HomeSearchMy WebLinkAboutR03-001 Release of Collateral Cordillera Subdivision Filing 37 PDF-00042R03-002 Appointments to the Eagle County Emergency Medical Services and Public Safety CouncilR03-003 Appointments to the Basalt Library DistrictR03-004 Cordillera PUD Domestic Water and Sewage Treatment Systems Parcel E #1041-0042R03-005 Recognition of Pubic Service for Sheriff A.J. JohnsonR03-006 Annual Appointments Resolution 2003R03-007 Designation of Official Legal NewspaperR03-008 Supplementary Budget for Fiscal Year 2003R03-009 Amending LUR's Wildfire Hazard MitigationR03-010 Appointment to the Basalt Library DistrictR03-011 Eagle Valley Library District - Library BondsR03-012 Appointments to the Emergency Telephone Service Authority BoardR03-013 Appointment to the Eagle Valley Library District Board of TrusteesR03-014 Amending Chapter II of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations Novemeber 1998 LUR-00044R03-015 Approval of the Special Use Permit American Gypsum ZS-00071R03-016 Supplementary Budget for Fiscal Year 2003R03-017 Approval of PUD Star Route PUD File No. PDS-00025R03-018 Grant Funds from the Colorado Division of Housing for Purchase of Golden Eagle Manor ApartmentsR03-019 CDBG Grant Contract with Colorado Division of Housing for Golden Eagle ApartmentsR03-020 Approval of Special Use Permit for ADU on Lot 10 New York Mountain Project ZS-00102R03-021 Amendment of Resolution No. 2003-013 Concerning Eagle Valley Library District BoardR03-022 Loan from Eagle County to Mountain Glen Housing CorporationR03-023 Eagle County Regional Transporation Authority Board AppointmentsR03-024 Approval of Zone Change for Lot 5, Mosher Subdivision ZC-00057R03-025 Recognition of Excellence of the Battle Mountain High School Speech TeamR03-026 Private Activity Bond Allocation Town of Vail for Middle Creek Village ProjectR03-027 Distribution of Federal Mineral Leasing FundsR03-028 Adoption of an Investment PolicyR03-029 Transferring and Distributing Revenues from the County Forest Reserve Fund, 2002R03-030 Appointment to the Basalt Regional Library DistrictR03-031 Establishing the Alexander J. Allen Education FundR03-032 Alexander J. Allen - Statement of Fund OperationsR03-033 Amending the Eagle County Land Use RegulationsR03-034 Supplementary Budget Fiscal Year 2003R03-035 Road Impact Fee - Edwards Corner DevelopmentR03-036 Mountain Glen Housing Corporation LoanR03-037 Appointments to the Roaring Fork Valley Regional Planning CommissionR03-038 Appointments to the Eagle County Building Board of AppealsR03-039 Appointments to the Eagle County Planning CommissionR03-040 Appointments to the Eagle County Zoning Board of AdjustmentR03-041 Amendment to the Bylaws of the Eagle County Fair BoardR03-042 Ratifying Agreements Concerning the 2003 Eagle County Fair and RodeoR03-043 Designation of April 6-12 as Eagle County Victims rights WeekR03-044 Agreement with CDOT for Edwards Spur RoadR03-045 Designation of April 13th to 19th as Public Safety Telecommunicator WeekR03-046 Authorizing Brad Higgins, Rodeo Manager to enter into agreements of $5,000 or less concerning 2003 Fair and RodeoR03-047 Approval of ZC-00059 and PDSP-00016 Adam's Rib Frost Creek & Salt Creek PUDR03-048 Designation of the Week of April 20 - 26, 2003 as Earth Awareness WeekR03-049 Eagle County and Mountain High Aviation, LLC ContractR03-050 Approval of Rather Subdivision File No. ZC-00061R03-051 Amendment to the Arrowhead at Vail PUD File No. PDA-00039R03-052 Recognizing National Nurses WeekR03-053 Desigantion of May 2003 as Older American MonthR03-054 Frost Creek and Salt Creek PUD 1041-0044 ApprovalR03-055 Amendment to the Two Rivers PUD File No. PDA-00042R03-056 Designation of May 2003 as Firewise MonthR03-057 Final Release of Collateral - Willits Family Homestead File No. SUF-00006R03-058 Conferring Power of Attorney with resped to Letter of Credit No. 1414010531R03-059 Approval of a Variance from Improvments Standards - Heritage Park PUD Subdivision File No. VIS-0020R03-060 Cordillera Subdivision Expantion of the Water Treatment System 1041-0046R03-061 Approval of the Vagneur Subdivision File No. SUP-00006R03-062 Community Pride Clean UpR03-063 Road Cut Permit No. 2938 Patrick RyanR03-064 Final Release of Collateral Cordillera Filing No. 31 File No. PDF-00019R03-066 Amendment to the Red Sky Ranch PUD Guide File NO. PDA-00040R03-067 Colorado Mountain College File No. PR-00021R03-068 New York Mountain Project File No. SUP-00012, ZC-00062R03-069 Letter of Credit - Air Service Agreement with American AirlinesR03-070 Appointment of KT Gazunis - Eagle Riverview Affordable Housing CorporationR03-071 Town of Eagle Water Treatment Project to Serve Eagle Ranch File No. 1041-0045R03-072 Town of Eagle Water Treatment Project to Serve the Bluffs File No. 1041-0047R03-073 Approval of Sketch Plan for Siloam Springs PUD File No. PDS-00033R03-074 Land Values for Payments of Cash in Lieu of School Land DedicationR03-075 Intergovernmental Agreement Concerning the November 4, 2003 ElectionR03-076 Final Release of Collateral for Cordillera, Filing 35 File No. PDF-00036R03-077 Approval Bear Trail Estates Zone District Amendment File No. ZC-00054R03-079 Appointment to the Eagle Valley Library District Board of TrusteesR03-080 Appointments to the Roraing Fork Valley Regional Planning CommissionR03-081 Appointments to the Eagle County Planning CommissionR03-082 Order of Cancellation of Certain Uncollectible TaxesR03-083 Eagle County Red Table Acres Public Improvement DistrictR03-084 Amendment of Reso 2003-03 Concerning Alexander J. Allen FundR03-085 Designation of August 2, 2003 as Colorado Cares DayR03-086 Valuation for Assessment for Taxable Real and Personal Property - Board of EqualizationR03-087 Supplementary Budget for Fiscal Year 2003R03-088 Appointments to the Eagle County Weed Advisory CommissionR03-089 FONSI Miller Ranch Road Water Line Interconnect Project File No. 1041-0048R03-090 Approval of Special Use Permit Vail Honeywagon Maintenance Building File No. ZS-00106R03-091 Approval of a Special Use Pemit for Camp K-9 File No. ZS-00108R03-092 Appointments to the Eagle County Regional Transportation AuthorityR03-093 Dedication of Certain Lands to Facilitate the Expansion and Improvement of County Road S-13 El Jebel RoadR03-094 Amended Resolution 2003-073 Siloam Springs PUD File No. PDS-00032R03-095 Ordering the Question of the Organization of the Red Table Acres Pubic Improvement District - BondsR03-096 Road Cut Permit No. 3018 Gearge F. JohnsonR03-097 Establishment of Open Space Program and Open Space Advisory CommitteeR03-098 Support of Basalt Regional Library District Question on the General Election BallotR03-099 Acceptance of Federal Aviation Administration GrantR03-100 Special Use Permit for Hidden Treasures Adventures File No. ZS-00107R03-101 Authorizing the Director of the ECDHHS to execute Child Placement AgreementsR03-102 Establishing the Rate of Charge for Emergency Telephone ServiceR03-103 Adopting Rules and Procedures for Arbitration and Appointing Arbitrators - 2003 Board of EqualizationR03-104 Federal Aviation Administration Grant FundsR03-105 Final Release of Collateral Bachelor Gulch Village Filings 2 & 3 File No. PDA-00010/AFP-00072R03-106 Election on November 4, 2003 Authorizing a Mill Levy Increase for Basalt Regional Library DistrictR03-107 Authorizing Any of the Commissioners to Execute Documents Related to the Alexander J. Allen Educaton FundR03-108 Road Cut Permit No. 3031 Continetal West Constructions, Inc.R03-109 Release of Collateral Cordillera Mountain Tract, Filing 34 File No. PDF-00029R03-110 Modification of Service Plan for Mid Valley Metropolitan DistrictR03-111 Regional Geographic Initiative Grant from EPA for I-70R03-112 Road Cut Permit No. 3030 Dean ChristensenR03-113 Funds for Purchase of the Air Traffic Control Tower CabR03-114 Appointing Arbitrators for 2003 Board of Equalizaiton - Repealing Resolution No. 2003-103R03-115 Amending the Land Use Regulations - School Land Dedication Standards File No. LUR-0045R03-116 Designation of September 22 as Family DayR03-117 Authorizing any of the Commissioners to Execute Documents - Sale of Real Property Tract D Miller RanchR03-118 Road Cut Permit No. 2985 Stephen Soloff and Susan SoldoffR03-119 Agreement for Lease of T-Hanger Space - Eagle County Regional AirportR03-120 Repeal of Resolution No. 86-39 ECAT Lease of Tie-Down SpaceR03-121 Miller Ranch Housing GuidelinesR03-122 Deed Restriction Agreement for the Occupancy and Resale of Miller Ranch HousingR03-123 Approval of a Multi-Purpose Pond on Tract C of the Berry Creek/Miller Ranch PUD File NO. PR-00022R03-124 FONSI El Jebel Mobile Home Park Water Tank Restoration Project File No. 1040-0052R03-125 Appointing Director of HHS to Enter into and Execute Child Care Services Fiscal AgreementsR03-126 Final Release of Collateral Cordillera Subdivision, Filing 26R03-127 Final Release of Collateral Cordillera Subdivision, Filing 27R03-128 Final Release of Collateral Cordillera Filing 36R03-129 Final Release of Collateral Cordillera, Filing 38R03-130 Final Release of Collateral Cordillera, Filing 39R03-131 Final Release of Collateral Cordillera, Filing 41R03-132 Sketch Plan for Vail Christian Schools PUD File No. PDS-00037R03-133 Recognition of Public Service for Gary RossR03-134 County Qualified Mortgage Credid Certificate ProgramR03-135 Amended PUD Cordillera Development Control Guide File No. PDA-00044R03-136 Fifth Supplmental Budget Fiscal Year 2003R03-137 Amendment of Reso No. 2003-130 - Final Release of Collateral Cordillera, Filing 39R03-138 Special Use Permit for Vail Christian High School - Lake Creek Site File No. ZS-00109R03-139 Chaveno Subdivision Public Way and Easements Vacation File No. G-00016R03-140 Road Cut Pemit No. 3007 Joe B. JamarR03-141 Approving an Amendment to Berry Creek Ranch Planned Unit Development File No. PDA-00045R03-142 Approving a Site Specific Plan for a Entry Monument Sign Bearry Creek Ranch PUD File No. PDA-00045R03-143 Approving a Site Specific Plan for an Informational Sign Berry Creek Ranch PUD File No. PDA-00045R03-144 Road Cut Permit No. 3059 Donald J. and Marion F. LaughlinR03-145 Power of Attorney - Letter of Credit No. 523 for the Account of PPG Red Sky CorporationR03-146 Establishing Regular Public Meeting Days for Fisical Year 2003R03-147 Approal of Limited Review Permit for Tree Storage Facility File No. LR-00033R03-148 Appointments to Citizens' Open Space Advisory CommitteeR03-149 Funding a LEAF ProjectR03-150 Appointments to the Emergency Telephone Service Authority BoardR03-151 Order of Cancellation of Certain Uncollectible TaxesR03-152 Approval of 1041-0049 McCoy Springs PUD in EdwardsR03-153 Appointments to Citizens' Open Space Advisory CommitteeR03-154 New Fee Schedule Chapter II of the EC Land Use RegulaitonsR03-155 2004 Budget Mill LevyR03-156 2004 Budget and Making of AppropriationsR03-157 Mortgage Credit Certficate ProgramR03-158 Implement a Regional Mortgage Credit Certification ProgramR03-159 Commendation and Recongnition of Public Service for Bob SchultzR03-160 Water Storage Berry Creek/Miller Ranch DevelopmentR03-161 Appointments to the Fair BoardR03-162 Establishing Regular Public Meeting Days for Year 2004R03-163 Power of Attorney - Letter of Credit $292,762.55R03-164 Radio Monitoring Agreement for County-Wide 800 MHz SystemR03-165 Amending LUR's Building ResolutionR03-166 Supplementary Budget Fiscal Year 2003R03-167 Modification of Miller Ranch Housing GuidelinesR03-E-01 Appointing Referees for the 2003 CBOER03-E-02R03-E-03R03-E-04R03-E-05