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R90-001 Appointment Resolution
R90-002 Richard Gustafson Recognition of Public Service
R90-003 Hornbaker Subdivision Improvements Agreement
R90-004 Berry Creek Ranch Filing No. 4 Vacation
R90-005 Forest Reserve Fund Revenue Distribution
R90-006 Payment in Lieu of Taxes Deposit
R90-007 Mineral Leasing Fund Revenue Transfer
R90-008 Basalt Library Board Appointment
R90-009 Silverado Estates Partial Release
R90-010 Aspen Junction Subdivision Partial
R90-011 Blue Lake PUD Partial Release
R90-012 Glassier Type A Minor Subdivision Partial Release
R90-013 Summit Vista Subdivision Phase 2 Substitute Collateral
R90-014 Northwest Colorado Council of Governments Appointment
R90-015 Michel Perriguad Special Use Permit Approval
R90-016 Anderson Dental Clinic Special Use Permit Approval
R90-017 Flatiron Structures Special Use Permit Approval
R90-018 Soderberg Subdivision Zone District Amendment
R90-019 Vail Bible Church Application
R90-020 Tax Advantage Plan for Eagle County Employees
R90-021 Increasing Tax Levy Ballot Question
R90-022 Authorizing Drawing on Letter of Credit
R90-023 Mill Levy Election
R90-024 Fremont Road Vacation of Public Right of Way
R90-025 State Perform Electrical Inspections in Basalt/El Jebel
R90-026 Eagle County Planning Commission Board Appointments
R90-027 Establishment of Planning Commissions
R90-028 Land Use Regulations Amendments
R90-029 Basalt Library Board Appointments
R90-030 Valley Business Center Partial Release
R90-031 River Ranch Subdivision Partial Release
R90-032 Distribute Federal Mineral Leasing Funds
R90-033 Transfer of Budgeted and Appropriated Moneys
R90-034 Glassier Type A Minor Subdivision Release
R90-035 Planning Commission Board Appointments
R90-036 Rocky Mountain Airways Special Use Permit Approval
R90-037 Vail Bible Church Special Use Permit Approval
R90-038 Land Use Regulations Amendment
R90-039 Dillon Edwards Interchange Zone District Amendment
R90-040 Cap K Ranch Zone District Amendment
R90-041 Earth Awareness Week
R90-042 Richard Cooper Special Permit
R90-043 Land Use Regulations Amending
R90-044 supplemental budget
R90-045 expenditure from contingency fund
R90-046 Cedar Hill Cemetery Board Appointment
R90-047 amendment to animal shelter staff to sign animal adoption contracts
R90-048 amendment of Reso 85-65 control and licensing of animals
R90-049 Board of Appeal Board Appointment
R90-050 Fair Board Appointments
R90-051 Proclaiming Historic Preservation Week
R90-052 Law Enforcement Torch Run Day for special olympics
R90-053 creation of Bellyahce Ridge LID
R90-054 second partial release of collateral for River Ranch
R90-055 vacation of road through Malpais Mobile Home Park
R90-056 intent to create Bellyache Ridge LID
R90-057 opposing changes in forest service regulations re: timber sales
R90-058 partial release of collateral for Basalt Industrial Park #2
R90-059 release of collateral for Ladybelle View Subdivision
R90-060 proposed land exchange between forest service and Tennenbaums
R90-061 reappointing Ed Ruder to Minturn Cemetery Board
R90-062 honoring Jim and Pat Seabry on 50th anniversary
R90-063 partial release of collateral for Blue Lake #3
R90-064 Creating Bellyache Ridge LID No. 90-1
R90-064B authorizing sales tax revenue refunding bonds Series 1990
R90-064B1 continuation of sales tax bonds
R90-064B2 continuation of sales tax bonds
R90-065 Ballot question on levy of county sales tax for mass transportation system
R90-067 Blue Lake PUD Phase IV
R90-068 Permit of Floyd Crawford for extension of sewage treatment system
R90-069 1041 Permit for Vail Valley Consolidated Water District
R90-070 abolishing airport commission and establishing regional airport advisory commission
R90-071 second partial release of collateral for Blue Lake #2
R90-072 partial release of collateral Grindlay/Soderberg Subdivisions
R90-073 partial release of collateral for Soderberg #3
R90-074 transferring/distributing revenues from forest reserve fund
R90-075 appointing Ross Armour Acting Public Health Officer
R90-076 appointing BOE referee
R90-077 wilderness legislation
R90-078 expenditures from contingency fund
R90-079 Third partial release of collateral for Blue Lake Filing 2
R90-080 repeal of Resolution 90-65
R90-081 Sara Gregg to Eagle Cemetery Association
R90-082 issuance of revenue refunding bonds for Vail Associates
R90-083 appointments to Building Board of Appeals
R90-084 partial release of collateral for Aspen/Mt. View/Oak Ridge I and II
R90-085 second partial release of collateral Silverado
R90-086 rules and regulations and fee schedule for Fairgrounds
R90-087 appointment to Cedar Hill Cemetery Association
R90-088 appointing arbitrators for BOE
R90-089 improvements for Bellyache Ridge Local Improvement District
R90-090 appointing Ross Armour Public Health Officer
R90-091 enterprise zone tax incentives for Eagle Gypsum Products
R90-0921041 Permit for Vail Valley Consolidated Water District
R90-093 vacation of right of way for Eagle Meadow - New York Mountain Project
R90-094 expenditure from contingency fund
R90-095 supplemental budget
R90-096 ballot question for increasing leavy of ad valorem taxes
R90-097 appointing Jack Johnson as Veteran Services Officer
R90-098 recognition of Tom Steinberg, M.D.
R90-099 Drug Free Red Ribbon Campaign
R90-100 partial release of collateral for Valley Business Center
R90-101 special assessment for Bellyache Ridge LID
R90-102 approving law enforcement assistance fund
R90-103 endorsing valley wide light rail system
R90-104 PUD for Cordillera PD 293-90S
R90-105 partial release of collateral for Aspen Junction
R90-106 amending fee schedule for personal home health care service
R90-107 zone district amendment to Soderberg#4
R90-108 zone district amendment for Jack Beals
R90-109 amending Beaver Creek PUD File PD-100-90-A
R90-110 spec ial use permit for Flatiron Structures
R90-111 ambulance certification standards
R90-112 appointment to red c liff water and san district
R90-113 authorizing investing in local government non arbitrage trust fund
R90-114 appointing James Nimon to Eagle Cemetery Board
R90-115 hospital and health care facilities bond
R90-116 partial release of collateral for Castle View Subdivision
R90-117 release of collateral for Chambers Ranch Parcels II
R90-118 vacation of public right of way for Brush Creek Road
R90-119 vacation of brush creek road to Kummer Development
R90-120 special use permit water pipeline in Fulford Historical Zone District
R90-121 adopting budget for 1991
R90-122 second reduction in collateral for Elliott Ranch PUD
R90-123 partial release of collateral for Soderberg #3
R90-124 draw on Leto Minor Subdivision
R90-125 emergency medical services bylaws, etc.
R90-126 amended budget for 1990
R90-127 1991 fiscal budget mill levy
R90-128 1991 fiscal budget and mill levy - public library fund
R90-129 new rates for landfill
R90-130 draw on Colorow Subdivision
R90-131 designating meeting, office hours, holidays for fiscal year 1991