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R1978-01 Dissolution of the Eagle County Airport Authority
R1978-02 United States Forest Service - Department of Agriculture
R1978-03 PILT Money
R1978-04 Dowd Junction as the USFS Headquarters for Holy Cross District
R1978-05 USFS Site Study Regarding Adam Mountain
R1978-06 Beaver Creek Subdivision - Benchmark Subdivision - Employee Housing
R1978-07 Mileage Allowance
R1978-08 Concerning Salaries of Elected County Officials
R1978-09 Easement Vacation Eagle-Vail Subdivision
R1978-10 Continued Funding of HB 1041 Monies
R1978-11 Assistance from the Farmers Home Administration for Bridge Development
R1978-12 Expenditures of Conservation Trust Fund Monies
R1978-14 Concerning Control of Dogs
R1978-15 Authorization of Expeditures of Antirecession Fiscal Assistanc Funds
R1978-16 Authorization of Expenditures of Fiscal Assistance Anti-Recession Funds
R1978-17 State Department of Highways
R1978-18 Assignment of VHF Television Channel
R1978-19 Road & Bridge Funds for SOS Program Project El Jebel Road
R1978-20 Fees for Sheriff
R1978-21 Funding for Study for Facility for the Aged
R1978-22 Vacation of Easement for Vail Intermountain Block 10
R1978-23 PABX Agreement - Eagle Valley Telephone
R1978-24 Town and County Agreement for Law Enforcement Services in Town of Eagle
R1978-25 Inter-Governmental Contract Dog Control
R1978-26 National Forests Funds
R1978-27 Distribution of Receipts from Mineral Leasing Fund
R1978-28 Authorization of Additional Expenditures - Insurance
R1978-29 Proposal for Countywide Sales Tax
R1978-30 Authorization of Additional Expenditures - Insurance
R1978-31 Authorization of Additional Expenditures - Campaing Funds
R1978-32 Aspen Mesa Estates - First Filing