chris Cerimele, Planning
Executive Summary: The request in front of the Board today is to table this hearing to a new date of April 16. This
file is for an exemption from subdivision plat that upon approval will create an 8.6 non-conforming lot which could
otherwise be created through the powers of condemnation.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to table file no. SE-7792, El Jebel School Site until April 16.
Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
There being no further business befor t +. e meeting was adjourned until April 9, 2019.
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