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HomeMy WebLinkAboutLC16-003 TAB AssociatesAGREEMENT FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES BETWEEN LAKE CREEK VILLAGE LLC AND TAB ASSOCT.ATES,INC. THIS AGREEMENI ("Agreement') is effective as of the 2 ? ArV ot ((CIOh16 by and between TAB Associates, Inc, a Colorado corporation (hereinafter "Consultant" or "Contractor") and Lake Creek Village LLC, a Colorado timited liability company (hereinafter "LC\f). RECITALS WI{EREAS, LCV desires to retain Consultant to perform certain architecnral design senricee associated with an extedor renovation of the Lake Creek Village Apartnrents (the "Projeot') located at 4923 Lake Creek Village Drive , Edwards, Colorado (the "Property'); and WHEREAS, Consultant is authorized to do business in the State of Colorado and has the time, skill, expertise, and experience necessary to provide the Services as defined helow in paragraph I hereof; and WHEREAS, this Agreement shall govern the relationship between Consultant andLCV in connectiorr with the services. AGREEMENT NOW, TI{EREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the following promises Consultant and LCV agree as follows: L ServiceF. The senrices are anticipated to be performed in phases as set forth below and Ccnsultant agrees to diligently provide all services, Iabor, personnel and materials trecessary to perform andcomplete each phase of the services as more fully described in Exhibit A (collectively the "Sewices') which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Consultant sball not begin any phase of the Services until it receives a Notice to Proceed from LCV to commencE $ervices for that particular phase. LCV witl issue a Notice to Proceed in its sole discretion and Consultant acknowledges and agrees that LCV shall not be obligated to issue a Notice to Proceed in connection with any particular phase of the Sewices. There is no guarantee that Consultant will be authorized to proceed with any or all phases of the Project. All Sewices, regardless of phase shall be performed in accordance with the provisions and conditions of this Agreement. Consultant's Services may ultimately include the following phases: i. ContracdConceptual Phase ii. Schematic/DD Phase iii. Construction Documents Phase iv. Bidding andNegotiation Phase v. Construction Administration Phase LC16-003 WanantyPhase Cost Estimating a. C.onsultan:1gree* to fiImistt the Service foreachpbaseinaecodanesith6eschednleset forth in bftibit A &nd ifnona in accordance with the schedule set fortft,iT a Notice to hocoed.. Ifno completion date is specified in Exhibit A or the applicable Notice to Procee{ tbcn Consuthnt CgrH to firnish the $errrices in a timely and expeditiurs m4'rner consistcnt with the applicahle s{andard of care. By rigning below Consultant rcpiesents tlrat it has the expertise and personnel nec€ssary to properly and timely perfom the Senrices. b, In the event of any conflict or inconeistency beween the terms and cq.rditions set forttr in HrtiiHt I and the terns and conditions set forth in this Agreement, the te-rms,an*,ponAitions det forth in ihis Ageen€ntshall prevail : . . . c. Csnsultant€es.that it'will not enter into *y ronorttiog or other arrangeme,lrts with third parties that will conflict,in any manner with the SeFric€s. 2. LCY's Representative. Rick Ullom, Eagle County's Constuction Manager or his designee shall be Consultsnt's contact with respeci to this Agreernent and ffiomance of the Semices. 3. TennofdeAsemieiit; This Agreemant shall commenoe rpon the dats first written above, sd 12 hereof, shall oontinue in firll fqre and effectin accodauce wiftsubjoct to lhe provision$ offffagf the schodule adoptedftn'dach phasc of the Services and until the services are S-f".,,gryggpplered. 4. . Exteinion o( Modifirdtiog. This Agreemcnt may not be .-*# ; fu;enLeil:sor :Fay any obtigatioris hereunder be waived, bxcept by agrcement signod byboth pafiies. No additiooA r"*io". * work performed by Consultanl,;sha[;ud ihbiUitii for aeAitionat eompensarion untess and,ntil Consultant has obtained ivritten auth#atiffiipra eot*otolcdgement byLCV for such additional serriices in accordance with LCV's intern-al,policies. 'Acoordingly, no corrse.of conduct ordpllinp between the parties, nor verbal cbariE biders,;eipress or implied acceptance ilf alterationt:oi;aUditious to the Senrices, and n9.91+ll+,fh-at I.CV'nal bgen unjustly enrictred by any additional i*j'#t 'or not therp ig ,h .. . .,;: ,;, ,.. ,,i.: fscr an/ "nj"*t,"nri"f,-*t,shallbethebaais of anyincrease ittthp,consfp isatioil;ffii6'fitfu,rnCo. In th€ €vEm that written authorization and achrorrtedgqeltby I"c"U i;i s"ih iaeitioise*i""*,ir ootl ' ,; ' timdly exirutcd and issued in stict accordanae with thie'iaigrCefiCnt, Consul.tant's rights with Hpect to such additional services shall bi deemred waiwd and zuch failii&'shstt resuti in non-payment for such additioffil services or work performsd..;Rick Ullom or Jitl Klosterman shdll have auborit-y to exccute amendrnents and modificatio.tx-:to this Agreement within the porametcrs of the apprropriatedfrmds fsr tlrese Senices. :: : : :: 5. Corcpensatiop. .:.::.;:a. LCV's bttilget for direct building costs (typically divisions 2 thiuugF 16 pf a oorrstnrction contac0 is approximately fiva'dllion dollan and does not imlude coqttEcnry or allowanccs for items disc-ov€rEddui'ing constnrction. Conzultrnt aclno*ledges that I.ICV will noed to sejore 2 !9! ro{g$oo11 f q{p, rinrt vr vl. vii. funding or financing to pmceed with ponstruction of the Projwt. fa6sr1ksff -chall use itsbest professianal effors to design the Project to fit within LCV's five million dollar budget. b. Consultant will be,compensated fs the Serviccs actually and sstisfactqilyperformeil by it at lbe rates set forth in Exhibit A and subject to the not to excced amounts set:frrlthrein. The performance of all of the Sen'ices under ihis Agraalent shall not erceed SiOS.aZO.oO. Consultant shall not be entitled to bill at overtime and/or double time rates for work done outside of normal bwiness hours wrless specifically autborizcd in writing by LCV. Courpeirqation for tte Contract and Concepftal phase shail be at the rates set forth on Exhibit A 'and, shalt not erceed $l 9,347.50, Compensation for thc SchematiclDD phase shall be at the rates set forth on Exhibit A and shall not exceed $13;520.00. Compgrsgtion for the Cohshuction Documeots Phese shall b6 at the rates set fordr on EitiFjt A sod'shall not exaeed $20,560.00, Compensation for Bidding and Negotiation Phase shall be at tte rates sef ftrth on Exhibit A and shall not exceed $4,100. Compasation for Construsrion Administration shall bs at the rates s* rum- *brfiiiit o * sball aot exoeed $30,852.50. Compensation fm the Warranty Phase shail be at the rates set fgqlh on EfbiSit A ani shatt not enc€ed $2,900.00. Compansation for Cost Estimating shall bc as eet fbrth on Exhibit A in the anouuts idintified for each phase and shall not exceed $12,540, , ,,, i t , :. ...:...... c. Payrnent will b" made fsr Services satisfactorily perfor a *1 -,ffi (30) days of receipt of a pruper 4nd acrurAtp invoice from Consultrnt. All invojces shal! iE,cl,u ei:driail re#ing tte hours spentn trisks pgformed, who perfomned each task and suq1 oUrei aCt*i.ias.UtiV,r"f rcquest. '"''.:.::;.'..d: Any out-of-pocket expenses to:h.$$Ued,by,Consultant and rcimbursed by LCY shall be identified on Exlribif A and shatt not exce,cd $1,500, Out-of-poclret expeuses will be reimbursed without any additional mark-up therEon f,nd arc includEd in thi not to erce€d conhact amouat set fodfr above. Out+f-pocket experses shalt nOt incluCe anypa)4crent of salaries, bonuses or otheroo fioo to persounel of Consultant. Consult$rj sball not bc reirnbursed for errpenses tbst arc sot set fSEth on Exbibit A unless specifically applroved in writingby LCV, e. If, at anytitneftringthe temn oraftcrtcmination orerpiratimofthisAgrroent,I.CV reasonablydetrrmines thntanypalmentmadcby LCV toConsultantwasiqropubecarxe th Serrriccs for which pynent was made were not perfonned as set forth in this Agrffircnq therr rrygn rnitielr notice l LtCV Erurfesiurl Servicc* Fiml yl4 of such deteriniqation and request for reirnburscfirfirt firqrn LCV, Consultnnt shall forthwith rotum such payment(s) to LCV. Upon tennination or expiration of this Agre€ment, unexpeldeil fuhds ailvanced by LCV, if any, shall forthwittr be returned to LCV. f. LCV will nst withhold any.taxes frotr ri,toniee paid to the Consultant hereunder ond Consultant agree$ to be solelyresponsible fc the ec€,urgtc reporting and pa;'ment of any ta:res relsted to paynrents mide pursusnt to the terms of this Agreement. 6. Sub-consultants. Consultant acknowlcdgcs that LC'\f has €nt€red into this Agrcernent in reliance upon the particular reputation and orpcrtise of Consultant. Consultant shalt hot enter into any sub consultant agreements for thepgrformance of any of tlre Services or additional services without LCV's priorwritten eo4s9nt, rrhicilrmaybe withheldin LCV'g eole discretion. LCVshall have the rigflt in its reasonath discietion to approve all personnel assigned to the subject Project during the perfoirnance of this Ag;eenrent and no personnel to wbom LCV has an objectiorg in its reasonabls disdetign, shall be asrigned to the hoject. Consultant shall require each sub-consultint, as rpproved by LCV and to the extent of the Services to be performed by lhe sub-consultant, to be borrnd to Consultant by the tenas of this Agreement, and to asauue toward Consultant sll the obligations and rcsporuibilities wbich Comultagt, by this Agreement, tssumes toward LCI/. LCV shall have ftc right ftut not the obligariooJ ta eaforce the Brrovisidns sf this Agrcemcnt against any sub<onsultant trired by Consultaff anA Consuttant sbatl coopemate in such process. The Consultant shall be respoluible for the acts and omiisions of its agents, cmplopes and sub.consultatrts or snb-conhactors. I,CV hereby oonsents to High County Consulting LLC performiug estimating serviae as a sub constltant to Consultant in couucction with the Services. Coruultant shall be rcsponsibte fm.tbe perfornance of the Scrviccs by subconzultant and compensating cubaodsuttadi rcV shstl oaly be responsible for corrpcnsation to Consultant ss $€t forth lrcrein 7. lnsurance. Consultrnt agrees to providc and maintain at Cousultant's sole oost snd.tcrpense, the following insurancc cov€f,age with limits of liability not less than those rBted bclow: a; Tlpes of Insruaace. , ' i. Workers' Compensation inswance as required by law. ii. Auto covErage with limits of liability not less lhan $1,000,000 each aceident combined bodily lqiury md property damage liability insunnce, including covEqags for owned, hired, and non cwned vehicles. iii. Commercial GflEral Lisbility coeerage to inchide p'rtodses and operaticns, persooaL/ailvertising injury, products/completod opcratioru, btoad form property damage with limits of liability not less than $1,000,000 per oseu$€nce md $2,000,000 .aggregate limits. iv. Profcssional liability insnrancc with prior acts coveragE for all Senricm rcquir-€d hcreunder, in a forrn and with an insurer or insucrs satisfactory to LCV, with..limir.s of,li4-bility ofnot lg3s 4 If,V ftofosional Scrrrioqs FitrBl 5/14 than,$1iffi0,000 per claim and $2,000,000 in the aggrcgate.' In the evcnt the pofessional liability igs-urance'is oh a claims-made',basis, Consultant warrants ihat any retmactive date under the policy shall precede the effective date of this Agteernent. Continuous covcrags will be rnainuined during any applicable statute bf limitations for the Services and Prcject. :!,. Other Requirempnts. i. Thq qritomobile and commercial general liability cov€rage shall be efldors€d to include LCV, Eagle Copnty Howing and Dorelopment Authority aud Eagle County, their assoc,iated or affiliated entities, successors and assigns, elected officials, cmployces and voluntcersrqs silditional insureds. ii. Consultant'g certificates ofinsrrrance drall include sub+onsultanb as additional inSineds undtr ils policies or Consultant shalt furnish to LCV sqlarate cettifieates and endonemats for each zub-consultant. All coveragds) for sub-consultents shall be subject to the samefiirimrun require,ments ideirtified above. Consulant and sub+onsultants, if rmy, shall rraintain the foregoing coverage in effect until the Serrrices are completed. b addition, all such policies shall tla,kspt in foree by C,onsrl$pt and its sub+msultants until the applicable statute of limiations for tlrc Prrojact and the Sbrviceshas expired. iii. hnuraace shall bc placcd with insuers duly licensed or authorized to dobusincss in the State of0olmado ard with an "A.M. B€st" rating of not less lhan A.!r[ iv. Consultant's insurance coveragc shall be p,rirnary and nonomibutoqr with respect to all other available souroes. Corsultant's plicy shall contafu a raiver of subrognfigo agf,itrst LC"ll, Eagle County Housing and Devclopnent Authority and Eagle Ccrmty. v. ett poticies must contain an endorsc, uent affording on rmqualified thfuty (30) days notice of cancellation to LCV in the event of canccllation of cwerage vi. All insurers must bc licensed or approvcd to do brrshixis *ifin the State of{p and all policies muit be written on a p€r occrrrEnce basis unlcss oth€nffisc pr,ovided herein. vii, Coniultant's certificate ofinsurancc cvidcncingall requiredcoverage(s) is attached hereto as E;rhi.bjt S: ,Upon iequest, Consultant shall provide a copy of the actual insurance pelicv rnd/or required enilorsernents required under this Agrcement within five (5) busincss days of a written reque$ from LGIlfi and hereby authorizes Consultant's broker, ylithout firrthcrnotice or authorization by Cor$ul,t3nt, to immediately comply with any wfitten requcst 0'f L€V for a complete copy of thepolicy. viii. Consultant shall advise LCV in the everit lhe gencral aggrcgate or other a.g_gr-. Pgate:limiB are reduced below the requird-pe_r ocoun'ence limit. Consultant, at its own enpense E'ill reinstale the aggrcgatc limits to'cornply witlt the minimum limits and sha[ fimish LgV a new certificate of ii'rsririrnce showing such coverag€. ....:5 LCV koft*$qiil Sai'iocs FiDd 5/t4' :. il i" ''::::j. ix. If Corxultant fails to sacur€ and msintain the'in$rarpe.required by this Agreernent and provide satisfactory evidence thereof to LCV, LCV shall be eotitled to immetliately terminate'this Agreement x. The,insuranceprovisions of this Agreement shall survive enpira{9n-:or terminetion hereof. xi. The parties hereto und€rstand and agr,ge that LCV'is'relying 6n, and does noi waive or intemd to waive byanyprovision of this Agrecmbnt,'thc monctaxy limitations or rights,. immunities and protcctionsprovided by the Colo'rado Governmental tmmunity Aci, as Aqm time to time amendcd, or othemdse available tp LCV, its affiliatcd cntities, suoccsuoni or assigns, its elected offrcials, ernplglees, agents an{ .vo1uatEdrs. xii. Consultant is not entitled to workers' ao**rt*ton benefits except as provided-,bj:the Consultant, nor to uaemployment insrJrance benelib uutcss rurernployment compensation coverage is provided by Consultant or sone other entity. The Consuthnt is obligated to pay atl fodenal and state iaowre tax on anymoneys paid pursuant to this Agreemmt. :xiii- Consultant repr€scnts and warrants that Tab Associates, Inc.providcs thc profrltsioml liability (oron and omissions coverage) for is professionals .uniter ib co4nrse poficy. In retiarce upon that regrresenation by Consultanq LCV agrccs thct LCV shall not scdc damages frm Consultant's ernployeeq officers ffi dirEctors or sn irdividual basis itr conn€ction with the Pnqiecr 8. Indrosification. Tte Consultist shall iudernnifr and hold lracmless LCV, Eagle County, ,Eagfu CountyHousine aui Qfielopmcnt Authori$, andanyof tlreiroffrcere and employees (hercinrfter coltqctively "Idd€itrnifiod Parties') against any losscs, claims, darnages or liabilitics f,orurfiic[ tUe Inq$fred :Farties lqay become subject to insofar as any such losses, claims, danrages or liabilities arise olt:o{:diiCctlf oi indirectly; this Agreerrent, or arc besed upon anypqrf_qma,nee or norpeformance by Consultant or any of its sub.consultants hereunder; and Cqnsultant,'to the exiart of Coruultant's or its sub-consultanr's negligeng€l:gF-roxi or omissions, shall bc rcsponsible to the Indenmified Parties for their reasonable attorney,fees,,#it costs, legal and othcr expcosee inorred by the Indemnified Parties in connection with investig4tingordefarding any such loss, claim, damagq liabilityoraction. tris iadffiidfication gtr-atl ncc apply to claims by third parties egainst the Lrdemnified Psiies to the ertent that the Indemnified,PiitieC arc tiaUte to such third party for such clairns without regard to the invojvernent of the Consultant, Thiq paragnph shall snrvive expiratioar or tenninationhereof. ''. 9. O'rgs-gshin of Documents. All documents prepared by Consultant in co$nection with fte Services shall become property of LCV, Consultant shgll execute written assigrunents to LCV of all rights (incMing common law, shhrlory,,and other rights, including copynghts) to the saire as LCV phalt froo time to tim* request. Fmpgposes,:Of:this para8faph, tlre term "doduments" sbell mean,snd- iniluUe att rcports, plans, stu!!gs,,tape or other elecronic recordinge, drawinp, sketches, estimatps, data i.heets, q+ps and work sheetC produced, or prepared by or for Consultant (including any emplqpq tr 6 IXV Profcssioool Sarvfue Firiel 5ft4 s[bconaactor or sub-co$ultant iq connectiqr with the performance ofthe Semices and additiqal services under thiq Agrce,nrent). LCV may re-use any of the documents pepared by Cursulutrt ix connection wllh'snt buitfing located on the koperty. The rc-use of aay documeots preplrp{ b} Consuhant udder this Agroeurent shall bg at tlrc Ovnetr's eole risk and without liability to Codsultant if used on a diffrrent property or project, : ' i: : 10. N.o-t-i*e. Any notice.rgquireO Uy ttris:Ageument shall be deemed prnperly detivered when (i) personally deliv€red, or (ii) when mailed in the United States mail, first class postage prepaid, or,(iii) when delivered by FedE; pr bther comparable coruier senrice, charges prepaid, to the partigl at,their respective adckesses,listed below, or (iv) when scnt via facsimile so long,as the eending party can provide fagsiuifp.machine or other confirmation showing the date, time tnd receiving facsimile number fsr the qansmi$sioq or (v) wherr transurlued via e-ilnil witb confirsution of teceipt. Eitlrer party may change its address for purpmes of tfris paragraph by giving five (5) days pilor writlcn notice of suih ciange to the other party. LCV: Attmtion: JilI Klostirman 500Bftudway PGi OfficeBox 850 EagleCO 81631 Telephone n0-lZ8-8773 Facsimile: nO428A787 E-mEil: ![i!b'a copy to: Eagle CountyAttorney 500 Brcadway Post OfficeB-ox850 Eagle,Co 8,l6ft:::', ' , Telepbone: ii o,lzg-a et5 Facqinilei, :9?6-32E-8699 E niail:' gtt,i;u@eaelecou[ CONSIJLTANT: crreg Macik, qi+qip.t Tab Assocta'les;.;tnc, : 00!6 p{1-v.qds Villags Boulsvard Suite 210 'EdurardC, CO 81632 Telrphone: 97 O-7 66- | 47 O Facsimile: Yl 0-7 66-1 47 L E-lvlail : gcg@ta-bassociales.csm .T LCV Proft *dooal Scrritx Tiuel 5/l r0 I l, Giii.dinatiou. Conzultant acknowledges that tlre development and pocessing of the Services for rhg Projlct.may require close coudinatipn betwecn various consultants'and contractor$. Corsulrant slrall .coordinate the Services ryqrrued,hereuder with the olher consultants and contracto,rs that are id6fltified by LCV to Consultant:from time to time, and Consultant slrall immcdiately notify Cucb orher,+ pf$gtg or contractors, in iinitiri,g otany changes or revisions to Cgnlgltaglls work product that might:atrect trc work of other*nrovt*ng services for the Project and cole tly irovide LCV with a copy,oisuch notificatipn;',"cpnsultant shall not knowingly epuse glfiei con'sultarts or conrracrors ortra woik without oblqitting pdgr written approval frorn LCV. If gugh piior approval is not obtained, Cmzuttant shall be s-ubj€st,to any offset for the costs of such ex{a woik. iar.i:l-:r:-:i-.1 -,r-r. ,r.. ^ r ili. ieirninatios. LCvrnit,ienninate this Agroenant, in wholc or in.part,.lt uiy time and lor any reason, with or without, and without penalty ttrercfor with seven (7t cald*,alyql prior written notice to the Consultant. Upon terinination of this Agreetnent, Consultrnt shallinmedilts..tlpfovide LCV with all docuur.ents as defined in paragrapb t heteofi, in snch format as LCX/ staU Orct a"a sf,al retum all LCV owned materials and docuurents. LCI/ shall pay Cornulhnt for SeTvic€s satisfactorily €d tothe date of tenirination, 13. Verrue. Jurisdictigq E$d..Appliggble Law. Claims, disputcs or oontsorrcrsies rclatcd to this Agreement, or hearh 6- g[Fp{ Chall be litipted in the Disrict Court for Eaglc Couaty, Colorado, which shall be the sole and enClusive fonrrr for such litigatiur. This Agroement shsll bc consrusd and. intrfet€d rudff lnd sltatl bc govemed by lhe laws of thc State of Colorado. Thc parties achowledge and agr€e &st thi cqurt may require non$inding mediation or a settlement confaence ss a means to resolvb a .lsirn, dispute or conboversy. t4. .ExesutionbvCount€qlar*:Elefonic Siglphres. This Agreenrentmaybeexocrrtedintwo or morc count€qtArrs, each of *ffi shsll b€ deemed an original, but all of nrhich sball co-irstitute ope-antthe sarne instume t. The ies eFgove the use of elec@nic signatures forexec-utioa:Uttlis Agr*meut. Oniy ttre followiiig'twiii'forns of electronic signaturcs shall be perurined to biB$ tr",ppqo to tni, Agreemeot (i) Electronic sr facsinlile delivery of a fully *ecuted copyof tlre signature pgei'(it) ft" image of the si.E1ra!,lry of an authsrized signer inserted onto PDF forya1 docq$Fots. All do€um€nts must be p'rqppr-ly,irtitiirlzett,'if applicable. Atl ube of eleckocric signatures CneU Ue CoverneO by the Unifomr Electrorric Tramactions Act, C.R.S. Uql.l.lll to 121. ':.. 15. Other Conhact Rsquirsments, a. Consult;nt shafibe respOnsible for the completeness and eccuracy of the Senrices, including all supporting data orotli*abeumsnts prEpared or compiled in peiforureupe of the gprsipss;.: andsball correct;,e.tfts;;Sbleexpense, all signiticant eno$ and orniryions;fiffii.':ThC.fict ttrrttCVtras accqrted or appr-AveA,,tne Services shall not relieve Consulunt 6fi"t ofiti rcs:.- iUilitigg. Consultant shall perform the Serviceb in a skillfirl, professional and competeni nann€r anA in accordance with tlre statg+$ qECffi,'skill and diligence applicable to Coruulunts performing similar services. Consultant represeiriC'rind Warrants ttnt it has the eccpertise and personnel nece*ary to propedy perform the Services and,ooy,g.qauts that its profmsional personnel are duly licensed to perform the Scniices within Colorado. Aris paragpph shall sr.rrrive teminatioo of this Agrecment. I tff ftssibrdl Srt#cs Fiout 5J tl b. Consultant agrees to work in an expeditious marner, within the sound exertise of its judgmeut and professional standards, in the performance ofthis Agreement. Comultant shall perform the services in connection with the schedule adopted for each phar€ of the services. c. This agreement constitutes Bn flgrwnrent for performance of the Services by Co-neUltant as an independent contractor and not as an employec of LCV. Nothing coutained in ilris egeement stratt be deerned to create a relationship of ernployer-employee, master-s€fl/aflt, partncrship, jqint v€rfire or any ottrer relationship betwe€n LCV and Consultart $(oqpt that of indepeud€nt contrsctsr. Gonsultant shall have no authority to bind IfY. d. Consultant shall comply with any and all applicable laws, codes, rules and rcgulations during its performance of the Services. e. This Agreernent pontaius ttre eirtire agroement betwecn the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all ottrer agrecments or und€Ntanding betwbc,lr the partics with respect th€'reto f, Consultant shell mt assign any portioo ofthis Agreement without thc prior qnttea oonsmt of LCl/- Any atterupt to assign this Agreenent without such eoos€f,t shall be rcid- Lffi shall have the right to assign this Agrecoent to any lender advancing frrnds in cour*tion with tbe Pqi dr or to 8ny pafinershh, affliated entity or any entity formed by LCV or the Eagle County Housiag and flevelopment Authority. LCV shall be psrnitted to make such an assigmrcnt in LC\y''s sole md ubeohrte discre{ion- Upon such assignrlcnt, LCV sball have no furtfier obtigations hereunder. Fufitc- C.onsrltsnt agrees to make such revisions to firis Agreement as may be reasonably requbed by LCV or any lender for the Projecf anil Consultant agrees to cornply with crstomary requircnents of coqgtrrstion and permanc,rt lenders which maybe imposed, including, but not limited to, execu$pp oi" *t mioatio,n agrpmen(s). C. This Agreernent shall be binding upon and shall inure to thc benefit ofthe parties heretc and their respectiw permitted assigns and succegsom in interst. Enforcement of this Agrtprrent and all riglts and obligations herqrqder,dre rcscivcd solely for the pafii€d, and not to anythiid party, h. No failure or delay by either party in the orercise of rny right trc,reur.t* rUff :"ongtitote a waiver thereof. No waiver of any breach shall bc dcgrned a wairrer of any preccding or':-"-ttocerdittgbreach. .":'::' i. The invalidity, illcgality orrmenforceabitity of any frovision of thiq Agre€ment shall n6t affect the validity or enforceability of any other prwision hereof. i. Consultant shall maintEin for a mjnimun of three years, adqquatc finangial and other recsrds for reporting to LCV. ,Cq!$ultaht:lhall be zubject to financial audit by foderal, state or LCV auditors ortheh designdes. Consultaht authorizcs zuch audits and inspections oftpcstds dUthg no business loun, $oQ 46. lioursi noticc to Consultant. Consultant sh,all frrlly cooperats d ing suCh. audf orinspections. : 9 LCV Profcreioml Services Final J/14 I k. The.pignatories to this Agreemcnt avgr to their hrowledge, no einployee of LCV has any personal or'berreficial interest whatsoever in the Sen ices or hopcrty desctited ia lhis Agreemsnt. The Consultant has no beneficicl interest, direct or indirect, thrt would conflict in any mrnner or degrre with the performlrnce of the Smrices and Consultant $hdlt not rrrploy any person having such known interests. l. . The Consultant, if a natural p€rlon eigltecn (18) years of age or oldeq hereby swears anil affirms undcrpenalty ofp.q,jury ttrat hs or she (i) is a citizerr or othenrise lawfully presert ir the United States pursuant to federal:lCw, (ii) to the exient applicable shall comply wi0r C.RS. 24-?6.5-103 pritlr to the effective date bf this Ageement. 15. Prohibitisos ou Conhacts. n. As used in t}ris Section 16, the term undocumeuted individual will refer to those individuals trom foreign counfiies not legally ln the United Ststes as set forth in C.R.S. S-17,5-l0l, eL seq. If Comultant has any employees or subcontractors, Consultant shNll not: i. Knowingfy employ or cotrEact witlr an undocumentod infividunl to p..frrt Services rrndcr this Agreernent; or ii. Enter iuto a subconhoct that fails to certify to Coreultant that the suboontracton shall uot knowingly employ or conuacr with an undocume{rted individrnt to perform work undtr the contact for serrrices. b. If Consultant obtrins actul knowledge that a subcontractcperformingwwk rrrnldr the contract fff servicss lsrou'ingly ernplop or contrapts with an undocumeated individuat, Consuttant stralt be required to: i. Notif .tlre subcontractor and LCV within tttrc (3) drys that Consultant has lcrowledge that the subcontractor is employing or contracting with an undoeumented individual; ii. Tcrminate the subeontract with the subcontastor if witnin_ ttir,rryi,{3)" {+y$ .of receiving the notice required pursuant to rubparagraph (i) of thc paraglph l6(b). fie , ,suts4ptaftor does $ot stop employing or contnrcting with the undocume,nted individtul;,;excppl,:fiaL Co.nsuftant shalt not termiaate the contact with the rubenntactor if during such ttree (3) da.ys til subcbnhactor proviites information to establish that the subcpnbactor has not knowiilgiy employpd or confacted with an rrndocrune,nted individual. c. If Consultant violates these prohibitions, LCV msy t€rminate the Agrcement for breach of conkact. If the Agreement'is so terminated specifically for breach of this provision of ttris r{greement, Consultant shall be liab1dfoi,actual and consequential damages to LCV. , :, ' : d. LCV may notify the Colorado Secretgry of State if Consultant violates this provisioii of this Agrcernent and LCV tenninates thc Agreemcnt for such b'reach. t0 I.CV Profuriood Scrviccr Fioal S/14 actual and fRest ofpage tntentionally Iefl blankJ lt L€V hofeesionrl Servie Fin:l 5/14 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties bw.e executed this Agrreecncnt thc day and yeat first s€t fodh above. Lakc Creek Villagc LLC By arrd through Eagle County llousing and Development Authority, its sole member By: 12 LCV Profcrsionll Scrvicca Finrt 5/14 CON ST JLTi{I{T: }AB Associate, Inc. EXHtsIT A SCOPEOF SERVICES, SCHEDULE, FEES l3 LCV hrfccriooal Scrviad Fiail 5tl4 Exhibit A Lake Creek Mllage Apartments - Exterior Renovations Scope of Work Scopc of Work The scopo of wsrk iE to lgrnove and teplace all gxterior sldlqg, aheathlng and e[eriorrrall Insulaflon:'Ramoval (sqly.agb).of {iindinvs and doors are need€d to properly apply ndw materlela. Replaoement of the windows and doors will be determined dudng the cost estimatng prpceee, FxisljnS 6gqli:gun/dreils, stairs, handrails and.,s.tmilqr lterns wlll be salvaged and relnstalled afier netr/ materiels Ere anstalled. lt is anticipated the exisling- ruotrng and f,ashing wlll ramaln wlth iome repaire belng necessary if damaged during siding reinoval. Soffl ani! fasi:ia iemoval will be on a case by caae basis to addrees ragglng eaves or damaged materlal TAB Associates, Inc, will stu# several options to replace the exterlor finlshEs with new matarl.ats. Interior gypsum board witl remaln h place with gypsum board adjustnents bglng necessary at the windor and door Jambs. New insulaUon will be anbhlled. lf no vapor banier fs prcaant or it is detemlned a nEw \/ts ie requlred a spray ioam insubtion may be specified. D,epenrling on final exterior fnlshas a comblneiion of spray Inzulation and batt insulatrbn may be insblled. Due !o postible nerr code requirernents we mlght be requlrad to lflstall a minimum of R-5 oontinuous Insulation on the extarior of the buildlngs. There ara o$er optiona as umlf In the nerv oode. Review with building depadnent is needed. After Insulation is Installed new sfteathirtg will be installed. Depending on fnal mde reviewvuith the Coung it may be determined exteriorglpsum board sheathirg may need to be replaced on at leEd the bp€ B and C buildings. Tfie orlglnal buildirg code In 1993 requfred buildings over 6,0(X) $quare f'eet bullt as tlrps V ffinsEudiofl need€d a otre- hourttrall rating. The cutrant cods allors up to 7.fi10 square feel So, ln our case ong the G hutdnge vyould need the Type X extedor glpsum iheathlng or some other one hour ratod wall assembly. This needS to b,e tuift€r resesrcfied wiFt th€ Bullrllng OEparfn€nt. fiert ars olher one hour ratng optons to oorsider and t|[ b€ p€lt of the cas{ eslimating procsss- h addnon, a cuttinuous weatter banier wlll be inslElled. We have *verd op0ons TAB Associales, lnc. trould like to be crinddbrcd and pricad dudng the ptocess. A typicaltywx banbrwould bi a minlmum. Sprayed WB and drainabte undedayment are possibilltiesto be pdced- Netrr e$eriorfinisltes will be instralled. Wewll look at I numberof options fnom oementlthw tap sidirp, stucco, 6bel or aluminum sldlng, panelized nidlng, and elc. Concaptuel Phast 23 Wek! lnitialy q9 willgathgl;all the o$tfing_documentatioil avallable such as had cofles of bulldlng pfan, mbg: pports and etc. We rrill elsp ffick'flo-{fi any CADD drawinge whlch may be avaitable frrorrrtre odglnat Afuiiitect. Thts stbp wifi also incl$de sdiii6:idlijal:bad(grcund and cods research fur tre existing strusturcs, CADD documentation of the existing documents are neceasary to malie sure rw have a set of dra$,lngs b proceed $tith the conceptual phaae. lf CADD documentE are avallablo up will upload t{r our computers and folmat ae necaBsaty tur-oul office standards. lf odglnal CADD documents are not avallabla we will use the orlginil had copies tg,creato_our GADD documents. Whethar or not we find GADD documanta we rrulll sUll need to visit the eite to vedfy ttr.e.buildings were built as ptann€d. Any devlatlons from ths plane wlll be documsnted and ttre CADD documents ' reVisldd. Once we have all the backgroq4!.ue-w!{ hgvq a kipkiffrneetlng to continue to discusr scope, revisw ourfindings, and sat aschedule. This meetin$ uill provide dlrec-tlon to finallre a €oope of work moving forward. We willtake the direction_tire hav€ rgc€lved and.proceed wlh Conoeptual drawingt which wilt IncludE mg!!!ple options for review of lhe ededor finislles and possible meterialr. Thls sbge wlll lnclude a slle plan, floor ptans , €*terioii elevations and wall sectlons. Some inllial cost ballparks will be avallable lor discusslon. Finally, the team vdll reviety options and disors which optlonr mlght make sensb to prirsuei Wev*lu alsa rsview schedule and update as ns€d€d, Schfmatlc, Destgn Devolopment S { Weckc Re-vise..oonqedugl drawlig selected oplions per bam meetlng adding more detaii and mebdddescrlption$. At thi$ puge .trre will rEil€w bur code research wlth the Eagle County Bulldlng Eepartmsntto confim our aieirmptions and code research TAB turodilcr, Inc, LEkE Cre€ft Vlllags AFarHlants Rerriew documenb rvlth Cost EsUrrnttorand pmvide Initlal estlmabs fur rer/isvr. Revier,n optlons to be selec,ted as well re review possible coCt savingB op$ona Incldding pros and cons of declslons. Wih the inltial cost €Stimating bhd,leam comments we wlll revleo tho schamatic drawlngs to continue to Includs more detaile and directlon foi r€vigwr At this phaso drawlngs wlll Include site plgn, foor plane. mof plans, exterior eleVatlons, wall section{s); eletalls, materlal descrlpllons. Colored tendsrfngs can be provl&d at trls shge lf needed. Drawings will be revie$led and estmates updated. RevleiiV drawlngs and estimalss wlth Team. Conslructlon Documentr 5-7 Weske Prooeed with Construction Documentr with revlaione from provlous mootings. Provide 50% Constrrrtion Document sst for team rcvlsw and cost €sllmate update. Drawings will include code sheet, site pla-n,lioor pl9ns, roof plans, exterior elavations, wall section(e), details, lnitlal specificalions, material aelections and colors. Review documents and estimates to confirm scope of ,rrrod< and budget, Proceed with 95% Construc{ion Documents. Thls rct willbe a tinal set of congtruction documenh wr'th tre erception of final docuriiehtation or revislons as neosssary afterl€am rcvievr. Drawirps wlllindude code sheet, site plan, hoor plans, roof plans, exterlor el6rralions, rinall sectlon(e), details, specificatons, material salactions and color€. RevldW 95% construc{ion docurnente yvfth team and appmvo for finat Pemdt and Eiddlng Documentr, Rwierr schedule for permit, bidding and construction. lssue 1(x)% FErmit and Bi<lding Documents. Blddlng and Nagotlatlon Provide neceseary doomentation fur bidding and coordlnete with Eagle Coung bidding documenb. lTe will be evailable for prc-bitl site welks, to ansrrer questions and lssue eddendums dudng the biddng prcaess. Provide review and comm€nt of bHs received. CoodinatE with selected conlrac-torand Team achedule folwad dudng consfuction. Conctrucllon Admin htra$on We will'be avaflable as needsd for a varieg of lssues and ltems needing to bo addressed. Wewill provide responses and documentation for Shop Draw{ngs, Requet for Inbnnation (RFl}, tuchilects Supplemenial Infonrration (ASD. Cmstrudlon Change Dlrectives (GCD), Changs Oders Request (@R) revierus, Pay Applicatfon Rwiarvs, and etg. we also anticipate the lirst montt might rsqlre atmod delly if not weekly vlslts to asurE the prciect is proceeding per lhe conbet documents on lhe first building typec to be oomplEtod. After the first brdldng of each type b com@ted ue expect bi.-rnoekV visils tvill become mors comtnon. A,fter eadr db ylslt rfl€ rylll bsue feld rcportc to document any dimussions or field cordilims. During constwtion *enill continue to mvienrschedulss to h6lp detsmine lf he consfius{ioa is staylrrg on sdrstrile and to andcipab any issues ftat might be arislng due to schedule. Part of this review ulil also lnclrrde detemlning hovr and wftEn tD prwide a pundr wallt lor complet€d bulldings. Afrer each buikfng le corplete rrue will prorride a - witten punch list tor team revlew- Follov up of prnch list wlll occur a mlnlmunr of trvo rrweka after issuancs. W{nanty Psriod end Ecyond TAB Aidociates. Inc. will be arrailable during the warnanty pedod to help with any lssues |hat arise gfter oonsbuction. A warranty rtlalk wifl occur after Ell vvork is completa. Due to he long constuctlon perlod and phasod cornpfeton of the pftti€ct rye vrill perfo:in I I month and 23 monh wananty walks for eadl bultding , TAB A:roclatrr, Inc. Lake CreEk Mllage Apiifi.entr TAgA$odfhr,lnc.lrtcg.d.Ylilqur Inrrlor f,rrprrtlcru . Scop+ tdrril|c, Frrr 3Anot6 EJ(}TIBITB INSTJRANCE CERTtrTCATE l4 l.ctt ftoftdoorl Ssricrs Fiod 5/14 Gllcn#r l0&ltlf CERTIFICATE OF ,l-WiJl{'t " P" TABASS LIABIL]TY INSURANCEACORD- COVERAGES cERTtFlcAlE|9|3l}uEoA3AnATIERoF|t{Foil^nofloi|LYA'|oGoi|FER8roRqflT9uPdi|i'{Fffi CER,fIFICATE @Ets IIOT AFHRilATIVELY OR I{TGATil'ELY AI'ET{o, F(ICHD Oft ALIER IIIE @\'ERAGE TFFORDED EY THE FOI.ICIES BELOW,THISCERNFICAIE OFII{$URAI'ICE DOEB HOTCO}I$T]UTEAGOiI1nACT BEI1IIEEil fl'EISSUIIIG IIIEURER(SI AUTIIORtrFO REPnES€l{TAlttE 0R pRoDucER, Alto THE CER.r|RCATE }tot DER. lilFQFrAlrT: ll ilr| cilmflc||. holfl? It tlt tEltmsilll lt{SuflEg, grc pollctflfl) rourt bc crrdo'led. lf SUBROCA'IPf'{ 13 WAIVED, .uEl.d to0|. !.rmr .|d coftdillqr. ot t||G polhf' oad.ln pollcbf mry |tqulru rn mdooomnt A ttrt m.nt on llrlr crrthcdr do€ not corlbr dg[ra f Oecrrdllcrte holdet h ll.u of tuch mdons|ncnt{r}, Englorood, CO 80l5li ioo 173€500 r.SIFCD TABAcsocllt r, Inc. 56 Edwrrdg VllLgc Bhd., Ste, 210 Edrardr,CO 8l6i}2 THslsrocERT|FYI{ArEEFoltc|EsoFNEUnANcELtsTeoBELovYl{At/c8cEii.ssUEbTorHENs|fE lllolcAlEo. NoTw[HsrAJ,lDlNG AttJY REAUR€ME {r. lERIrl OR Cor'DffloN oF At{y comnacToR qfHER oocuME}tr ru]rt{ REttFEct to w}ftcH Tl{tsCERTIFICAIE t'lAY 8E lssuEo OR [l Y FERr r]1. THE lt{slrR^Nc€ AFFOfiOEO BY flrE FOttCr€9 DEltCRtBEo HERen B SUAJECT TO AI ile lERrrS, EXCLU9OT$ A\8 C€hlOITlol{S OF SUCil FoLtclCs. ulrrTE aHOWN MAY }rAvE 3€EH REOT CEO 8Y FA|D q uS. 'TTEtrilEfi$$E totEYffit5m ffiirEff{r UIr| A x lcfficl^l8Er€n Lulturt I lcrl rEr,,ror I Xl ocsunt_ x x t{€Blt?Lr630 rt.00G.000 r!00.000 rl0.00O r!.000.00o GGI |t AGGFEGAT€ LnriT rtFLlES PCR, l*"o[]ffi [-].o" r2.000.00O r2,000.000 I A r$l ..til6|t€LlAlrLrtY A|{v aura rllCrU|t{EOlutos HNEDAUTOS sq{Egu-Eo A'TOS lraol+Offi{ED AuIos x x ttsBtFr-relo arvat/gi'ra |?ilnmll D:S{11}.1r1[lril r1.000.000 9OoLY FrfrRY Btl0f,Y il*rJnv Ci *ddf*l x SFEFTV gttutg€I 3 uErELr,rrnB LJ**EXBHrauAl I lrrrun AGGRFA^I€ orn | | rrtrrntto*t t B wgREnrC'WElrtAilOXriDffi.olEnr uAtutY I,A x 4007108 4ffitq aa v IFEFI I loT}l #ISStHEos^***r^i#Effi c**ffi lltrbbrha|r],f Fr.lfffi.m.*iEIaa|mIE..EEAWCH& rl-0OO-000 rl-0OO-0OO r1.00.00O c Proftodonal Lbblllty Blalmc tedc flltoPr0t006 l2rorafl{f1,000,000 prrdeln $2,000f000 ffifil rgg?. DElClttlC{SOPER nOtllrtOCAtH.tTYEHFIII|Act0fiD!0t.|{u\m.tD.a*rl€r;rrrt6b71q1,|al Addldonel Inourud Entldcl: Etgh Gounty and Eegtr Couaty Hourlrg urd DcvclopmoiltAu0orlty. As regulrrd by wlfrrn oentract of unltiefl .gruGmsnt thc follwlng po.vlrlonr ffply rubfrct to lhe po[cy tcmt, Gondnonq lltnltlfont and ercludonr: Thc Grflficaio l{oldel rad otYnrr m lncturfed er filtonrrtlc Addliloml Inaurcrlr ftr ongohg and corp|ord ofcntlons undcr Gcncrrl Uablllty cnd Dcclgnriod lmurrd (8ee Afftchcd Dcrsdptonr) tske Cmet LLC Ergle Ccunty Govsrnmnl Altn: Rh*Ullom P.O. Eor t50 Erglg, CO 3lfill Sftott_o ^ilyoFtHEAaovE otlcnt;o FotFttt !t cAtroctlED EF,ioREn€ gxtnAilofr gAlE rl*REof. ltonc; tult lE DCuytilo il Ae,qOFEAflCF Uml lt|t FaL|CY FRO\ttlOIa O i$I€OI4ACOFD CORFORATIOil. All rllhtr 'cmcd.AGORE ll,(101t/ql I d 2 ttr AGORD narlr rtd loeo .tr ?€glriarrd nrrtr of ACORO fst7t3g0f0rHt870805t JizSzF Automoblls Llebllfty. but onf wllft rrrFcat to lleblllty *lalng out of tho Nanrd Incund work pefornsd on bohalf dlhc corfllcrtc holdcr rnd ottter. Ths Grnorat UrbutuindAllto|noblle Lhblllty lnruranoc appllrg on a prlmrry and non+onblbutory basfe. A Blankct tTalver ol gubroggtbn eppure fDr Oencnl tleblllty, Automobll. Lhblllty and ltYorkc/ Gompenratlon. Plsart nolctret Additonel Incurcd rtatuc docr not apply to Profiaqdonal Uabllty or trtiorkrrt Comprnsaffon. EAgrfTAtt$l20ilmtl 2 oJZ fl317r390tSHrt7$067