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R1977-01 White River National Forest Boundary Extension
R1977-02 Economic Development Program
R1977-03 Hwy 82 Land Acquisition
R1977-04 Amendment to Eagle County Zoning Resolution
R1977-05 Control and Licensing of Dogs
R1977-06 Colorado Big Country Resource Conservation and Development Area
R1977-07 Roadway Vacation
R1977-08 Participation Under Colorado HB 1041
R1977-09 Establishment and Regulation of County Solid Wastes Disposal Sites
R1977-10 Red Cliff Water and Sanitation District Appointment of William Squires
R1977-11 Passing of Ross E. Chambers
R1977-12 Mountain Rivers Abuse Task Force
R1977-13 Eagle County Dog Resolution
R1977-14 Public Works Fund for the County Jail Facility
R1977-15 Avon STOLport
R1977-16 USFS Purchase of Meadow Mountain
R1977-17 Creation of Central Purchasing System - Appointment of County Purchasing Agent
R1977-18 Clair Bertroch Retirement
R1977-19 Laura J. Estates Subdivision
R1977-20 Passing of Mary L. Daugherty
R1977-21 Licensing of Emergency Medical Services
R1977-22 Landfill Fees