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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/05/19 PUBLIC HEARING February 5, 2019 Present: Jeanne McQueeney Chairman Kathy Chandler-Henry Commissioner Jeff Shroll County Manager Mike Nugent Deputy County Manager Bryan Treu County Attorney Kathy Scriver Deputy Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing,the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: Commissioner Updates Commissioner Chandler-Henry spoke about the candidate forum being held tonight. There were seven people vying for the position vacated by Jill Ryan for County Commissioner District 1. The forum would be held at CMC in Edwards from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Following the forum the vacancy committee would meet and vote to select the commissioner. She also reported on a Water Congress meeting held last Thursday and Friday in Denver. The groups hoped to address what would happen if there was not enough water in the Colorado River. She encouraged anyone who was interested to take a look at the drought contingency plans on the Colorado Water Conservation Board or on the River District websites. Chairman McQueeney stated that there were still radon test kits available in the Environmental Health department and at Walking Mountains. She suggested that people take advantage of this free service that the county was providing. She also gave a shout out to Mandy Ivanov from the Public Health Department who went down with youth from the community,Jerry Lopez and Lily Reynolds,to testify in a committee hearing on HB- 1033 regarding the county's ability to tax nicotine products. County Manager Updates Jeff Shroll spoke about the Eagle Valley Fire and Ice Gala. He thanked Scott Green for putting the event together. He recognized three individuals that had meant a lot to students for countless years,Bob Zimmerman, George McCullum, and Ed Oyler. Chairman McQueeney took an opportunity to thank Mike Nugent,Deputy County Manager,for being part of the board meeting today. Mr.Nugent would be moving down to Denver to take a position as Chief Strategy Officer for the Department of Public Health and Environment. She was excited for his next step but took the opportunity to let him know he would be missed. Chairman Chandler-Henry added her thanks. She believed he'd taught everyone a new way to think about how to make things better and that getting to"yes"often required creativity and innovation. Consent Agenda 1. Inter-organizational Agreement with Pitkin County,Aspen Valley Hospital District and Mountain Family Health Centers Rhea Silverkorn,Administration 2. Lease Agreement between Eagle County and Eagle Valley Child Care Association 1 02/05/2019 Jan Miller,Facilities Management 3. Intergovernmental Agreement Between Eagle County and CDOT for Edwards Spur Road Construction Rickie Davies, Engineering 4. Final Settlement of Contract between ContractOne Inc. for the Eagle County Treasurer's Remodel Kristin Degenhardt,Project Management 5. Final Settlement of Contract between FCI Constructors Inc. for the Eagle County Facilities Workshop Construction Kristin Degenhardt,Project Management 6. SMB-8012: 1332 Deer Blvd. Duplex Split Sean Hanagan,Planning Rickie Davies provided some additional information regarding the Edwards Spur Road construction project. The total project amount including design was just over$21 million. Eagle County along with Edwards Metro District had contributed 36%. There was a project hotline(970)446-1001 for anyone with concerns about the project and a website that would provide project information.A link to the project website could be found on the county website. The expected completion date was November 2019. Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to approve the Consent Agenda for February 5, 2019, as presented. Chairman McQueeney seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners,the vote was declared unanimous. Constituent Input Chairman McQueeney opened constituent input. Joan Rock expressed her support for free radon testing. She commented on the candidate forum, election process, oversite committee, and supported limiting government pay. She also spoke about the Energy Advisory Board upcoming meeting with Colorado Oil and Gas and believed there needed to be more transparency. Chairman McQueeney closed constituent input. Business Items 1. Resolution 2019-006 Concerning Mass Transit Service Levels for Calendar Year 2019 Chris Lubbers,Transit Executive Summary: During the ECO Transit Authority Board meeting on August 8th 2018, the Board reviewed and made a motion to neither increase nor decrease mass transit service levels during calendar year 2019 as compared to calendar year 2018. The resolution outlines the annual number of service hours and the number of positions necessary to provide the service. Chris Lubbers stated the resolution documented the mass transit service levels in the Eagle Valley for 2019. The intent was to plan for the levels of service each year based on the status and condition of the ECO funds. Commissioner Chandler-Henry asked Mr. Lubbers to define winter and summer. Mr. Lubbers stated that the summer season was April through November and the winter season November through April. The service hours were the same as 2018. Chairman McQueeney noted that although there wasn't an increase in service there was an increase in FTE in order to eliminate overtime. 2 02/05/2019 Commissioner Chandler-Henry moved to approve the resolution concerning mass transit service levels for calendar year 2019. Chairman McQueeney seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners,the vote was declared unanimous. Planning Files — El Jebel Building 1. File SE-7792, El Jebel School Site Exemption Plat, and Reconfiguration of Parcel 3 of the Crawford Lot Line Adjustment Plat Chairman McQueeney stated that the meetings in El Jebel would be postponed due to the road closure in the Glenwood Canyon. At this time there was not a date set,but when a date was decided,it would be publicized. Work Session 1. Economic Development Update from the Basalt Chamber-Postponed 0 C. There be..1.,no further busi ess before t '... • � - -eting was adjourned until February 12, 2019. //)j eC)."—/A-4j Attest: .� oSP� C -rye. the Board irman 3 02/05/2019