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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/22/19 PUBLIC HEARING January 22, 2019 Present: Jeanne McQueeney Chairman Jillian Ryan Commissioner Jeff Shroll County Manager Bryan Treu County Attorney Kathy Scriver Deputy Clerk to the Board Absent: Kathy Chandler-Henry Commissioner This being a scheduled Public Hearing,the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: Commissioner Updates Commissioner Ryan provided an update about health care. The legislative session had begun and she believed there were a lot of great health care bills. The insurance commission had been working on a pilot community health insurance plan. She hoped that people would get some relief soon. Chairman McQueeney gave a shout out to the county housing team. The team provided information and shared tools at a three-day affordable housing conference. County Manager Update Jeff Shroll spoke about the first time he met Jill Ryan. He thanked Ms. Ryan for all her hard work and wished her all the best. He believed that was what was started by her hard work would continue. Commissioner Ryan expressed appreciation to all the staff of Eagle County. It felt like the health care systems, mental health systems, and other systems were not working for residents. She believed the county needed to take the lead and staff had jumped in to solve these issues while still keeping the core services going. She was happy to have worked with everyone and believed that everyone had made her a better person. It had been an honor to serve the people of Eagle County. Chairman McQueeney added her appreciation. She reflected back on what had changed over the past six years and what the county had accomplished with Commissioner Ryan's leadership. Constituent Input Chairman McQueeney opened constituent input. Joanne Rock made a couple comments on health care. She would like to see a change in retirement and the Medicare requirements. She would like to see a change in the entire tax code system as it related to health care. Commissioner McQueeney closed constituent input. Short Break Work Session(s) 1 01/15/2019 1. Digital Transformation Plan Executive Summary: The Digital Transformation Strategy is a five year plan for Eagle County to transform how we interact with our residents. Eagle County departments wish to share their vision and goals with the BoCC to get feedback and support. Eagle County Housing and Development Authority 1. Eagle County Housing and Development Authority board and Advisory Committee semi-annual update Executive Summary: The Eagle County Housing and Development Authority board and Advisory Committee meet twice per year to discuss updates and recommendations for increasing housing stock across the Eagle County. The Advisory Committee provides recommendations to the board in regards to public private partnerships, new projects and increasing housing opportunities. We will take a close look at successes in 2018 and opportunities in the upcoming new year. Planning Files 1. PR-7789 Vines at Vail Extension -Tabling Request The applicant is requesting that this hearing be tabled to February 19, 2019. The Applicant is requesting a two (2) year extension to the Final Plat for the Vines at Vail Planned Unit Development (File No. PDF-00098), initially approved on November 6, 2007. The original Final Plat approval vested the subdivision of the property for five(5) years. This request is the fourth extension request for the Vines at Vail Final Plat for Planned Unit Development. Kris Valdez, Planning, stated that the applicant was requesting that the file be tabled until February 19, 2019 to allow time to gather additional information. The applicant had submitted significant information since the last hearing on December 4th. The applicant was now representing himself. Staff had no concerns with the request. Ms. Oliver stated that from an extension standpoint,the extension would start on the date of the expiration. Commissioner Ryan moved to table PR-7789 Vines at Vail Extension to February 19, 2019. Chairman McQueeney seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners,the vote was declared unanimous. COoGLE There bei,g no further business before t . e ,a • eting as adj•.reed until January 29, 2019. � 6 / Attes idi°1111r . _ / * co."Rp'O i/a / /f lel to the B and Chairmli k 2 01/15/2019