HomeSearchMy WebLinkAboutR19-001 Draw Down of the Energy Smart Colorado Revolving Loan FundR19-002 Appointment to the Eagle Valley Library District Board of TrusteesR19-003 Deed Restriction Purchase Agreement with 6 West Aprtments LLCR19-004 Authorizing the Clerk and Recorder's Office to Close Election Day Nov. 5, 2019R19-005 Legislative Policy Statement 2019R19-006 Mass Transit Service Levels for Calendar Year 2019R19-007 2018 Eagle County Hazard Mitigation PlanR19-008 Emergency Service Provider Impact Fees - Greater Eagle Fire Protection DistrictR19-009 One Book One Valley 2019R19-010 Appointment of Carolyn Schneider - Assistant Veterans Service OfficerR19-011 Replacing Previoius ResolutionR19-011 Vines at Vail PUD PR-7789 - Fourth ExtensionR19-012 Approval Special Use Permit Tower Pit Gravel Mining Operation ZS-7783R19-013 El Jebel Road Permanent Easements For Right-Of-WayR19-014 Ratification and Appointment to the Basalt Regional Library BoardR19-015 1st Supplementary Budget Fiscal Year 2019R19-016 Approving Use of Funds for Centurylink ParcelR19-017 Appointnment to the E911 Telephone Service Authority BoardR19-018 Contract to Purchase Miller Ranch 120 Wildcat, EdwardsR19-019 Matter Supporting the 2020 CensusR19-020 April 7 - April 13 National Crime Victims Rights WeekR19-021 April 2019 Month of the Young Child and Child Abuse Prevention MonthR19-022 Eagle County Fairgrounds - Commercial Rafting Operators UseR19-023 Concerning Taxpayer Generated Petition For Abatement and Refund of TaxesR19-024 Order of Cancellation of Certain Uncollectable TaxesR19-025 Designation of April as Parkinson's Awareness MonthR19-026 Earth Awareness Week April 21-27, 2019R19-027 Concerning 100% Renewable EnergyR19-028 Appointments to the Eagle County Regional Transportation AuthorityR19-029 Designating May 2019 as Older Americans MonthR19-030 Issuance of Certificates of ParticipationR19-031 Appointments to the Eagle County Homebuyers Assistance CommitteeR19-032 Spring Creek Gypsum, LLLP Partnership with ECHDAR19-033 Tree Farm PUD Modification to ConditionsR19-034 Approval of Final Plat Tree Farm PUD Phase One File No. PDF 9007-2019R19-035 Concerning Taxpayer Generated Petitions for Abatement and Refund of TaxesR19-036 Annual Appointments Resolution 2019R19-037 Adopting 2nd Supplementary BudgetR19-038 Appointments to the Eagle County Citizens' Open Space Advisory CommitteeR19-039 Appointing Referees for the 2019 County Board of EqualizationR19-040 Authorizing the Resale of Miller Ranch Unit 120R19-041 Hearings on Taxpayer Generated Petitions for Abatement and Refund of TaxesR19-042 Appointments to the EC Regional Transportation Authority BoardR19-043 Appointments to the Eagle Cemetery District Board of DirectorsR19-044 Open Space Funding - 3785 Lupine Drive, VailR19-045 Reports of Assessor of Valuation for Assessment for Taxable Real and Personal PropertyR19-046 Format for Intergovernmental Agreements Concerning the 2019 Coordinated ElectionR19-047 Regarding Petitions to the Eagle County Board of EqualizationR19-048 Regarding Petitions to the Eagle County Board of EqualizationR19-049 Amending the Eagle County Land Use Regulations LUR-009043-2019R19-050 Colorado Housing and Finance Authority - Bond AllocationR19-051 Regarding Petitions to the Eagle County Board of EqualizationR19-052 Regarding Petitions to the Eagle County Board of EqualizaionR19-053 Resolution to Correct and Equalize Property ValuationR19-054 Approval of the Special Use Permit for Williams Barn file no. ZS-009034-2019R19-055 Amended Annual AppointmentsR19-056 2019 Colorado Communities for Climate Action Policy StatementR19-057 Extension to the Sketch Plan Fieds Subdivision File No. PR-8006R19-058 Appointments to the Eagle County Building Board of AppealsR19-059 Open Space Funds Ridgway Property Purchase and Sale AgreementR19-060 Open Space Grant Application GOCO Ridgway PropertyR19-061 Appointing Referee for he 2019 County Board of Equalization Hearings - Seniors & Disabled VeteransR19-062 Amending Mental Health Advisory Committee AppointmentsR19-063 Designation August 2019 Child Support Services MonthR19-064 Special Sales Tax on the Sale of Tobacco ProductsR19-065 Adopting Cigarette, Tobacco Product, and Nicotine Product Retail Business Licensing RegulationsR19-066 Eagle Valley Library District Nov 5 ElectionR19-067 Adopting a 3rd Supplementary BudgetR19-068 Constitution Week in Eagle County September 17-23, 2019R19-069 Mental Health Awareness Month September 2019R19-070 Approval of Special Use Permit Warner Boarding House File No. ZS-007559-2019R19-071 Approval of an Amendment to the Frost and Salt Creek PUD PDA-7394R19-072 Approval of an Amendment to the Final Plat - Frost and Salt Creek PUD AFP-7392R19-073 Approval of an Amendment to the Zone Distict Map - Brush Creek Valley Ranch and Open Space ZC-7393R19-074 Resolution Establishing Beaver Creek Village Entertainment DistrictR19-075 Amendment to the Red Mountain Ranch-1 PUD PDA-6658R19-076 Amendment to the Offical Zone District Map of Eagle County - Rezone a 5.58 Acre Parcel File No. ZC-6659R19-077 Supporting Ballot Issue 1A Taxation of Tabacco and Nicotine ProductsR19-078 Supporting Ballot Issue 6A in Support of Eagle Valley Library DistrictR19-079 Supporting Ballot Issue 6B Degallagher Amendment Change for the Eagle County Service DistirctR19-080 Supporting Proposition CCR19-081 Supporting Proposition DDR19-082 Appointment to the Basalt Regional Library BoardR19-083 Appointment to the EC Fair & Rodeo Advisory CouncilR19-084 Proclaiming December 10, 2019 as Colorado Gives Day in ECR19-085 Mental Health Advisory Committee Amended Annual AppointmentsR19-086 4th Supplementary Budget and Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2019R19-087 Supporting County Regulation of the Mid-Continent Quarry, AKA the Tranfer Trail MineR19-088 Approval of Special Use Permit Mosher Lane Accessory Dwelling Unit File No. ZS-009013-2019R19-089 Appointments to the Eagle County Animal Services Advisory CommitteeR19-090 Appointments to the Minturn Cemetery District Board of DirectorsR19-091 Adoption of the Budget for Fiscal Year 2020R19-092 Adoption of the Budget Mill Levy for Fiscal Year 2020