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HomeMy WebLinkAboutLC16-007 Playpower LT FarmingtonACREBMENT FOR EQT'IPMENT BETWEEN LAKE CREEKVILLAGE LLC AND PLAYPOIWER LT FARMINGTON, INC, THIS AGREEMENT ('Agreemenf') is effectivo as of the ?6rA day of April,2016 by and between PlaypowerLT Farmington, Inc., a Missouri corporation (hereinafter'Yendor') and [.ake Creek Villag,e LLC, a Colorado limited liability company (hereinafter "LCV'), RECITALS WHEREAS, LCV desires to purchase play structures and equipment ftom Vendor as outlined in Efhlb$, attached hereto and incorporated herein for Lake Creek Village, located at 4923 Lake Creek Village Drive, Edwards, Colorado (the'?roject Site")l and WIIERBAS, Vendor has the time, skill, expertise, and experierrce necessary to provide the equipment and/or materials as set forth below in paragraph I hereofi and WHEP;EAS, this Agreement shall govern the relationship between Vendor and LCV in connection with the procurenrent of equipment and/or materials. AGREEMENT NOW, TIIEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the following promises Vendor and LCV agree as follows: l. Equipment. Vendor agrees to procure the nuterials, equipment and/or products (collectively the 'Equipment") described in Exhibit A which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The Equipment shall be provided in accordance with the provisions and conditions ofthis Agreement. a. Vendor agrees to furnish and deliver the Equipment to the Project Site no later than May 3l , 20 I 6, By signing below Vendor represents that it has the expertise and personnel necesary to properly and timely provide the Equipment. The parties acknowledge that Vendor is not installing the Equipment, b. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the terms and conditions set forth in Exhibit d and the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreemcnt shall prevail. LCV shatl have the right to inspect all Equipment. Inspection and acceptance shall not be unreasonably detayed or refused. In the event LCV does not accept the Equipment for any reason in its sole discretion, then Vendor shall upon LCV's reguest and at no charge to LCVI take the Equipment back; exchange the Equipnrent; or repair the Equipment. LCV's Representative. The Maintenance Supervisor, William Wright, shall be Vendor's contact with l. ll. lu. respect to this Agreement. 's Office LC16-007 3. Term of the Asreement. This Agreeniefrt shall commence'upon the date first written above, and subject to the provisions ofparagraph l0 hereof, shall condnue in full folce and effect ttrough the delivery and acceptancc of the Equipment. 4, Extension olModification. Any amendments or modifications shall be in writing signed by both pa*ies. No additioriat gquiliment shall be prbi'idett by Vendgr unless and until Vendorhas obtained wpitten authoiizatibh and acknowlddgeme'nt by LCV for iuch additional equipmentiniaccordance with LCVts'internal policigs.' ' . r' Accordingly, no course of condrrct or deatingf betw€en the parties, nor verbal change'orders, exPress or implied acceptance of alterations or additions to the Equipment, and no claim that LCV has been unjustly enriched by any Bquipment, whether or not there is in fact any such unjust eniichmeht, shall be the basis of any increase in the compensation payable hercunder. ln the event that written authorization and acknowledgment by LCV for such additional eguiprnent is nof timely executed and issued in strict accordance with tliis AEreer.nent, Veidof's rights with respect to such additional eguipment shall be deemed waived and such failire shall'fesult in'non+payment for such additional equipment. 5. Coinppnsdtion. LCV shali compensate Vendor for the Eqiripmentin a sum computed and payable asset forth in Exhibit A. The total cost for the Equipment under this Agieement shall not eJceed $ 132882.00." , a, lPayment will be mdde for Equipment satisfactoiily delivereU and acceptpd,,b; IfV within thirty (30) days of receipt of a proper and accurate invoice from Vendor. All invoices shall include detail regarding the Equipment and such other detail as LCV may reque$t' b, If, at any time during the term or after termination or expiration of this Agreement, LCV reasonably detb-rmines that siiy payment made by LCI/ to Vdndor wag improper because,the F4uiPthent for wlrich " payment was made were not provided as set brth in thi$ Agreement, then upon written notice of such determination and request for reimbursement from LCV, Vendor shall forthwith return such paymen(s) to LCV. Upon termination or expiiation oT"this Agreement, ungxperlded ftrnds advanced by LCV;if any; shall forthydth be returned to LCV.: , ,,. , .: r.i, , !. ,.,, I "i .t i:ii{l - lt. : LCV will not withhold any taxes from monies paid to the Vendor herzunder and Vendor agrees to be solely rbspbndible for ite acqorete ieporting and payment.of.any taxes related topaymentF:madg pursuant to the termsofthisAgreemenf; j, - .r, ,' ",. ." ',..' 6. Insurance. Vendor agrees to provide and maintain at Vendor's sole cost and expense, the following insurance coveiage with limits of liabitity not.less than those stated below: il:r . i a, Types oflnsurance. : ' i. Wdikers' Compens4tion insurance as required by law' :. r I ii. Auto coverage wiili limits of liability not tess than $ t ;00O000 each accident copbined bodily injury and property damage liability insurance, including coverage for owned, hired, and non-owned vehicles. ' j; I 1l .lj'.', .. iii. Commercial General Liability coverage to include premisEs anfl gperatiops, personaUadvertising injury, products/completedoperations, broad form property damage with limits of liability not less than $1 ,000,000 per dccurrenc6 and $l ;(X)0,000 aggregate limits. ' '1 . l 2 t,CV qulpmcrt and Materisls Final 5/t4 b. Other Requirements, i. The automobile and commercial general liability coverage shall be endorsed to include LCV, its associated or affiliated entities, its successors and assigns, elected officials, employees, agents and volunteers as additional insureds. A certificate of insurance consistent with the foregoi:ng requirements is attached hereto as Exhibit B. ii. termination hereof. The insurance provisions of this Agreement shall survive e:rlpiration or iii, The parties hereto understand and agree that LCV is relying; on, and does not waive or intend to waive by any provision of this Agreement, the monetary limitations or rights, immunities and protections provided by the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act, as from time to tinre amended, or otherwise available to LCV, its affrliated entities, succeEsors or assigns, its elected officials, employees, agents and volunteers. iv, Vendor is not entitled to workers' compensation benefits ex,cePt as provided by the Vendor, nor to unemptoyment insurance benefih unless unemployment comPensation coverage is provided by Vendor or some other entity. The Vendor is obligated to pay all federal and state income tax on any moneys paid punuant to this Agreement, 7, Indemnification. The Vendor shall indemnify and hold harmless IfV, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages or liabilities for which IfV may becorne subject to insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities arise out of, directly or indirectly, this Agreement, or are based upon any performance or nonperformance by Vendor or any of its subcontragtors hereunder; ancl Vendor shall reimbursc IJCV for reasonable attorney fees and costs, legal and other expenses incurred by LCV in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action, This indemnification shall not apply to claims by third parties against tCV to the extent that LCV is liable to such third party for such claims without regard to the involvement of the Vendor. This paragraph shall survive expiration or termination hereof. 8. Dosunrents, Vendor shall execute any bill of sate or other documents requirr:d by LCV to transfer title of the Equipment to LCV. Vendor shall provide copies of any instruction or operations manuals and shall further provide copies of any manufacturers warranties associated with the Bquipment. g. Notice. Any notice required by this Agreement shall be deemed properly delivered when (i) personally delivered, or (ii) when mailed in ttre United States mail, first ctass postage prepaid, or (iii) when delivered by FedEx or other comparable courier serviee, charges prepaid, to the parties at their respective nddresses listed below' or (iv) when sent via facsimile so long as the sending party can provide facsimile machine or other confirmation showing the date, time and receiving facsimile number for the transmission, or (v) when transnritted via e-mail with confirmation of receipt. Either party may change its address for purposes of this paral;raph by giving five (5) days prior written notice of such change to the other party. LCV: Attentionl lill Klosterman 500 Broadway Post OfEce Box 850 Eagle, CO 81631 Telephone: 97 0328-87'7 3 Facsi mile: 97 0 -32847 87 Email : j ill.klosterman @ 3 L,rCiv Equipmcot and Matcrlals Final 5/14 With a copyto: Eagle County Attomey 500Brciadway ' ' Post OfficeBox a5o Eagle,'Co 81631 Telephone: 970-328-8685 Fagsimilel 97 0 -328 -8699 Emaili atty@eaglecounty;us VENDOR: : ,:,. , Playpower'tTFarmington, Inc, r- ' tf -. l.f\uronJffi- el'x F' 'n\r''! "" rarninet6n+4tr34+o,Fl, tt S b With a copy to: ' Recreation Hus;'Ltd, (Vent-or representritive in'Ccjlorado) Attn: MiriamHootstein l 5209 West Ellsworth-Dr, Goldeii, Ctl'"8940i j5007 rel ephone;' nffi .27 8 ll 45 5 Facsimital 3B-nd-1606 Em'ai l: Miii ariir@ieiieaii 6riphi s;com ' "j:i. I 10. Td,ntiinatirin. LCV'rhay.teimin'aie:this Agrebment, in whole'orin part, at arij'tirfiehnd,for,any re4son, wjth or without ca'uie, tiiih withoiilil€nElqy theiefor wirhlseven (?)'calendar bays' pfior ivritten notice to- the Vendor, Upori terilin4rion of this egde'iiiielit, VifiAdi 3h'all iriimeoiatplypfrvidi LCV:with dll dobumerits aSdefined in ! ' parqgraph 8,her-pof, in suchfor-mat as I-CV shall dirpct and shall return all LCV owned materials and docunrcnts in the poss*$oiio?Veiaor,: if rihy."IfV'shhll phy Vendcii for Equipment satidfactoriljl'ifispccted':and.accept€d tp the dateoftei*inati|hl 'r 'x" r'r:'' " ,' 'rlr:{ir i ' : :: : .1. '; 'r 1 , , i' rr" l !r ir.. t2..This Adirieritent ina$ be, er(ecrited:ifitwo or,mors countbrphrrs, ;eadn of whictr dtrdli Ue tteenbd. an oribinal;' but {ll of wbiiih'rstfrtl ionstitute'o-tiblandthe sarne inFtrume.nt. Thg parties apprgv€ the use of elechonic signatures for execrition of ttrisdgr€em'erit Only the'folloWing two forms of elecaonic signatures shall be permitted to bind the parties to this Agreemenh (i) Electronie or facsimile,delivery of a fully executed copy of the signature page; Qi) the image of the signature of an authorized slfner inserted onto PDF format documents. All documenB must be properly'notadzed, if appfcable. , AII use of eJectronic signatures shall be governe{ by the Uniform Electroiric Transactions Act, CR.S. ?+71.3-.101 toil2lr , , . i;: t. 4 LCV Equipmenl and Matcrisls Final 5/14 -i.r 1t'Y&-i 'Lv;'r.,i 13. Otlrer Contract Requirements and Vendor Representations. a. Vendor has familiarized itself with the intended purpose and use of the Eguipment to be providcd hereunder, the intended use of such Equipment by LCV, and with all local conditions, llederal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations that in any manner affect cost, progress, or Equipment. b. Vendor will make, or cause to be madq examinations, investigations, and tests as he deems necessary for the performance ofthis Agreement, c. The fact that LCV has accepted or approvcd the Equipment shall not relieve Vendor of any ofits responsibilities, Vendor represents and warrants that it has the expertisc and personnel necessary to properly perform the terms of this Agreement. Vendor shall provide appropriate supervision to its employees to ensure the performance in accordance with this Agreennnt. Vendor will provide the Equipment irr a skillfirl, professional and competent manner and in accordance with the standard ofcare applicable to vendors supplying similm equipment. d. Vendor warrants merchantability and fitness ofthe Equipment for its intended use and purpose. e. Vendor hereby represents and warrants that the Equipment will be nerw and guarantees all Equipment against defects for a period ofone (l) year from the date th€ Equipment is accepted by LCV, or such longer period as may be provided by the law or as otherwise agreed to by the parties. f. Att guarantees and warranties ofEquipment furnished to Vendor by any manufacturer or supplier are for the bBnefit of LCV, If any manufacturer or supplier of any F4uipment furnishers a guarantee or warrantee for a period longer than one (l) year, then Vendor's guarantee or walTantec shall extend fo,r a like period as to such Equipment. g. Vendor warrants that title to all Equipment shall pass to LCV either by incorporation into the LCV facility or upon receipt by Vendor of payment from LCV (whichever occurs first) frce and clear of all liens, claims, security interests or encumbrances. Vendor further warrants that Vendor (or any other person performing Work) purchased all Equipment free and clear of all liens, claims, security interests or encumttrances. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Vendor assumes all risk of loss with respect to the Equipment until LCV has inspected and approved the same. h, Within a ressonable time after receipt of written notice, Vendor shall correct at its own expense, without cost to LCV, and wlthout int€rruption to LCV: i. Any defects in Equipment which existed prior to or during the period of any guarantee or waranty provided in this Agreement; and ii. Any damage to any property caused by such defects or theiepairing ofsuch defects. i. Guarantees and warranties shall not be construed to modify or limit any rights or actions LCV may otherwise have against Vendor in law or in eguity. j. Vendor agrees to work in an expeditious manner, within the sound exercise of its judgment and professional standards, in the performance of this Agreement. Time is of the essence rvith respect to this Agjeement, 5 LC'V Equipment and Moterials Final 5/14 k. This Agreement constitutes an agreennnt foi performance by Vendor as an independent coiltractor and not as an employee of LCV. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to create a relationship of emplOyer-emplciyii'inaSter.servant, pattriership,^joint venture o? any other relationship between LCV and Vendor except that of independent coritractor. Vendor shall have no authority to bind LCV. l. Vendor represents and warrants tt u, * Af times in the performance of the Agreement, Vendor : shaIlcompl1iwithanyandaliappIicable|aws'csdes;rulesandregulations. m. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter herbof and supenedeS all other'agreements or underdtanding befileen the parties with rcspart'thereto' " n, Venilor shall not as-sign any poriicin of thi5 Agreement without lhe prior written consent of the LCV, Any ajtemplto assign this Agreement without su'ch consent shall be void. ; ' ,, ' o. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to lhe benefit ofthe parties hereto and their respective permitted assi!;ns and succe'ssors iii intbrest. EnforcOment of this Agreement and all rights and obligations hereunder are reserved solely for the parties, and not to any third party. p. Nci failure or delay by bither prirty in the exercise ofany right hereunder shall conltitute a waiver thereof. No waiver of any breach shall be deenied a waiver of ant preceding cir sucqeedii.g breach. q, ' The invalidity, illegality or unenfoiceability ofany provision ofthis Agreement shall not affect the vatidity or enforcedbility of any cither proviiion herebf' 11' r. The signatories to this Agreement aver to their knowledge, no employee of LCV has any personal or beneficial interest whatsoever in the Equipment described in ttris Agreement' The Vendor has no beneficial interest, direei or indirbct, ihat woud conflict in any rmanner or degree with the performance of dte Agreement and Vendo! shdll not employ anyperson haviirg such known iriterests' - i s. ,The Vendor, if a natiiftil persoii eighteen (18) years of age or oldet hereby swears and affirr:s i unAer fieh|liy of peirjury that hd or she(i) is a citizen or otherwise lawfully.present in the Uxited States purSualt to federal law, (ii) to the extentapplicable shalicomply with C.R.S. 24:16,5-103 prior to the effective date of this Agreement. 14, Prohibitions on Contracts. ;' '' a. As us6d in this Seetion 14; the'term undocumentbd individual will refer to those individuals from foreign countries not tegally in the United States as set forth in C.R.S. 8-17.5-10!, et.,seq' If Vendof has any employees or subcontractors, Vendor shall not: i. Knowingly employ or contract rvith an undocumented individual to perform Services under this Aireembnt; or ii. Enter into a subcontract that fails to certify to Vendor that the subconhactor shall not knowirigly employ or con'hact 'wittian undoburhented individual to perform work under the contract for services. b. If Vondor obtains actual knowledge that a subcontractor performing work under the "ont uct fo, services knowingly employs or contracts with an undocumented individual, Vendor shall be required to: 6 t.qV Equipment and Matedals Final 5/14 i. Notify the subcontractor and LCV within three (3) days that Vendor has achral knowledge that the subcontractor is employing or contracting with an undocumented individual; and ii. Terminate the subcontract with the subcontractor if within three (3) days of receiving the notice required pursuant to subparagraph (i) of the paragraph l4(b) the subcontractor does not stop employing or contracting with the undocumented individual; except that Vendor shall not ternrinate the contract with the subcontractor if during such thrce (3) days the subcontractor provides information to establish that the subcontractor has not knowingly employed or contracted with an undocumented individual. c. If Vendor violates these prohibitions, I€V may terminate the Agreernent for breach of confacL If the Agreement is so terminated specifically for breach of this provision of this Agreem,ent, Vondor shall be liable for actual and consequential damages to LCV. d. LCV may notify the Colorado Secretary of State if Vendor violates this provision of this Agreement and LCV terminates the Agreement fur such breach, IN WTINF,SS WHEREOR the parties have executed this Agreement the day and year first sot forth above. Iake Creek Village LLC By and through Eagle County Housing and Development Authority, its sole member 7 l,Clf Equipment and Matetlals Ftnal5/14 By:ffi EXHIBITA scoPE oF SERYICES, EQUTPMENT, SCITEDULE, FBES I I.cV Equipmsnt ond Materisls Final 5/14 RECREA TION PLAS,+ 1 1 1 1 1 1 LTD. Playgrounds Fun & Easy!* c/o Recreation PIus, Ltd. 15209 West Ellsworth Drive, Golden, CO 80401 Telephone: (303) 278-1455/ (888) 278-14s5 Fax; (303) 278-1606 4-12-16Submitted To: Eagle Gounty Housing Date: Department 4923 Lake Greek Village Drive Job Name: #10-101 Edwards co 81632 Job Location: rof Single Bay Arch Swings with 2 tot swlngs (2-5) Nu-Edge Play Structure(2-5) Stacked Timber Glimber with net attached to 5-12 Play Structure 7,659 Square feet of Fibar Engineered Wood Safety Surface, includes flber felt, drain tiles, and freight Double Bay Arch Swings with 4 belt swings Medium Fun Rock Dragonfly Trout Raft Group Swing Pair of Soccer Goal2238.19 by PW Athletics, includes nets Lake Greek Village 971 -471-9102Bitl Net $ $ $ $ 954 2,307 25,635 60,132 14,148 2813Cl4D1 5E 6F 78G9H10 I11 J Subtotal: Frelght: Total: $ 3,638 $ 7,541 $ 2,066 $ 4,514 $ 4,ool $ 2,750 $ 127,686 $ 5,296 $ 132,982 PRtcEs:ABE GOOD FOR THTRTY (30) DAYS. TAXES:NOT INCLUDED. DELIVERY:30 ro 45 oAYS ARO- DEPOSTT:OU" I EFIMS:NETSO DAYS INSTALLATIoN:INSTALLATION IS OPTIONAL AND IS AN ADD{N TO THE TOTAL PRICE. BOCKAND UTILmES CLAUSE OUSTOMER AGBEES TO RECREATION PLUS. LTD'S ROCK AND UTILTNES GI.AUSE. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A COPY OF OUF ROCK AND UTIUNES CLAUSE. PLEASE CALL oIJR oFFICE AND WE WILL FAx oR I\,AIL IT To YoU. SURFAcING IJPCHARGE INSTALLATION COSTS WILL INCREASE UPTO 50% IF SURFACING IS INSTALLED IIIIPLAYAREA PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF F.lI IIPMFhIT ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSA: The above prlces speciflcations and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. Any alteradons or deviations from the above will be executed only upon written orders and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. Please be assured your order will receive our prompt atention. Tl[e: DabotArcqdarne: All Paperwork (PO's, Deposit Checks, Etc.) Should Be Maile Out to Play Power LT Farmington anil Sentto 878 Ewy 60, Monett, MO 65708 1s2U W. ELLSWORTH DR o GOLDEN. CO 80401-5007 o303-278-1455 / 888.,278-1455 oFAX 303-278-1606 **Cost of permits are not included, it is the responsibility of the owner/general contractor.** EXHIBITB INS TJRANCE CERTIFICATES 9 II:V EquipmGnl and Molcrisls Finsl 5rl4 A,COR CERTIFIGATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MMIDD/YYYY) (xi/u/2016 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTIruTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENIANVE OR PRODUCE& AID fiE CERTIFICATE HOLDER tMt ot( | AN | : |l tne cenrncate notder rs a.n Auul I toNAL INSuftEL,, tne poltcy(tes) must have AULI I |(,NAL tNsuRED prcvElons or be endorsed. lf SUBROGATION lS WAIVED, subject lo the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement A statement on this certificat€ does not confer rights to the certlficate holder in lieu of such endorcement(s). PRODUCER Aon Risk Services central, Louis Mo ofFice 8182 Maryland Avenuest Louis Mo 63105 usA tcT EJIAIL ADDRESS: lNsuRER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # NSI,NED Playpower Holdinqs. lnc. 11515 vanstory DrJvesulte 100 HUNTERSVILLE NC 28078 - 5417 USA tNsuRERA Pennsylvania Manufacturers' Assoc rns co |2262 tNsuRERBr Everest National fnsurance Co L0]-ZO |MIURERC: Llberty Insurance CorporatlOn t1404 Ii.ISURER D: Ii.ISURER E: IT,IIIURER T: NUMBER: 'oFpD- . @{9EE-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rlghts reserved. The ACORD name and logo are reglstered marks of ACORD Lo Eotl ott ot INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDJTION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT W]TH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIM]TS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CTAIMS. CO[,llllERClAL GETUR^L LIAEIUTY cLATM+MADE lTlo""u* GENI- AGGREGATE LIMII APPLIES PER: :::,:; El5s"1 lrlroc sIR applies per policy MED EXP (Any ono po6m) AUTOMOBILE LIASIIJTY ANYAUTO OWNED f--lscHEDt AUToSoNLY I lAttros H1REDAUToS I y INOTSOWNEDONLY I:I AUTOS ONLY comp I X lll,oooDcd.colislor BoDILY INJURY ( Prrp!tron) BODILY INJURY (P€r 6cddcnl) aypower LT-Farminston, rnc., formerly knorvn as Little Tikes commercial play systems, RE: project: Lake creek villaqe, asgpbcts the ;upply-of. Playgroulrd FqgipTent. -Lake creek vi11age, LLc is inc'luded as edditional insured in accordance with thetrcy prov'rslons oT tne Generat L'labl tlty potlcy. take creek villaoe. LLc 4923 Lake creek Village Dr., ste,1o-101 Edwards CO 81632 USA - AHOULD A'{Y OF THE ASOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANC€LLED EEFORE T}E EXPRANON DATE THEREOF, NOTICE U,|LL BE DEWEf,ED IN ACCORDAAICE VIITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS, -&g*/g*gele o0 o aN @ootso o2 o o(t 5: oo CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION ACORD 25 (2016103) AGENCY Aon Risk services centra], Inc. NAMED INSURED Playpower Ho'ldings, rnc, POLICY NUMBER see certificate Number: 5ZO0GZ0193O5 CARRIER see certificate Number: 57006201-9305 N^ICCODE EFFECTTVE OATE: .qco-?z:' AGENcY cusr"r|n :; s700000s2633 ADDITIONAL REMARKS SCHEDULE Page of ADDITIONAL REMARKS TH]S ADDMONAL REMARKS FORM IS A SCHEDULE TO ACORD FORM, FORM NUMBER: ACORD 25 FORM TTTLE: Certificate of Liabilitv Insurance Naned Insured Schedu'le PlayPower tnc. (rirst named insured) ldditional Naned Insureds Plav xoldinos rnc. elayeower H6ldings, Inc. PlayPower Finance, Inc.Miracle Recreation Equipment CompanyE-z Dock. fnc.rid p'lav. tnc.soft p'liy, t-,t-.c.sprectra Turf, Inc. PlayPower LT Farmi.ngton, fnc. PlayPower LT Canada Inc.elay oesign rnternational sARL Hags P'lay.Europe AB and its Subsidiary Hags Swe]ik SA PlayPower UK Limited and its subsidiaryE-z Dock Europe SA companies, Hags Play AB, Hags oenmark; and Hags-MB-spe'lidee GMBH; sMP (P'laygrounds) t-inrited But on'ly while the first named insured directly or indirectly ownsr duringl the policy period, an interesttherein of more than 50%. A9VKU tCl {ZUU!,Ul,l Tte ACORD nama and logo arc regl3tarod ma?ks oIACORD o 200E AGORD CORPORAnON. All rlght. rewl.