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R20-001 Approval of Special Use Permit Verizon Wireless Edwards File No. ZS-9047-2019
R20-002 Establishing Regular Public Meeting Days, Office Hours, Holidays, and Payroll Schedule for 2019
R20-003 Annual Appointments
R20-004 CDOT Grant Application - Phase I Eagle Vail Project
R20-005 CDOT Grant Application - Phase 2 Eagle Vail Project
R20-006 Clerk & Recorder Office Closure - Election Day March 3, 2020
R20-007 Clerk & Recorder Office Closure - Election Day June 30, 2020
R20-008 Clerk & Recorder Office Closure - Election Day November 3, 2020
R20-009 Appointments to the Eagle Valley Library Distirct Board of Trustees
R20-010 Proclaiming January as Mentoring Month
R20-011 Ambulance Licensing Standards
R20-012 Appointments to the Eagle County Regional Transportation Authority Board
R20-013 Proclaiming One Book One Valley, A Valley-Wide Community Read 2020
R20-014 2020 Legislative Policy Statement
R20-015 Approval of the SUP for Stumpy's Firewood File No. ZS-5-17-6883
R20-016 Terminating the Special Use Permit for the Vail Mountain School ZS-00133
R20-017 Order of Cancellation of Certain Uncollectible Taxes
R20-018 Approval of the SUP File No. ZS-6443 Nova Guides
R20-019 Taxpayer Generated Petitions for Abatement and Refund of Taxes
R20-020 Appointments to the E911 Telephone Service Authority Board
R20-021 First Extension of the Eagle County COVID-19 Local Disaster Emergency
R20-022 Restricting Public Access to Eagle County Buildings Until April 8, 2020
R20-023 Schedule of Airline Rates and Charges for the EC Regional Airport
R20-024 Temporary Moratorium on Filing Applications for Land Use Development - During the Month of April 2020
R20-025 Adopting a 5th Supplementary Budget for Fiscal Year 2019
R20-026 Adopting a 1st Supplementary Budget for Fiscal Year 2020
R20-027 Appointments to the Basalt Regional Library District Board of Trustees
R20-028 Adoption of an Amended Investment and Banking Policy
R20-029 Second Extension of the Eagle County COVIC-19 Local Disaster Emergency
R20-030 Appointments to the Eagle County Animal Services Advisory Committee
R20-031 Adopting the 2nd Supplementary Budget
R20-032 Support of Plan for Sustainable Social Distancing and Associated Orders
R20-033 Directing 2020 Distribution from the Alexander Allen Jr Trust to YouthPower 365 Dollars for Scholars
R20-034 Extension of Temporary Moratorium on the Filing of Applications for Land Use Development
R20-035 Third Extension of the COVID-19 Local Disaster Emergency
R20-036 Adopting a Schedule of Airline Rates and Charges for EC Regional Airport
R20-037 Appointments to EC Regional Transportation Authority Board
R20-038 Final Plat for the Fox Hollow PUD File No. PDF-009042-2019
R20-039 Fourth Extension of the Eagle County COVID-19 Local Disaster Emergency
R20-040 Taxpayer Generated Petition for Abatement and Refund of Taxes - JMCG Colorado LLC
R20-041 Taxpayer Generated Petition for Abatement and Refund of Taxes - Traer Creek-WMT
R20-042 Appointments to the EC Planning Commission
R20-043 Appointments to the RFVR Planning Commission
R20-044 Hearings on Taxpayer Generated Petitions for Abatement and Refund of Taxes
R20-045 Revised Emergency Service Provider Impact Fees - Greater Eagle Fire Protection District
R20-046 Taxpayer Generated Petitions for Abatement and Refund of Taxes
R20-047 Amendment to Frost and Salt Creek PUD File No. PDA-7394
R20-048 Fifth Extension of the EC COVID-19 Disaster Emergency
R20-049 Appointing Referee for the 2020 County Board of Equalization
R20-050 Concerning Delinquent Interest for Late Property Tax Payments
R20-051 Petitions to the Eagle County Board of Equalization
R20-052 Petitions to the Eagle County Board of Equalization
R20-053 Amending Table 7 in Chapter III of the Eagle County Building Resolution
R20-054 Adopting the 2020 Colorado Communities for Climate Action Policy Statement
R20-055 Approving the Format for IGA Concerning the 2020 General Election
R20-056 Taxpayer Generated Petition for Abatement and Refund of Taxes
R20-057 3rd Supplementary Budget and Appropriation for Fiscal Year 2020
R20-058 Noxious Weed Management Plan
R20-059 Concerning Taxpayer Generated Petition for Abatement and Refund of Taxes
R20-060 Continuation of the August 20, 2020 Disaster/Emergency Declaration
R20-061 Designating August 2020 - Child Support Services Month
R20-062 Mental Health Advisory Committee Appointments
R20-063 Colorado Housing and Finance Authority Private Activity Bond Allocation
R20-064 Gallagher Amendment
R20-065 Landfill Rate Increase
R20-066 Transportation Authority Appointments
R20-067 Walking Mountains Science Center - Sweetwater SUP File no. ZS-9001
R20-068 Reports of Assessor of Valuation for Assessment for Taxable Real and Personal Property
R20-069 Concerning Taxpayer Generated Petition for Abatement and Refund of Taxes
R20-070 Declaring September National Suicide Prevention Month in Eagle County
R20-071 Authorizing the EC Clerk & Recorder's Office to Close for the General Election Nov. 2 & 3, 2020
R20-072 Revoking the August 20, 2020 Disaster/Emergency Declaration for the Grizzley Creek Wildfire
R20-073 Support of the Colorado River District's Ballot Measure in the Nov. 2020 Election
R20-074 CPW Non Motorized Trails Grant Application
R20-075 Support of Ballot Issue regarding Gallagher
R20-076 Support of Statewide Proposition EE/Tobacco-Vape Tax Campaign
R20-077 Sixth Extension of the Eagle County COVID-19 Local Disaster Emergency
R20-078 Regarding Petitions to the Eagle County Board of Equalization
R20-079 Approving the 2020 Eagle County Affordable Housing Guidelines
R20-080 Concerning Hearings on Taxpayer Generated Petitions for Abatement and Refund of Taxes
R20-081 Concerning Taxpayer Generated Petitions for Abatement and Refund of Taxes
R20-082 Approval of Kudel PUD and Zone Change File No(s). PDSP-9022 and ZC-9023
R20-083 Approval of Phase Two Final Plat for Tree Farm PUD File No. PDF-009092-2020
R20-084 Appointment to the Eagle County Fair and Rodeo Advisory Council
R20-085 Declaring Commitment to Climate Action
R20-086 Appointment of Patricia Hammon as Eagle County Veterans Service Officer
R20-087 Adopting a 4th Supplementary Budget and Appropriation of Unanticipated Revenues for Fiscal Year 2020
R20-088 Support of Eagle County School District's Mill Levy Override 5B on the November 3, 2020 Ballot
R20-089 Amendment to the Frost and Salt Creek PUD
R20-090 Appointments to the E911 Telephone Service Authority Board
R20-091 Approval of Open Space Funds 776 Sweewater Road
R20-092 Colorado Gives Day 2020
R20-093 Use of Open Space Funds for Mulroy Ranch
R20-094 Taxpayer Generated Petitions for Abatement and Refund of Taxes R045909, R045910, R045918, R045922
R20-095 Taxpayer Generated Petitions for Abatement and Refund of Taxes R052545, R045419
R20-096 Adopting a 5th Supplementary Budget and Appropriation of Unanticipated Revenues for Fiscal Year 2020
R20-097 Bridge Grant Program for Small Businesses Impacted by COVID
R20-098 2021 Fiscal Budget Mill Levy
R20-099 2021 Budget Adoption
R20-100 Second Amendment Schedule of Airline Rates and Charges
R20-101 Amended Annual Appoinments
R20-102 Appointment to the Eagle Valley Library District Board of Trustees