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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/12/19 PUBLIC HEARING
March 12, 2019
Present: Jeanne McQueeney Chairman
Kathy Chandler-Henry Commissioner
Matt Scherr Commissioner
Beth Oliver Deputy County Attorney
Kathy Scriver Deputy Clerk to the Board
This being a scheduled Public Hearing,the following items were presented to the Board of County
Commissioners for their consideration:
Commissioner Updates
Commissioner Chandler-Henry stated that she spent last week at the National Association of Counties and
Western Leaders Network working with other commissioners on things such as broadband for rural areas. There
were also meetings on public lands and the outdoor recreation economy. The new US Secretary of the Interior had
some connections here in Colorado and they were able to meet with him as well. She reminded folks to stay in
bounds on the mountains and be cautious as it was dangerous in the backcountry right now.
Commissioner Scherr stated that he would be attending a council meeting with the Town of Basalt to
introduce himself and get to know everyone. He would also be participating in the ski with the elected officials'
event on Thursday at Snowmass.
Chairman McQueeney stated that the Build a Better Colorado Group was reengaging constituents to
discuss the issues with the Gallagher, Tabor, and Amendment 23 and what could improve the issues. She
encouraged people to engage in upcoming conversations.
County Manager Updates
Jeff Shroll stated that there would be an airport tour after the morning session. The airport project was a
little over 50%complete. Most of the work was beginning to take place on inside finishes. Construction was on
schedule. He gave a shout out to the airport grounds crew for their work clearing all the snow as the winter season
has been a,busy one.
Consent Agenda
1. Easement Agreement between Crawford Properties and Eagle County for Sidewalk and Drainage
Improvements for the El Jebel Road Roundabout Project
Taylor Ryan, Engineering Department
Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to approve the Consent Agenda for March 12, 2019, as presented.
Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Constituent Input
Chairman McQueeney opened and closed constituent input, as there was none.
Business Items
1. Resolution 2019-010 Concerning the Appointment of Carolyn Schneider as Eagle County's Assistant
Veteran Service Officer
Kathleen Lyons, Human Services
Executive Summary: Over 2,300 Veterans call Eagle County home. Our Veterans Service Officer and Assistant
Veterans Service Officer's role is to help link these Veterans and their families to critical medical and financial
support services. In 2017. Eagle County Veterans received nearly$6.3M in compensation, pension, education and
other benefits. These dollars not only help support our vulnerable Veteran population, but also our entire
community's economy.
Carolyn Schneider served in the US Navy as an Air Traffic Controller 3rd Class. She completed ATC School in
Georgia and was then stationed at Chambers Airfield in Norfolk, Virginia. Carolyn considers herself very fortunate
to have served in this role at a time when only a few women were allowed to do so. She has been working with our
Veterans Service Office program for almost two years. During that time Carolyn has supported the work of
Veterans Service Officer, Pat Hammon, learning the benefits computer system, assisting Veterans in obtaining the
needed paperwork for benefit applications, and managing the monthly Veterans newsletter. In 2018, Carolyn
obtained her Colorado Veterans Service Officer certification and her hours were increased. By appointing Carolyn
Schneider as our Assistant Veterans Service Officer, we can continue to meet the needs of Eagle County's growing
Veteran population. In Carolyn's own words, she feels privileged and humbled to be the catalyst for finding help
for Eagle County's veterans.
Colorado Revised Statute § 28-5-801 mandates that the board of county commissioners of each county in the state
establish a Veterans Service Office and appoint a veterans service officer for such county, and any assistant as may
be deemed necessary. Colorado Revised Statute § 28-5-802 mandates a two-year term for any Veterans Service
Officer or Assistant.
Ms. Lyons stated that Carolyn Schneider recently completed her certification and welcomed her as a new
Assistant Veterans Service Officer
Pat Hammon thanked the board for their support. It would be helpful to have Ms. Schneider on board.
Ms. Schneider stated that she was looking forward to working with Ms. Hammon and the veterans in the
Commissioner Scherr moved to approve the resolution concerning the appointment of Carolyn Schneider
as Eagle County's Assistant Veteran Service Officer.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
2. Resolution 2019-011 Approval of the Fourth Extension to the Final Plat for the Vines at Vail Planned Unit
Development PR-7789
Kris Valdez and Richard Davies, Planning and Engineering Departments
Executive Summary: The Applicant was granted a two (2)year extension to the Final Plat for the Vines at Vail
Planned Unit Development(File No. PDF-00098), which was initially approved on November 6, 2007.The original
Final Plat approval vested the subdivision of the property for five (5) years. This request is the Resolution of
Approval for the extension request.
Ms. Valdez stated that the resolutions memorialized the decision that was made by the board on February
19, 2019. The applicant now had six months to produce a Letter of Credit for the estimated cost of construction of
100% of the public improvements for the PUD and had until November 6, 2020 to install 50%of the public
improvements. The time for the Letter of Credit started from the February approval date and the improvements
were dated back to November 6,2018.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to approve the fourth extension to the Final Plat for the Vines at
Vail PUD Rr-7789.
Commissioner Scherr seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
3. Resolution 2019-012 Approving the Special Use Permit for Tower Pit Gravel Mining Operation ZS-7783
Sean Hanagan, Planning Department
Executive Summary: Seeking Resolution approval for a Special Use Permit for the operation of a gravel mine, to
include production of asphalt and concrete, known as the Tower Pit Gravel Mine on 36.7 acres zoned "Industrial"
in unincorporated Eagle County, located east of the Town of Gypsum, south of Highway 6 and north of the Eagle
County Regional Airport(the"Special Use"), also known as Assessor's Parcel No. APN 2111-032-00-002 (the
``Property"). The permit is valid for a 14-year period of operations to include reclamation
Mr. Flanagan stated that part of the approval that took place for the Tower Pit Mining Operation on January
29th was that some modification be made to Mining Operations Plan. He reviewed the modifications made to the
document. He noted that the Facilities Manager contact information was added to the document.
Chairman McQueeney appreciated the additional work.
Commissioner Scherr moved to approve the resolution approving the Special Use Permit for Tower Pit
Gravel Mining Operations ZS-7783.
Commissioner Chandler-Henry seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Work Session
1. River Health and Water Quality Monitoring Update
2. Transit First/Last Mile Study Update
There being no further business before I :rt t. - meeting was adjourned until March 19, 2019.
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