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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/15/19 NENN
January 15, 2019
Present: Jeanne McQueeney Chairman
Jillian Ryan Commissioner
Jeff Shroll County Manager
Bryan Treu County Attorney
Kathy Scriver Deputy Clerk to the Board
Absent: Kathy Chandler-Henry Commissioner
This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were presented to the Board of County
Commissioners for their consideration:
Commissioner Updates
Commissioner Ryan stated that she was recently appointed the Executive Director of the Colorado
Department of Public Health and Environment and would be resigning her post as County Commissioner. Her last
meeting would be next Tuesday;January 22,January 27th would be her formal resignation day.
Manager Update
Jeff Shroll stated that he would be heading out to the airport for lunch. The airport was 50%complete with
the new terminal expansion. The contractors were on schedule and would be focusing on the internal
Consent Agenda
1. Colorado Counties Casualty and Property Pool Agreement for Partially Self-Funded Program Eagle County
Jan Miller, Facilities
2. Encroachment Easement Agreement Between Eagle County and Dierking Properties LLC
Nicole Mosby, Engineering
3. Colorado Department of Transportation; Eagle County Signature Sheet for Highway Users Tax Fund for
Mileage Revenue Collection
Nicole Mosby, Engineering
4. Resolution 2019-004 Authorizing the Clerk and Recorders Office to Close For Non-Election Services on
Election Day, November 5, 2019
Regina O'Brien, Clerk and Recorder
5. Approval of the Minutes of the Board of County Commissioner Meetings for November 13, November 27,
December 4, and December 11, 2018
Kathy Scriver, Clerk and Recorder's Office
6. AFP-7948; Bene Laswell Subdivision; A Resubdivision of Lot 16, Filing 26
Chris Cerimele, Planning
Commissioner Ryan moved to approve the Consent Agenda for January 15, 2019, as presented.
Chairman McQueeney seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared
Constituent Input
Chairman Jeanne McQueeney opened and closed constituent input, as there was none.
Planning Files
1. Tabling of El Jebel School Site Exemption SE-7792
Cliff Simonton, Planning
Executive Summary: The Board will table this tile to Feb 5 so that it can be heard in El Jebel.
Mr. Simonton stated that the applicant had agreed to a tabling of the file to allow it to be heard in El Jebel
in the Mt. Sopris room in the event there were people in the area that wished to weigh in.
Commissioner Ryan moved to approve the tabling of file no SE-7792, El Jebel School Site Exemption
until February 5, 2019.
Chairman McQueeney seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners,the vote was declared
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There Ir' g no further business before - ,, ii, .0 . eeting as adjourned until January ,2, 2019.
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