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R11-001 Crawford Settlers Stone Spproval of Special Use Permit
R11-002 Taxpayer Generate Abatement Petitions
R11-003 Assessor Generated Abatement Petitions
R11-004 Annual Appointments Resolution
R11-005 Short Term Loan to ECHDA
R11-006 Open Space Advisory Committee Appointment
R11-007 Assessor Generated Abatements
R11-008 Taxpayer Generated Abatements
R11-009 Assessor Review and Settle Certain Petitions
R11-010 cancellation of certain uncollectible taxes
R11-011 Eagle River Meadows Planned Unit Development
R11-012 Transfer and Assign Payment in Lieu Willits Bend Local Housing Plan
R11-013 Transfer and Assign Funds Habitat for Humanity
R11-014 Transfer and Assignment of Funds Mccoy Creek Cabin
R11-015 ECRTA Board Appointments
R11-016 Assessor Generated Abatements
R11-017 Taxpayer Generated Abatements
R11-018 Abatement Settlement Recommendations
R11-019 First Supplementary Budget
R11-020 Miller Ranch PUD Conseration Easement Partially Fund
R11-021 Basalt Regional Library Appointment
R11-022 Assessor Generated Abatements
R11-023 Taxpayer Generated Petitions for Abatement
R11-024 Western Eagle Health Services District Service Plan
R11-025 Emergency Op Plan, Appendix K
R11-026 Kummer Dev Corp Letter of Credit
R11-027 National County Government Month
R11-028 Emergency Operations Plan Appendix H
R11-029 Minturn Cemetery District Term Corrections
R11-030 Taxpayer Generated Abatements
R11-031 Assessor Generated Abatements
R11-032 Week of Young Child
R11-033 Basalt Library Board Appointment
R11-034 Distributing Revenues from County Forest Reserve Fund
R11-035 Earth Awareness Week
R11-036 Child Abuse Prevention Week
R11-037 Lafarge Mining Operations Special Use Permit
R11-038 Older Americans Month
R11-039 National Correctional Officers Week
R11-040 Rural Resort Regional Workforce Appointments
R11-041 Planning Commission Appointments
R11-042 Roaring Fork Valley Planning Commission Appointments
R11-043 Zoning Board of Adjustment Appointments
R11-044 mail ballot election act
R11-045 Seago Approval of Open Space Funds
R11-046 Seago appropriation
R11-047 Great Outdoors
R11-048 Singletree Landscape Release
R11-049 Public Service Special Use Permit (Xcel)
R11-050 Coulter Creek Variance
R11-051 NWCCOG Development Strategy
R11-052 Second Supplemental budget
R11-053 Fair Board Appointments
R11-054 Appoint BoCC as EC Weed Advisory Board
R11-055 Weed Mangement Plan Adoption
R11-056 Basalt Library Board Appointment
R11-057 Support CDOT Phase III US Hwy 6 Project
R11-058 Elder Abuse Awareness Day
R11-059 Basalt Library District Appointment
R11-060 Milligan Building Permit Release of Collateral
R11-061 Tree Farm Sketch Plan 2-yr Extension
R11-062 ECAT Bond Issuance
R11-063 Authorize Harry Taylor to Sign Documents
R11-064 Excessive Force
R11-065 Abatement Settlements
R11-066 Appointing CBOE 2011 Referees
R11-067 Edwards Medical Center PUD Amendment
R11-068 Revising Commissioner Districts
R11-069 July Park & Recreation Month
R11-070 Arrowhead Termination
R11-071 Abatements
R11-072 Central Mountain Appointments
R11-073 Medical Marijuana Regulations
R11-074 approving purchase of Star Route
R11-075 approval of osac funds for star route
R11-076 presentation of reports - Assessor
R11-077 Third Supplemental Budget
R11-078 articles of association of NWCCoG
R11-079 taxpayer generated petitions for abatement
R11-080 Board of Equalization Petitions
R11-081 Pointe at Edwards final release
R11-082 2-11 Election IGA Format
R11-083 OSAC Appointments - MesKimen
R11-084 Cedar Drive LID
R11-085 Petitions to BOE
R11-086 Referee for 2011 BOE Hearings
R11-087 Approval of OSAC Funds for 18231 Highway 131
R11-088 Purchase 18231 Highway 131
R11-089 East Lake Creek Purchase Appropriation Approval
R11-090 Appointing Arbitrators
R11-091 Board of Equalization Petitions
R11-092 Correction of Error Rams-Horn Lodge Valuation
R11-093 Eagle-Vail Metro District Service Plan Amended
R11-094 Bellyache Ridge Metro District Release
R11-095 Lake Creek Metro District Release
R11-096 Solar Farm Special Use Permit
R11-097 3 Island Bridge Road Vacation
R11-098 Schmidt Special Use Permit
R11-099 Land Use Regulations Amendment
R11-100 Webster Corrected Resolution Vacating Final Plat
R11-101 Webster Corrected Resolution Vacating Final Plat
R11-102 Rio Grande/Waste Management Special Use Permit
R11-103 Beck Appropriation for Purchase
R11-104 Fourth Supplementary Budget
R11-105 Doog Properties Tavern Liquor License
R11-106 South Central Trading Company Retail Liquor License
R11-107 Take Out at State Bridge Retail Liquor License
R11-108 Support of Two Bridges Boat Launch GOCO Grant Application
R11-109 Extend Term Limits for DA
R11-110 Child Support Month
R11-111 CDOT Logos and Directional Signs
R11-112 Gypsum Ranch Sand and Gravel Pit Phase V
R11-113 National Suicide Preventon Week
R11-114 71 Edwards Access Rd FNZ-3054
R11-115 Seven Castles Creek Rd VIS-3325
R11-116 Cedar Drive Local Improvement District
R11-117 Increasing Rates for the Landfill
R11-118 Berry Creek Well Field (FONSI)
R11-119 Salt Creek Equestrian Center Letter of Credit
R11-120 I-70 Edwards Interchange CDOT Transfer
R11-121 Abatement Petitions
R11-122 Belle Terre Final Release of Collateral
R11-123 Fifth Supplementary Budget
R11-124 Last Course Liquor License
R11-125 Vail Food Services Liquor License
R11-126 Sharon Moo, Inc. Liquor License
R11-127 Frost Creek and Salt Creek PUD Term of SIA
R11-128 Kummer Development Letter of Credit
R11-129 Beck Approval of Open Space Funds
R11-130 Woodruff appropriation
R11-131 Woodruff approval of use of open space funds
R11-132 2012 air incentive program
R11-133 Abatements Petition
R11-134 Minturn Cemetery Board Appt
R11-135 McCoy Creek Cabins PUD Phase 2 Final Release
R11-136 Sweetwater Ranch PUD Preliminary Plan
R11-137 Sweetwater Ranch PUD 1041 Permit
R11-138 Bellyache Ridge Subdivision 1041 Permit
R11-139 Bellyache Ridge Subdivision Waiver of Special Use
R11-140 Taxpayer Abatements
R11-141 Establishing Regular Public Meeting Days 2012
R11-142 BC II, INc. d/b/a The Metropolitan Liquor License
R11-143 Order of Cancellation of Certain Uncollectible Taxes
R11-144 2012 Budget Adoption
R11-145 2012 Mill Levy
R11-146 Committed and Assigned Funds GASB Statement
R11-147 Sixth Supplemental Budget
R11-148 financial amount county manager to utilize in emergency situation
R11-149 adopting emergency operations plan appendix O