HomeSearchMy WebLinkAboutR22-001 Final Plat Approval 106 Holden Road File No. AFP-009182-2021R22-002 Extension of Local Disaster Emergency Declaration Re: 2021 COVID-19R22-003 Recorded Election Precinct MapR22-003 Re-Establishing Election Precincts ResoR22-004 2022 Annual AppointmentsR22-005 Proclaming January as Mentoring MonthR22-006 Edwards RiverPark PUD ApprovalR22-006 Edwards RiverPark PUD Approval with ExhibitsR22-007 Edwards RiverPark 1041 ApprovalR22-008 Appointment of Christina Albertson to the Fair and Rodeo Advisory CouncilR22-009 Appointment of Brent Scott to the Fair and Rodeo Advisory CouncilR22-010 Approving a Draw Down of the Energy Smart Colorado Revolving Loan FundR22-011 Termination of the Eagle County Local Disaster Emergency Declaration Re: COVID-19R22-012 Lake Creek Village Apartments SaleR22-013 WJWJ Ranch Amended Final Plat ApprovalR22-014 Cross Creek Disc Golf Special Use Permit ApprovalR22-015 General Elections Clerk & Recorder's Office ClosuresR22-016 Eagle Cemetery District AppointmentsR22-017 One Book One Valley Community Read 2022R22-018 Appointment to the Eagle Valley Library District Board of TrusteesR22-019 Order of Cancellation of Certain Uncollectible TaxesR22-020 Assessor Generated Petition for Abatement and Refund of Taxes - Exchange BankR22-021 Northstar Center PUD PDA 9148-2021 AmendmentR22-022 Approval of the Final Plat for Cordillera Subdivision Lot 14 File No. AFP-009128-2020R22-023 Hearings on Taxpayer Generated Petitions for Abatement and Refund of TaxesR22-024 Adopting a 1st Supplementary Budget for Fiscal Year 2022R22-025 Closure of Cottonwood Pass RoadR22-026 Waiver of Transit Fares on April 22, 2022 - Earth DayR22-027 Approval of SUP File No. ZS-9194-2021 664 Nelson Gulch High Speed Internet AntennasR22-028 Concerning Taxpayer Genrated Petitions for Abatement and Refund of Taxes - Ruedi RST LLCR22-029 Designating the Week of April 24-April 30, 2022 National Crime Victims' Rights WeekR22-030 Adoption of the 2022 Investment PolicyR22-031 Appointment of EC Assistant Veterans Service Officer - Jacqueline Allen-BensonR22-032 Appointments to the EC Regional Transportation AuthorityR22-033 Wildfire Preparedness Joint ResolutionR22-034 Approval for Honey Tree Daycare Annex Special Use Permit File No ZS-009192-2021R22-035 Appointments to the Eagle Cemetery District Board of DirectorsR22-036 Appointments to the Eagle County Planning CommissionR22-037 Approving Minor Type A Subdivision for JLT Valley, LLC SMA 9185-2021R22-038 Designation May 2022 as Month of the Young Child in Eagle CountyR22-039 Amended Final Plat 522 Saddle Ridge File no. AFP-9224 2022R22-040 Purchase of 0107-2 Quail Circle, GypsumR22-041 Appointment to the Basalt Regional Library BoardR22-042 Housing - Locals First Program/Cash Buy ProgramR22-043 Housing - ADU ProgramR22-044 Housing - Long Term Rental Incentive ProgramR22-045 Amendment to Reso Re-Establishing Election PrecinctsR22-046 Final Release of Collateral and Termination of Warranty Period for Frost Creek Filing 4 - Hunters View Lane File No. PDF-7635R22-047 Reso Proclaiming June as Pride Month in Eagle CountyR22-048 Appointments tot he Eagle County Citizens' Open Space Advisory CommitteeR22-049 Recognition of OSAC Members - Tom Edwards, Tom Henderson, and Chupa NelsonR22-050 Adopting Equal Employment Opportunity Program - Transportation FTA fundsR22-051 Lodging Tax QuestionR22-052 Adopting a 2nd Supplementary Budget Fiscal Year 2022R22-053 Appointing Independent Referees for the 2022 CBOER22-054 Fourth Amendment to Reso Adopting Airline Rates and Charges Eagle County Regional AirportR22-055 Extinguishing West End PUD Eagle County File Nos. PDSP-00025, ZC-00087, 1041-0070 and PDF-00101R22-056 Approval of 43 Borders Road Amendment Final Plat File No. AFP 009189-2021R22-057 IGA Concerning the 2022 General ElectionR22-058 Adopting a 3rd Supplementary Budge for Fiscal Year 2022R22-059 Presentation of Reports of Assessor - Valuation for Assessment for Taxable Real and Personal PropertyR22-060 Adoption of Temporary Regulations - Community Development DepartmentR22-061 Approval 77 Bellyache Ridge File No. SMA 9154-2021R22-062 Regarding Petitions to the Eagle County Board of EqualizationR22-063 Correcting Classification Changes Scheule No. R068452 and No. R068453R22-064 Extension of Temporary Regulations Community Developmement DepartmentR22-065 Closure of High Road in the Town of Red CliffR22-066 Distribution from Alexander Allen Trust to YouthPower 365R22-067 Mid-Valley Trails CommitteeR22-068 Authorizing County Manager to Execute Agreements and Documents No Greater than 200kR22-069 Assignment to the Colorado Housing and Finance Authority - Bond Ceiling Allocation ActR22-070 Abatement Petition - 08 Nottingham Road LLCR22-071 Abatement Petition - Gore Creek 233 LLCR22-072 Approving the Eagle Valley Transportation Authority Intergovernmental Agreement and Cert. of the Election QuestionR22-073 Tree Farm PUD Phase I File no. PDF 9007-2019 Final Release of Collateral and Termination of Warrenty PeriodR22-074 Declaring September As National Suicide Prevention MonthR22-075 Adopting a 6th Supplementary Budget for Fiscal Year 2021R22-076 Adopting a 4th Supplementary Budget for Fiscal Year 2022R22-077 Directing Distribution from the Alexander J. Allen Education Trust to YouthPower 365R22-078 Approval of Amendment to File No. AFP 009245-2022 451 and 453 Pine Marten WayR22-079 Amending the Eagle County Cigarette, Tobacco Product, and Nicotine Product and Tax License RegulationsR22-080 Approving Waiver of Road Impact Fees for Colorado Mountain College Housing ProjectR22-081 Contract to Purchase 0106-4 Quail Circle, Gypsum CO and Authorize Any Commissioner to Sign Closing DocumentsR22-082 Resolution Supporting Ballot Issue 1B - Formation of the Eagle Valley Transportation AuthorityR22-083 Proclaiming December 6, 2022 as Colorado Gives DayR22-084 Eagle County Regional Transportation Authority 2022-2023 Fare ScheduleR22-085 Appointments to the Eagle County Fair and Rodeo Advisory CouncilR22-086 Adopting the Financial Policies ManualR22-087 Support in Honor of Veterans' Day November 11, 2022R22-088 Assessor Generated Petitipon for Abatement and Refund of Taxes R021376R22-089 Variance from Improvment Standards Hell's Gate Ranch VIS 009227-2022R22-090 Approving Minor Type A Subdivision Grandy Subdivision SMA 9163-2021R22-091 Exemptioin from Subdivision Lonesome B/Porath Exemption File no. SE 009174-2021R22-092 Approval of the Amendment to the Riverwalk at Edwards PUD File No. PDA 9175-2021R22-093 Prohibiting the Open Carrying of Firearms on County PropertyR22-094 Adoption of a 5th Supplementary Budget and Appropriation of Unanticipated Revenues for Fiscal Year 2022R22-095 Adopting a New Eagle County Environmental Health Fee ScheduleR22-096 Approving File No. LR 9274-2022 Temporary Freedom Park Ice RinkR22-097 Approving a Two-Year Extension Special Use Permit File No. PR 009276-2022 Warner Professional Building #2R22-098 Declining Participation in the Famli ProgramR22-099 Appointments to Eagle Valley Transportation Authority BoardR22-100 Adoption of the Budget and Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2023R22-101 Adoption of the 2023 Fiscal Budget Mill LevyR22-102 Establishing Regular Public Meeting Days, Office Hours, Holidays, and PaydaysR22-103 Authorizing Investements Through the Colorado Statewide Investment Pool CSIPR22-104 Adopting Eagle County Policy and Procedures Regarding Secure Transportation Services